
Chapter 108 Temptation

Who sent you to me? Ken ask so furious.

If you want to know then you need to calm down, or I just go.

Ken calmed down and sat on the chair.

Am hearing you, ken said so keep talking.

Well, not so fast, because I don’t do free transaction. I get something or something.

What do you want? Ken ask.

You, I want you to be my man, then you will know everything I know and how to save your life, your family and your company.

Ken get up to leave, Let me make this clear to you, I don’t need you to save my life or family, go and tell who ever sent you that I don’t care, I’ve seen shit in my days and am not afraid of anyone. 

He left the lady sitting there wondering if she took the right step, Ken have some nerve to talk to me in that way, we will see” she got up and left.

Going straight to Mr. Tom, we need plan B she told Mr. Tom.

I don’t understand you, what plan B are you talking about?

If we can’t get in from the inside, we can always get him from the outside. She said

Which is? 

We need to open a hotel near his hotel and make sure that no customer ever get into their hotel, let’s make him struggle. She said with so much energy.

You are a genus, Mr. Tom didn’t know when he hug her, you should have bring up this idea a long time, by now they would have been in their holes crying.

Yes, and we can even buy the hotel from them and sent to packaging to the village hahahaha they both laugh.

You  know what? You deserve an award  Mr. Tom said handing her a bundle of money.

Let’s kick start the hotel business next to ken’s hotel.

The following week ken discover that another hotel is open near them, but that would not be a problem if they are here to do business, but they are copying everything that ken is doing, 

What is going on here? Peter ask, rushing into Ken’s office as if someone is after him.

What do you mean?

I mean the hotel next to us, I don’t think they are here to do business, they are here to bring us down.

Really? Ken ask, so what are you going to do? Are you going to help them bring it down? Ken ask peter.

No, of course not.

So what will you do?

I don’t know that is why am here. Peter said.

Well, is time to use that your special gift to win in this game.

What special gift are you talking about? Peter ask 

If you can gather women around you in a second, the you can surely help us to win this game.

OMG, Peter yell, I thought I have been talking to a human being. He walked away and Ken immediately stood up and pick through his office window to get a good look at the hotel next to them.

I must find out who owns that hotel, something is not just adding up, why is the person targeting our hotel? Maybe is the people that lady is taking about. How do I see that lady again, I need to know the people she was talking about, but I can’t date her just to know that. I must find another way.

Just then Ben walked in.

Yes, thanks for coming, I was about coming to your office. Ken said to Ben.

Who are those people? Ben ask.

I don’t know, that is why I  you to find out. We need to know who owns that hotel, we need to know their motives and why they are coping us.

We can sue them to court, Ben said.

No, you can only do that if you know who is behind it. So please find out who is behind it.

That’s not a problem, he said and walk away.

He went inside the hotel and made a reservation, hoping to find out any interesting information to deliver to Ken.

Hello sir welcome to Tosin Hotel, how may we serve you?

I want to make a reservation, just a room and can you be kind enough to give me your managers name and phone number I will like to do business with him.

Ok Sir, we have a good room for your sir but we can’t give you our managers phone number and name, except he ask us to.

Ohh .. My bad, I really needed to see him, I guess I have to take my business some where else.

Just forget about the booking, I was hoping to stay and wait for him.

Is ok Sir, maybe next time, thank you for choosing Tosin Hotel.

Thank you too for your time. Ben left.

Guy, I don’t get anything but am sure that one day, I will surely get the information you need.

Is ok, you have tried. But how did you see the hotel? Ken ask 

Hmm. Is ok, customer service is good for now, but I didn’t get to make a reservation so I don’t know how their rooms look like.

Is ok. I think I will have to call for a meeting, I need to address all the staffs. We all must do our best to beat this competition.

Ken use the next two addressing everyone, pointing out things they need to do and what they need not to do in other to beat the competition.

If any of you bring in 20 customers in a week, you are sure to get a raise.

Yes Sir,

Our customers service must be top-notch, no loose end, if you all work really hard to keep this hotel at the top, all of you should be rest assured that you are going to change the history of your families, because everyone represented here is a potential branch manger, if you all work hard, I will make each and everyone of you to head our branches all over the world.

They all listen to Ken without interruption, after he has dismiss the people, there was murmuring everywhere.

Is he really going to make us managers?

I don’t think so, but it would have been nice if he can keep to his words.

How did you know he wouldn’t keep to his words?  If you meet the qualification why not.

What are the qualifications,?

I don’t know, it would have been nice if we all know what it takes to head a branch.

Let’s me him personally. Two of the workers said.

Am not coming with you guys, I don’t believe in all this sweet mouth at the end of the day, they give it to their family member. The third worker said and left them to his duty.

Don’t mind him let’s go.

Ken heard a knock and ask whoever was knocking to come him.

Good day sir, they greeted him.

Yes, how may I be of help to you?

I…we.. are here to know the qualifications for those who wants to head a branch.

Ok, you are welcome, I am putting things in place so you will find the qualifications on the notice board tomorrow. But as for the two of you, for coming to me as soon as I made this announcement, it means you are  very serious persons, and that is why am make you branch manager, immediately, no qualifications is required for both of us, go and wait for your appointment letters, we are going to put up the hotel almost immediately, but for the meantime you will still be working here.

Yes…yes ..yes… thank you sir, God bless you sir, they left Ken’s office very happy to break the news to their friend.

What?, You guys are not serious are you?

We are dead serious, you are looking at the next branch managers of this hotel.

I should have come with you guys, what is even wrong with me? I know my village people are after me, if not look at it, branch managers in a few seconds. While I will still be working as a cleaner and get paid peanut.

Don’t beat yourself up, maybe is not in your blood do become rich, hahaha they all laughed at him.

How do you plan on doing that? Gina ask Ken. And you even went ahead to promise people branch managers when the current one is struggling to stand with all this competition here and there, please Ken, just stop already, let’s focus on making this one stand firm.

I think you are right, but this time, am going to disagree with you. You know why?

No.. why?

Because there are people who are testing my ability, and slowing down or parking up and going home is no option, I need to prove them wrong, and am going to win, no one will touch my family, or company, am going to prove them all wrong.

Gina just looked at Ken, trying to understand what he meant but no, it seems he is dealing with something more serious than I thought. So Gina left him alone.