
Chapter 21

Both women wreaked havoc in the Jackson compound, making Jackson regret ever getting married to two women.

“I am a man of so many means, I control thousands of people, I am well respected in society,  politically, economically, and otherwise. But I cannot and am unable to control just two women in my house hahaha”. Mr. Jackson laughs at himself.

“Mr. George, can that be possible?" He asks his friend.

“You have to take it easy, it might not be that bad”. Mr. George told Jackson, seeing the pains he is going through because of his wives.

Mr. Jackson took a glass of red wine, and hand it over to Mr. George.

 “Help yourself, my friend, What else does a man have, if not to drink and make merry?"

“You need to take things easy my friend, life is a lot easier if we make it so”, Mr. George said.

 “You think so? Go to my house and see the havoc those two women I call my wives wrecked.  I envy you, George, you only had one wife, and she is dead right”?


“Sorry for that, but I envy you. You don’t know the peace that you enjoy, by the way, I called you here to let you know that the marriage deal still holds."

“What! What about Ben?”.

“Ben will look for another, I mean Ken is my son and she is still your daughter right? Hahaha”. Both men laugh.

“Yes, right”

“Good, so ken will go to Italy for now, I want him to be a real man,  and I want him to study engineering, which will take four to five years, by then everything will be ready. So you have to take care of the girl for us.

“You have no problem, thank you for your consideration,” Mr. George said and got ready to go home.

“Thank you too for being a real man," and by that, he was referring to the fact that he called Gina a prostitute out of anger but Mr. George took it lightly with him.

“Gina…, come my dear I have good news for you," George called when he returns home.

“Dad what is it? I'm tired and I need to rest”

“You will, but first listen to this, Mr. Jackson has agreed to let you and Ken get married."

“Really? That’s good news then, Ken needs to hear this."

“No, you are not the one to tell him, his father didn’t want ken knowing about it. So he can go to Italy and study for both of you”. Mr. George said not knowing what to say.

“Oh, okay, I will wait for Ken to come Back then” Mr. George was surprised by the way Gina behaves, he has known her to be a strong girl, but all of that is now gone ever since she met Ken.

“I have raised her to be a strong person to take over the company, she is to be the next CEO of Wendy Group of Companies”. But somehow he blames himself, for what has happened to Gina, she has never looked up to someone for help until now,  only if he had listened to her, she won’t have needed Ken to be her shield. He needs to bring back his daughter’s confidence, but how will he do that?

“Gina you are going back to work tomorrow as the new CEO of Wendy Group of Companies”.

“What! No dad, I'm not ready to take over now."

“Yes you are darling, you need to be up there when ken comes back,  you need to make him proud”. On hearing Ken, and making him proud, everything in her comes alive. Gina got ready to go back to work the next day fully dress up as the new CEO, she looked herself in the mirror and her confidence came back once again.

At the same time, Ken was getting ready to leave for the airport.

“Mom, promise me you will always visit Gina and don’t forget to invite her to the house on weekends, please keep her busy for me”.

“I’ve heard you, lover boy, I will do as you said. You will be late for your flight, hurry up and go to the driver he is waiting outside”. Ken hugged his mom and kiss her goodbye.

Just as Gina was entry into her car, Ken was entering his car.

Just then Ken remembered to call Gina who was waiting to hear from him.

“Hello angel, how was your night?"

“Hello handsome my night was fantastic”.

“So where are you now”? ken asks Gina.

“I'm on my way to work, dad just made me the new CEO”.

“Wow, congratulations”.

“Thank you, dear. And where are you? Will you be coming over?"

 “I'm heading to the airport to catch a flight to Italy”.

 “What! How? I thought you are leaving next week?”.

 “Plans change that’s why I'm calling you, can you make it to the airport please”.

“Sure," Gina turns the car and heads straight to the airport.

“But that’s not what you told me” She complained when she gets to the airport. "I was planning to celebrate my promotion with you, now you’re leaving, is not fair”. She wanted to cry.

“I'm so sorry, I was taken unaware, you know my dad, he had these wicked plans for me, I'm only doing this because of you and my mom. Now promise me you will always go and visit my mom, Pleaseee and.. can you spend some weekends with her please?."

 “What!, okay, Let me see what I can do”. Gina said not wanting to make Ken sad.

“Thank you, that’s my baby”. He hugged and kiss her.

“I didn’t say yes, so don’t just get excited yet”.

“ I know you’ll say yes, you're my sweetheart”.

“Is okay, is okay," she kissed him back, "just be good over there”.

“Yes ma’am," ken said. "I promise on my honor to always be a good Boy”.

Just then his flight was announced and is time for ken to leave

“Bye, I will call you," he said.

“Bye, please stop looking back, you get into an accident”. Gina said as Ken keep looking back at her while walking to the plane.

Back in the office, Gina wasn’t herself as the thought of ken beclouded her mind. Will Ken come back for her? will things be the same again if they stay apart for so long? She has heard of people who went abroad and gets married, forgetting about their girlfriends.

What if it happens to her, what will she do? She was still thinking when someone, a beautiful young lady walk into her office to inform her that the meeting has started.

“Oh.. I will be right there”.

“So here, introducing to you, the new CEO of Wendy Group of Companies." everyone shouted and clap as Mr. George introduce Gina to them as the brand new CEO.

They have been waiting for this day and finally, it has come, she has been so good to them and they did not regret having her as their boss.

“Gina.., What are you doing? her father whispers to her, seeing her staring at space, and being absent-minded.

“Oh.. thank you, everyone, thank you. thank you. I'm so happy to have all of you around. I promise never to let you down.

They all clapped and assured her of their support anytime she may need it.

“Okay, everyone, you can go back to work, Gina will organize a party for you guys later”,

“Yeaaa”… They shouted and left both father and daughter alone.

“What is going on Ginas!"

 “Me, oh nothing"

“So why are you behaving so strangely this day.?"

“Am I?"

“Yes you are, ever since you met Ken, you have never been yourself."

 “No father is nothing, I'm totally fine,"

“If you say so”, not wanting to push it any further, her father, shook his head and ask her to go back.

“Don’t forget the party and I have made Charity your new PA."

“Oh.. Thanks Dad”. She said remembering why Charity came to call her earlier. Mr. George finally gave her a PA! Gina would not be lonely anymore, maybe it was his fault for keeping her from having friends.

Charity is not there just as a PA but as someone who will also report what is going on in Gina’s life to him.

It was time for the evening news and Mr. Jackson was at home. He took the remote and change the channel.

 “The government has never been serious for once, how can they do anything reasonable?" He complains over the news. Just as he was about to turn off the TV, he got the shocking news of his life.

The aircraft that Ken was in has just crashed midair and everyone is dead," said the woman on TV.

 “Report is yet to cover the whole event and we do not know if there are any survivors at the time of this report, we will be updating you with more information as the news unfolds. Please stay tuned for more interesting news updates”.