
The Girl Who Dreamed a Life

Abbegale, a girl known more for her blushing retreats than her brazen advances, wakes to a newfound sunlit confidence. The spark ignites in a dream, a vivid tapestry woven from moonlight and whispered desires. In this dreamscape, Abbegale sheds her shyness, her voice finding strength as she navigates the halls of her high school with a swagger she never knew she possessed. Her crush, Giovanni, no longer seems an unapproachable mountain, but a sun-dappled horizon waiting to be explored. Emboldened by her dream, Abbegale steps out of her comfort zone. Timid smiles become confident waves, hesitant glances morph into lingering gazes. She throws herself into conversations, her words tumbling forth with an honesty she never dared to unleash. Giovanni, drawn to this newfound fire in her eyes, begins to reciprocate. Their paths cross in stolen moments, whispered secrets exchanged under the cloak of twilight. As the days unfold, Abbegale's confidence blossoms. She joins cadet to help making her dream of being a soldier more in reach,put more effort in her volleyball training and runs for the student council president. Giovanni, witnessing her courage, finds himself falling for the girl beneath the shy facade. He too gets the courage to start excelling in his school work, opens up to her advances and now his eyes mirroring the same newfound emotions hers. Giovanni, witnessing her courage, finds himself falling for the girl beneath the shy facade. But just as Abbegale feels the sweet sting of first love blossoming, things begins to unravel. The edges blur, the colors fade.This almost to perfect life makes Abbegale worried..... thinking is this real?

Kristen_Gray_4671 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Whispers Under the Neon Glow

The cool night air swirled around Abbegale and Gio as they walked, a stark contrast to the heat and thrumming energy of the bar they'd just left behind. String lights twinkled overhead, casting a warm, diffused glow that softened the harsh lines of the brick building. Laughter and music drifted faintly from another part of the outdoor area, creating a gentle soundtrack to their conversation.

Abbegale stole a glance at Gio, his profile bathed in the soft light. His usual carefree demeanor seemed subdued, replaced by a quiet intensity that mirrored her own nervous flutter. She took a deep breath, the question burning on her tongue.

"So," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "do you have a girlfriend, Gio?"

He turned his head, his gaze meeting hers for a beat longer than necessary. The hazel depths of his eyes seemed to hold a question of their own, a silent inquiry that sent a shiver down her spine.

"No," he finally replied, his voice a low rumble. Relief washed over Abbegale, a wave so sudden it almost took her breath away. Yet, she forced herself to remain composed, her expression carefully neutral.

Emboldened by his answer, she pressed on. "Why not?"

He stopped walking, his hand instinctively reaching out to rest against the rough brick wall. Abbegale followed suit, their movements mirroring each other in a way that sent a jolt through her. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs.

Gio's gaze held hers, his features unreadable. "Don't think you have a boyfriend, either, right?" he countered, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

The question hit her like a physical blow. Her cheeks flushed, a traitorous warmth creeping up her neck. Abbegale looked away, her voice barely a murmur. "I asked first. Answer me first."

There was a beat of silence, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, Gio shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "No reason, really."

Abbegale forced a laugh, the sound brittle and unconvincing. "Well, my reason is because it's a major distraction from school," she declared, her voice a touch louder than necessary. But beneath the bravado, a tremor of fear ran through her. Could he have seen through her flimsy excuse?

Then, almost inaudibly, she mumbled, the words barely escaping her lips, "Plus, I like someone already."

Gio's head snapped up, his brow furrowing. "What was that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The question sent a jolt of panic through Abbegale. Had she been too obvious? Her stomach twisted into a knot. Shame and fear battled within her, a suffocating cocktail threatening to overwhelm her.

Flustered, she stammered, "Nothing! I was just mumbling. Should we, uh, go back inside now? The others must be wondering where we are."

Gio glanced down at his watch, the silence stretching between them. "Yeah, okay," he finally said, his voice tinged with a quiet disappointment that mirrored her own.

As they turned to head back, Abbegale stole a final glance at Gio. His face remained a mask, his emotions hidden beneath the surface. But in his hazel eyes, she could have sworn she saw a flicker of something… intrigue? Curiosity? Or perhaps, just a reflection of her own turmoil?

The walk back was a slow, winding path, the silence no longer tense but rather companionable, charged with a different kind of energy. Abbegale replayed the conversation in her head, dissecting each word, each glance. While she hadn't confessed her feelings, a truth had been subtly unveiled, a vulnerability she hadn't intended to expose.

Every stolen glance at Gio sent a jolt through her. Did he suspect anything? Or was she simply overthinking, letting her emotions cloud her judgment? The uncertainty gnawed at her, a bittersweet mix of fear and a strange kind of hope.

Despite the unspoken tension, a new layer had been added to their connection. It was a secret language spoken only in their averted gazes and hesitant smiles. The night air, once cool and refreshing, now felt thick with unspoken possibilities, leaving Abbegale with a yearning for something more, a yearning she couldn't quite define.

As they approached the entrance, the sound of laughter and conversation from inside washed over them, a stark contrast to the quiet intimacy they'd shared. Abbegale took a deep breath, forcing a smile as they re-entered the bustling bar. The night was far from over, and with it, the uncertainty of their connection.

Hello lovelies it's been a while, I've been busy but I'll try to start updating frequently again </3 :)Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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