
Chapter 119 Best Stupid Friends

“Where did you go to? Leaving me just like that, I thought we were friends?

"Yeah, we are the best friends ever." He said nonchalantly.

“And then you left me when I needed you held, Gina almost caught me”.

"And that is why I left, I don’t think I can defend myself not to talk of defending you, between me and you, you are the saint, Peter raises his glass to ken.

“Whatever, just don’t do that to me again,” he said and sip from his glass

"Okay, I heard you, but wait, I saw Mr. Tom talking to you early what does he want?"

"Threats, not talking," ken said.

"What! He is threatening you? For what?"

"I don’t know, he said I should watch my back, but am not afraid of him, he is just jealous."

"I think you need to be careful ken, people are bad this day."

"Yeah, I know and that is why I go to church."

"Hahaha, you go to church! what has church got to do with this ken.?"

“So you don’t know that is only God that can protect you?”

“Yes, I know but you?  Church?, c'mon,  Ken say something else, I know you.”

"Look" he showed Peter the church he has been attending online for the past month.

“What? And you didn’t think to tell me? what are friends for? So you think you are the only one who wants to go to heaven without me? no way, am attending that church  too, give me the address.”

Ken gave Peter the address of the church website And keeps smiling.

"Now what is making you smile like that, I don’t like you this day"

"Why?" Ken ask.

"Because you always have some mischievous things in your mind when you smile like that."

"No, that is not it, I just keep imagining that I didn’t end up with two wives after all these years."

"That is because you didn’t want to."

"Yeah,"  Ken said, "I love my Gina, and that has made me keep to my promise because having a friend like you is a pain in the ass."

"So now you are pinning that on me, I wasn’t the one using your eyes to look at those girls you know," Peter reminded Ken.

"Yeah, I know, but sometimes you made me want to do things."

"Oh, sorry I thought I was been a friend."

"And you are a friend indeed. Thank you for being my friend."

“Come, why are you sounding like this? I hope you don’t want to die because I have read somewhere that when your friend is sounding something like this, it means they either want to commit suicide.”

Ken turns and looks at Peter, “May the Lord have mercy on you.”

“Amen," Peter answered.”

"I need to go look for my Gina", he left Peter standing there.

"What! I hope he's okay? because I don’t think I can live without him", Peter said to himself aloud.

“You can’t live without who?” 

Peter turns and swallows when he saw them “ah..ah.. what are you beautiful ladies doing here?,” he said smiling like a Christmas goat.

“We are looking for you and you are here not wanting to live without… who was that again?” The fat wife asks him.

“Maybe the fourth wife” the other two answer.

“No..no..no..no. there will be no fourth wife I promise, am okay with you glowing pussy.” Peter said looking at them to get their reaction.

They turn to look at each other.

"Is he okay?

“No, I don’t think so, and am out of here”, the second wife left followed by the fat wife.

“Are you leaving too, my tomatoes, you know I love you more than others” he said to the one he loves most.

“Yeah, I know, and now I have to share you with other women because you love me that much”, she smiled.

“Yeah,” Peter smiled back.

“Fu..k you”, she said and left.

“Wow… that is what I call trouble on a bicycle”, he said looking around to see if someone was watching.

“How do you enjoy having three wives my dear? I hope ken is paying you enough money to keep the family going?” Mr. Tom walks up to Peter immediately after his wives left him.

“And how is that your business?” Peter ask.

“Yeah, is none of my business but I just think if you will like something like this?” he hands him a cheque for one billion.

“What’s this?” 

“Is a cheque and is all yours if you will leave Ken and work for me” 

“And why will I do that?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you will be needing the money to be a boss and stop working under someone.”

“That's real thoughtful of you Mr. Tom but no thanks, I don’t need your money.”

“How long are you going to work under Ken? Forever? have you no shame to keep working under him like you are a nonentity”. Mr. Tom yells at Peter.

“With all due respect Mr. Tom just stop right there, Ken is my friend, he is my man, and I don’t work under him, we are friends and we work like friends, am not under him, he is not under me, we are partners.”

“Hahaha, who doesn’t know that you close and open doors in his hotel?” Tom continues with the hope of turning Peter against Ken.

“Oh, sorry Mr. Tom but you got it all wrong, now your time is up, get out of my sight before I do something really bad  to you.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“It depends on how you take it but I will not repeat myself disappear from my face”

“Okay, I will leave but remember one billion is not chicken change.” He said and left.

“Stupid old man, you think friendship is easy to cultivate? One billion is not enough to sell my nigga, he is my man and 10 billion is not even enough.”

“Well done,” iron lady came out of the corner clapping.

“I thought you were stupid, I don’t know you have some sense.”

“Excuse me, is that supposed to be an insult”? Peter ask.

“No, is a compliment, because seriously I underrated you but kudos to you Mr. Peter you deserve to have three wives.”

“Did they send you to me? did you see me in your dream?” 

“No, but Ken must be blessed to have a friend like you”.

“Yeah, I always tell him that, and thank you too for the compliment,” he said and left.

"Stupid guy", she said and left too.

Ben was busy running two hotels while his wife Miriam now owns one of the hotels in her name in exchange for her silence she has to carry that secret to her grave and let the sleeping dog lie.

Ken keeps expanding the hotel business and having more branches across the globe, while Gina stays at home taking care of the family and her father too, and just looking more and more pretty by the day with so much money in her account.

whatever she wants she gets, Ken is always there for her and their love life keeps growing by the seconds of every day. What else will a woman want? A loving husband that takes care of you emotionally, financially, and spiritually because it seems Ken is now closer to the Lord, maybe age is another factor. 

Yeah, age has a way of making people responsible.

Ken’s mother didn’t know the difference between young and old, because it seems she is just waking up to reality as she goes to places with Mrs. Bobmanuel, taking trips around the world and enjoying herself more than ever before, she misses her husband every day and wish he was still alive so they can travel the world together.

Ben’s mom is almost turning nun because she is always in the church praying for the success of her family, she enjoys life too but not as much as Tina who is much younger than her. She too misses her husband but not as much as Tina misses him.

Little Tina grew up to love the man her parents has chosen for her and she became his wife at age 22.

Timothy went on to become a doctor because he didn’t love the family business and his father Ken did not object to that, he gave him everything he need to succeed as a doctor, and he loved him as his first son.

The twins are fifteen years old now, and they are a pain in the ass, Ken regrets ever being a playboy when he was younger because it seems his last child has his blood, the chicks can’t stop flocking around him.

"Hey. James, is this your dad?, I like your looks."

Ken just roll his eyes whenever he went out with James.

"What do I do?" Ken asks his friend.

“What else do you want to do”? Peter asks back.

“Maybe I should pray for him, James  can’t be like me.”

“Yeah,.. you sure need to do that”. Peter replies while looking at a chick passing by with her big boobs.

Ken and Peter went on to be the best stupid friends ever.


[Author's Note]

Dear friends and readers, I hope you enjoy this book.  Thanks for reading this far, I want to tell you that I have another trending book on the light reader app by the name (In love with your sister)  check it out guys, and you will love it, it gets interesting with each chapter.

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