
Chapter 118 The spread

“Well today I hit a couple of deals and the hotel business is going on fine, we now have 10 branches and I am doing handsomely well thanks for asking.”

“Hmmm, that is good to know, very soon we will be the most powerful family in town.” Gina said smiling.

“So how did that make you feel?” Ken ask.

“I feel like break dancing, because few years back we were about to go bankrupt, but now, we own hotels in 10 cities is that not awesome”?

“Yea, I think so and I couldn’t have done this without you, thanks Gina for loving me” Ken said.

“Ok, enough of the poem, you have ruined my life enough, loving you is hard work, is time to make money”, changing the topic before ken have his way with her.

“ What did I do? Am only appreciating you for loving me” ken said, “how could it be so hard to please a woman?” He ask walking close to her.

“I knew it, don’t come closer” Gina warned.

“Am sorry but I can’t, you have sworn to love me and to take care of me, so come and fulfill your promise” ken held his hands open for Gina who keeps waking round the kitchen trying to avoid Ken.

“When I made that promise, it didn’t include you eating all the cookies in the cookies jug” Gina said still walking round the kitchen table.

“So are you keeping the cookies for someone else”?

“How can you say that”? Gina ask almost yelling.

“Then give it to the rightful owner.”

“Wait I will give it to you, but stop coming after me like that.”

“Ok, am standing here come to me,” Ken opens his hand and Gina walk straight into his hand.

“Now what”? Gina ask.

“I am going to eat you for dinner”.  Hahahaha they both laugh.

“Where is mom? I haven’t seen her for two days.” Ken ask when they finish with their love exercise.

“Your mom is going crazy over that woman, they are now friends and she always comes here to pick her up, that they are going to the beauty salon or going to the gym.

What? To the gym? What for?

I don’t know, you ask her yourself, they just can’t stop talking about the good old days, and I hate it so much, been with those women is pain in the ass.

Really? Ken ask. Maybe I finally found something that will piss you off.

Meaning you are not coming back to work, you stay at home and take care of the children while I go to work for me and for you.

“My dad didn’t send me to school just to stay at home and take care of your children.”

I know, but please do this for me and for you, I don’t want you stressing you’re yourself.

I am not stressing myself, I just don’t like staying at home.

Ok, I want you to be coming to the office anytime you like but not always.

Ok, I’ve heard you.

Peter Bach into kens office, “no, this is a shame and disgrace on my manhood”

Your manhood!, What happened to your manhood? Ken ask peter in surprise.

Can you imagine my wives sitting me down to give five million, telling me that is the money they made over this few years.

Really? So where is the money?

Am with it, look those women are planning something evil against me.

I see, and they gave you give million to kill you?

You don’t understand, gradually, gradually, they will kill me.

You know your problem? Pride, you are so proud to the point you can’t tell those beautiful women thank you for loving you.

Sometimes I even wonder if you will get married, but like a stroke of luck you got three and three wonderful boys, which you didn’t even deserve, because you don’t know the value, you got them all without even asking for it. You are lucky man, loose them and you will know what it is to beg.

For the first time in Peter’s life, he sat down without talking.

“So what do I do mannn…, I don’t know how to be romantic”

You just have to try, start with the kids and then their mothers will follow.

Ok, I will take the kids to movies.

Yea, something like that, but since they are boys I don’t think they will love movies, let’s go to the tennis court this weekend. Ken said.

Yea, you are right, thanks mannn, he rush out of Ken’s office to go and get ready for home. Then he walk pass a lady with a big backside.

He turned and looked, shaking his head.

Hmmm, distraction everywhere, am going home, you can’t get me now.

Peter came home early with three fancy bags fill with all kinds of stuffs. He hand them each.

I hope you like it? He ask not knowing how to talk to them.

Yes, we like it, thank you my love, one of them said.

Ok, just go ahead and open it I will be in my room, he rush out of the sitting room, hoping that they love what he got for them.

I hope he didn’t use our money in buying this stuff? The fat one said.

And you are not happy, what if he spent it without buying us anything what will you have done?

Anyways you’re right, let’s see what he got for us.

Yea, .. I love it, I love it, the last wife shouted.

Me too, I love mine,

Hmmm, he is beginning to change the fat one said. I love mine too, I hope he changed for the better.

I know is the lion that will not like my gift, peter said as he was hiding somewhere looking at them.

And they thought I use their money! Anyways I don’t blame them, I haven’t been a good husband to them, but all that is going to change from now on, after all I don’t see anything this backsides are going to give me, I have three backsides and that is enough.

Ben now head two of the hotels and living large, while his wife head one.

It has never been heard that Ben has another woman beside his wife Miriam.

He was determined to be more powerful than his father, he plans to work alongside his brother to achieve his goals. He no longer needs to be aggressive to others in order to have his way, he is more mature now and behaving like a father to them all.

Ken, peter and the entire family went out on weekend get together, having fun and enjoying their hard work.

Thanks Mann… peter shouted at Ken.

For what?

For been a friend, I know I’ve not been the best of friend but thanks for always being there for me.

No, is the other way round, you have always been a good friend to me, but sometimes I ask myself is am ok, because of you, you are an ass hole. Ken said at last.

I know, peter said, if I am and ass hole, then you are a bigger one. Because how can you be friends with me if you are normal. Peter ask Ken.

Yea, I guess you’re right, I may not be normal as well, and we need both of our head examined.

I think so. They keep on blabbing nonsense all day.

How about that chick? Peter ask?

What chick?, We are here with our families and you are still talking about chicks. Ken query.

“ I just want to know if you have repented” peter said.

“I have never been a sinner peter, one man, one wife remember?

“Yea, just pray your book is not open” peter said and just then a tell beauty just walk pass them and ken turn to look.

“Heyy… am still here,” Gina yell at Ken.

“Ohh .. you are there?” Ken ask.

“I have always been here, my eyes are on you”, Gina pointed at Both of them and walk away.

That was close mannn.. Ken turn to look at peter but he wasn’t there anymore.

Shit, what an idiot do I have as a friend, he can’t even defend me. He got up and walked round the beach.

Hmmmm life is good he said feeling the sweet fresh breeze of the beach when he sense someone following him, he turned and it was Mr. Tom.

“Hello ken, how are you doing?”

“Am doing great, thanks for asking”

“So how is business? I had you expand without me”

“Yea, thanks.

“So how is  Mrs. Bobmmanuel treating you? Did you promise to marry her? What made her hand her money over to you?”

Ken was finding it hard to hold his anger at this time, but instead he smiles and said.

“I will be the most happiest man on earth if Mrs. Bobmmanuel will accept my proposal to marry her.”

“Hmmm, don’t think that you have won, always watch your back”.

“Of course” ken reply.