
Chapter 109 The Plan

Yes is time to get up and prove them all wrong. Ken got up and went straight to Ben’s office.

You need to start looking for a location, he told Ben.

What for?

We need another branch, I need it almost immediately.

What is going on?  You need to calm down and tell what is happening.

Can’t you see that someone is after us? Ken ask.

Yes, I know, but opening another location so soon will not do the company any good.

I know, but we have to try first.

Ok, so when do I leave? 

“To or tomorrow.”


“Yes, is urgent Ben.

I think I saw someone who looks like Ken’s brother, Mr. Tom said.

Hmmm, I think there are getting the message.

Yea, we should have done that a long time ago. Mr. Tom said.

I can see there are running up and down now, I will show them what it means to betray someone, and I will never forgive them Mr. Tom said. 

You need to take it easy you know, the lady reminded Mr. Tom who is looking like devil himself when he said the word “i will never forgive them.”

There is nothing to take easy, just move fest and bring them down.

You have my word; the lady said and went away.

Peter was busy with the ladies and they all loved him, he always promise them thing he himself cannot get, while his wives are busy with their own lives making a living without peter’s help.

Are you married? One of the lady ask.

Naaa, I can’t be married, am for the girls you know” peter said only for his eyes to meet with Gina who is just passing by them.

Excuse me ladies I have something to take care of, but if you girls promise to always visit and come back with more customers for our hotel, you are sure of a special treat by me.”

Really? They all yell.

Yes, is me your only pero. The man for the ladies.

Yeaaa… they all shouted.

He left them and hurried to meet Gina.

“Heyy, Gina”

What do you want?

Listen is not what you think ok, I am doing what is call marketing for the beautiful ladies.

Ok, so how has that been going for you?

Well, very well, is just that you are not seeing it now, but sooner or later you will begin to see all my effort to make this hotel grow.

Really? Gina ask.

Yes, really.

And that is why you are not married? Gina ask.

Ohh.. About that, peter said scratching his head, i..i.. is part of the marketing strategies you know. 

Hmmm, really? Gina ask. That is good then,  just make sure you are not giving out all our food for free, she said and keep moving.

Sure, they will be the ones to even bring their own food from the house. Or no, what am I saying?, he ran back to the girls but they are all been taken by men who just entered the hotel.

Heyy… pero, one of the ladies call out waving at him as he wants to turn around and go.

Come here pero, she keep waving and he has no option than to go to her.

Come, we want to place ordered, this guys are bigger boys you know, they have their own hotel where the go to relax but we call them to come here and patronize you. Don’t forget your promise, because more are coming.

Peter’s eyes widen. Is this a dream? My strategies are really working. Yes, yes. What do you want to order sirs?, he almost bow but stood up again.

You don’t have menu?

Ohh…. No, forgive me sirs; let me bring the menu for you. He ran to get it, almost pushing people down.

Am, sorry, am sorry, am sorry, he keeps saying as he walk,  because he almost bombed into everyone. 

Are you ok? Ken ask seeing how he was walking like a mad man.

Yes,, yes… yes… I hit the jackpot.

What is it.

Give me the menu?

What for? Ken ask

Are you selling or not? I said give me the menu and put on your apron to start serving my royal customers.

Ken just looked at him, am not the one serving foods peter, am the CEO of this company.

Never mind just give me the menu and we will talk about position next time.

If you need the menu you can always take it from the receptionist, or any of the table, is been place at every table. you don’t have to come all the way to my office, Peter…, Ken almost yell at him.

Ohhh.. Sorry, forgive me I almost forgot, he ran back to the receptionist, took the menu and hurried back to them. And they start placing their orders.

What that fu..k Ken yell after peter left, am almost going crazy, and peter is not helping matters at all, he always add to my problems ever since I became friends with him.

 I think my wife is right, I need to defined this relationship before peter completely drives me crazy.

Before he finishes his statement his wife came hurrying  towards him.

Ohh… goodness, what is it again he murmured ones he saw his wife hurrying towards him, this people are going to kill me before my time.

Heyy. Love.

Hello love ken force a smile.  What is happening why are you in such a hurry? Ken ask.

Love you can’t believe this.

What is it?.  ken didn’t want to hear any more bad news, he is sick and tired of hearing bad news.

Is Peter. Gina said.

What has peter done this time? In fact don’t tell me anything about peter because as am talking to you right now, he is fired. Ken yell, I have had enough of peter, you are right love, I need to tell peter off, he has to go. He is fired.

But why? Gina ask.

But why not? Ken reply.

He hasn’t done anything to be fired, in fact he just brought people that place orders in millions, they are still there as we speak and they are ordering more. They said that more people are coming, and the best part is that they love our food and they said they want to make this place their permanent hotel whenever they come to town.

Really? Ken yell and hug his wife.

You know what? Gina ask.


This are our very first customer that are rooted in this hotel, they sound as if they are not going to stay  in any other hotel, we need to treat them like VIP to retain them.

Yes.. yes.. of course that is what we are going to do. Ken said, hugging Gina  one more time. 

Where is my best friend peter? He ask.

He is with the ladies? Gina reply

Ladies? Ken yell.

Yes.. is anything the matter? She ask.

How much food and drinks has the ladies taken? Ken ask.

Up to a million naira.

OMG, why? Why have you done this to me?

What  have I done love? Gina ask. 

Peter cannot be with the ladies and my money be paid, am finish.

But that is not so, they already pay their bills. Gina said.

Really? Ken jump up and hug Gina again, I need to see my best friend. He left Gina and hurry to find peter.

What is wrong with him and peter?. Hmmm. They are friends indeed. Gina said and went to her duty.

Ken find peter chatting and laughing with the customers and all the guys love him.

This guy is a clown they said, I love you mann.. we will be coming back here after every two weeks, and my friends are top celebrities, am going to introduce them to this hotel, one of the guys said.

What is that your name again? I like you mann.. you made my day, hahahha he laugh.

My name is peter, pero for short; don’t forget to tell your friends that am the man of the ladies.

Hahaha they all laugh calling him pero, pero.

Ken just laugh and left him alone to be with the customers.

Did you see my saleskl. for today? Peter ask ken as soon as he left the customers.

Yes, I saw it, how did you get them?

Is from the ladies you know, they said train  a man and you will have one millionaire, but train a woman and you will have a country full of millionaires. Hahaha he laugh.

Is that how the saying goes? Ken ask.

Yes, or no, whatever.  The point is I have been able to use my expertise to get us VIP customers and more are coming.

Hmmm, I see, you really need an award.

What do you8 mean? Are you not happy? peter ask

Hmmm, are you sure that they pay me my money? Ken as if he didn’t know that the mone6y has already been paid, he did not want to show peter how happy he was.

Look, I hyave something I want to ask you. Peter said.

Go ahead ask me anything?

Ok, I want you to make a code especially for me, any VIP customer that comes through me must us that code and I will get a commission for it.

What? Ken shouted.