
The Girl Who Dreamed a Life

Abbegale, a girl known more for her blushing retreats than her brazen advances, wakes to a newfound sunlit confidence. The spark ignites in a dream, a vivid tapestry woven from moonlight and whispered desires. In this dreamscape, Abbegale sheds her shyness, her voice finding strength as she navigates the halls of her high school with a swagger she never knew she possessed. Her crush, Giovanni, no longer seems an unapproachable mountain, but a sun-dappled horizon waiting to be explored. Emboldened by her dream, Abbegale steps out of her comfort zone. Timid smiles become confident waves, hesitant glances morph into lingering gazes. She throws herself into conversations, her words tumbling forth with an honesty she never dared to unleash. Giovanni, drawn to this newfound fire in her eyes, begins to reciprocate. Their paths cross in stolen moments, whispered secrets exchanged under the cloak of twilight. As the days unfold, Abbegale's confidence blossoms. She joins cadet to help making her dream of being a soldier more in reach,put more effort in her volleyball training and runs for the student council president. Giovanni, witnessing her courage, finds himself falling for the girl beneath the shy facade. He too gets the courage to start excelling in his school work, opens up to her advances and now his eyes mirroring the same newfound emotions hers. Giovanni, witnessing her courage, finds himself falling for the girl beneath the shy facade. But just as Abbegale feels the sweet sting of first love blossoming, things begins to unravel. The edges blur, the colors fade.This almost to perfect life makes Abbegale worried..... thinking is this real?

Kristen_Gray_4671 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: Karaoke Harmony and Fashion Dilemmas

A familiar laugh shattered the morning silence, drawing Abbegale from her sleep. Mika, her little brother, was back from his dad's, a whirlwind of hugs and exclamations filling the air. "Mika, my baby, I missed you!" she cried, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

Breakfast buzzed with lively chatter, the aroma of pancakes mixing with Mika's animated tales of weekend adventures. Soon, the house emptied, leaving Abbegale and Chinny with the echoes of their parents' and sisters' departures.

"Washing duty?" Chinny sighed, the mischievous glint in her eyes betraying her mock despondency.

Abbegale grinned, throwing a towel at her sister. "Let's make it fast."

The laundry flew, punctuated by playful jabs and the rhythmic whoosh of the washing machine. Showered and refreshed, Abbegale collapsed onto her bed, a contented sigh escaping her lips. The sun painted stripes across her room, dappling the world in golden hues.

Chinny's inquisitive voice broke the silence. "Karaoke with your friends?"

Abbegale's eyes lit up. "Want to come? Sing your heart out!"

Excitement flickered in Chinny's eyes. "Sure! But let me find something cute to wear."

Torn between a white crop top and ripped cargo jeans for a casual vibe, or a black dress and booties for a touch of elegance, Abbegale sent pictures to Yepmi for a verdict. With a nervous flutter in her heart, she forwarded the same question to Gio, a tentative step into the uncharted territory of fashion advice.

Silence stretched, measured in phone taps and refreshes. Then, Yepmi's message blinked on the screen, a thumbs-up for the dress. But who was Gio? Would he even respond?

The minutes stretched like taffy, each tick of the clock an eternity. Just as she began to doubt, a notification buzzed, bringing a flush to her cheeks. Gio's response arrived, a single word that sent a thrill through her: "Dress."

With a giddy smile, she slipped into the black dress, the fabric smooth against her skin. The black booties clicked confidently as she walked, a newfound swagger in her step. Chinny, already dressed in a vibrant green top and ripped jeans, grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Tonight, Abbegale would sing, not just in karaoke bars, but in the vibrant language of her own unfolding story.

Hey lovies,it was busy day today but I'll try! o uploaded 4 chapter's atlameasr by the end of today. :)

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