
Chapter 105

Ken sat there dumbfounded, glued to his chair.

I know it, nothing good comes out of this kind of people.

He didn't even ask me if am married,  all he cares about is his daughter.

Ken are you ok? It looks like you can't find your legs. I know that it sounds somehow to ask you to marry my daughter as a business proposal but that is why am investing in hotel, if not is not my style of investment. But for her, there is nothing I can not do.

But sir, you didn't ask me if am married?

I know you are married, but that didn't stop you from expanding the business. Is huge money if you ask me ken, don't let stiment get the better part of you.

Think about what you could do with  120 countries, think about the money, the class, respect. You can't throw all that because you are married.

What women need is money, give it to them and they are all good.

I will get back to you, Ken said and manage to leave his office.

As he drives home he began to think about all the things Mr Tom told him.

It will be nice if he had ask for something else, he hates to marry more than one wife. But to share his body with another woman was something he can no longer do. He made a promise to his wife, and he is not going back on that.

How did it go? Gina rush to ask ken, he looked at her and don't know how to break the news to her.

It went well.

So what are the terms of the agreement?

What? Oh . I think we need to hear from Mrs Bobmmanuel before we can make any decision.

Ok, that will be fine, she said so excited.

But ken was just moody.

Why are you not happy? Gina ask.

Me? No, am happy, am just tired. Get me some thing to eat, as Gina went to bring him food, Ken was just looking at her and wondering if he would be able to cheat on his wife. But is a good deal he reasoned.

Please take the food back, I need to see Peter. He got up to leave.

What is wrong with him? Why is he behaving strange, I know when something is wrong with ken, what was the deal that he refused to tell me?

Hey Ken, the very man I want to see, what’s up with the face?, you are not looking bright at all hope all is well.

Guy, all is not well. Ken reply and sat down.

What it is?

The deal, I knew something off, because two of them cannot approach on the same day for nothing.

I don’t understand you ken, go straight to the point.

He wants me to marry his daughter.

Who wants you to marry is his daughter? Ken please can you make it clear, because am really tired of hearing about marriage, can you say something else?

Mr. Tom wants to exchange his daughter with the hotel deal..

Shitt… now this is where I will say no, don’t do it, I know what it looks like and am saying don’t do it.

He promise me 120 country, if I agree the hotel will have branches in 120 country.

What? Do it, I am behind you, just do it and get us all out of his lower class, I need to be in the first class citizen as soon as possible.

Peter stop joking around, am serious.

Do I look like am joking, I gave out my land, that is all my dad ever gave to me, and you think am joking? Tell him that am ready to marry his daughter if you are afraid.

This is money ken, no one will the is generous, think ken, think.

Look I need to hear from Mrs. Bobmmanuel before I will make any decision.

Fine, so when are you going to hear from her? Because time is running out, or we can just focus on working hard to making the business grow naturally.

I think you have a point, but let me hear her out first.

Good do whatever you want, just do it fast.

Ken what is going on, ever since you meet with that man, you have been running to and fro, without telling me what is going on’

Don’t worry I will tell you when the time is right.

When is that time going to be right?

Don’t worry, Ken calm Gina down, not knowing how explain to her that they want him to marry another wife.

Ken want to meet with Mrs. Bobmmanuel to hear with she propose.

Welcome ken, am glad you came.

Thank you, am here in respect of the proposal, may I know what the terms of the proposal will be like?

Sure, is simple, my grandson, will marry your daughter.

What? Are this people after my family again? No, this has to stop, ken stood you to go.

What? Why? You don’t like my proposal?

Yes, my daughter will chose her own husband herself, I don’t want to meddle in her love life.

Hahaha, love life? Did you say love life, look, there is no love without money, believe me ken, if you don’t have money to put food on the table today, your wife will leave you, I bet you, everybody love who has the money, money makes you attractive ken, take money away there is no love.

Ken sat there, and reason that maybe, just maybe she is telling the truth, but Gina has proven to him that love is real, and that someone can love you even though you have no money.

No, Mrs. BObmmanuel, my wife will not leave me even though I have no money to put food on the table.

Hahaha, ken, you are still a child, you really don’t know what you are talking about.

Let me put you to the test, if your wife and friends still remain with you, then I will make sure to invest in your business without conditions.

If not, your daughter must marry my grandson.

And then I will also return  everything to you.

No, my family and friends all depends on me, I cannot play with their hopes and emotions so I am saying no, to your proposal. Ken said and walk away.

“Look at this small boy, he dares walk away from me? I will see to it that his business will not see the light of day”.

Ken want home determined to work hard and make all this people pay for mocking him.

How did it go Gina ask again.

Come here my love and sit with me.

From today, I will make you proud to be my wife, I will never let you down, I will also be by you, but you must promise me something.

What is it my love.

You must promise me not to leave me no matter what, even though I don’t have money to put food on the table, you must promise not to leave me.

I promise, I will always be by your side.

Ken hug and kiss her and a drop of tear fell from ken on Gina’s face, and she wonders what went wrong, but she did not ask why, she only hug him back. 

Am going to work hard with my team, and we are going to hit 120 country and show this people that we can do it without them.

He call together his team of 5 and charge them to work like no man’s business so they can reach their goal.

If am going to work there, they I need the position of the manager, Miriam told her husband.

Look, just take any position they gave you and lets work hard, we have a target of hitting 120 country when we get there you can even head the branch in America. Ben told Miriam.

And when will that be, when am using walking stick?

Please, the managerial position or nothing.

Then stay at home, but don’t blame me when we began to climb the ladder of hitting our goal, but then you will be nowhere to be found in the company, talk your stand now, and do whatever they gave you to do.

We are going for a meet care to join? Ben ask Miriam.

Yes, I will come with you.

Fine lets. Go then.

They arrival at the hotel and took their sit at the board room.

We are here as a team to work hard and take this company to 120 countries, that is the mission of this hotel, each of us should not ask what he or she will get, but what he or she can contribute to make this dream a reality, only then can we live the kind of live we all dream of.

Peter raise his hand.

Yes, what do you have to contribute.

I don’t have any contribution to make, but I want to say you don’t know the kind of live that I want to leave.

Please sit down if you don’t have any reasonable thing to say, ben shouted at peter. And they start to argue.