
Chapter 104 Surprised Party

Following me?  for what?

We need to talk.

Talk about what.


I don’t get you, which one don’t you understand? Is it that am married or I don’t have anything to do with you? Ken ask getting angry now.

           You don’t have to be rude.

You are making me rude.


I told you am married.

So? Do I want to marry you?, I just want to have a chat with you?

Ok, come with me, ken took her to an empty room well decorated but there are no people there.

He sat down, and ask her to sit down too.

Thank you, you are such a gently man.

Ok, thank for the compliment, can you go straight to the point. Am behind time, Ken said worried about Gina, he didn’t want Gina seeing him with another woman, he has made a promise to her and he is not going to break that promise no matter what.

I know this girls, they are no good, where ever you see them, there has to be a problem, peter is right, these women are nothing but trouble.

Relax Ken, you look like you are about to drop dead. The girls said.

Say what you have to say ken order.

           Fine, am here to make a proposal on behalf of Mr. Tom Dockwell.

           What? Ken felt like a hay load was lifted from his heart.

He wants to partner with you by investing heavily on your hotel business, if you agree, your hotel will be in every town and city of 120 country of the world.

What? Are you serious?

Yes, the is his card, you can call him anytime, she handed Ken the card and walk away.

What in God’s name is going on?, we just open the hotel today and everyone wants to partner with me.

No, something is not right, I need to talk to Ben and Peter.

He went in search of Ben and Peter.

Peter was full of joy, is was like he is swimming in the cloud.

Heyy.. Peter I need to talk to you now. And where is Ben?

How am I supposed to know, I don’t want you spoiling my enjoyment, don’t know why you guys don’t like good things Peter murmured as Ken drag him away from the beautiful ladies he was talking to.

           I see you’ve not learn your lesson, five ladies again?

Don’t add to the problems you have already Ken warns Peter.

           Fine, is not as if you are my father, where are you taking me to?

I need to take with you and Ben, there seem to be a huge problem.

With the building? Peter shouted, I knew it, I knew that brother of yours is a big joke, I told you to give the contract of building this hotel but no, you gave it Ben, now look, the Building is going down?

What? Will you keep quiet? Who is talking about building going down?.

Then what could be the problem now that am beginning to find joy”. Peter yell at Ken.

Stop shouting and listen, let’s go look for Ben.

 they hurry to find Ben and brought him to the empty room.

What is going on with the two of you? Ben ask seeing how they were looking like dead.

Listen guys, two persons just approach me to partner with them, so we can expand the hotel and spread it round the world.

And what are you waiting for”? They both shouted.

Not so fast, that is why I call you guys here, don’t you think it look suspicious? Just a day of opening this hotel we are getting this kind of attention?

Hmmm, I think you are right, Ben said but Peter was only thinking of getting rich quick.

Is not everything that looks suspicious, let’s go for it. If it doesn’t  work out then we can back out immediately beside this days am the one who is ready to scam others, so let no man think he can scam me of my hard earn money.

Ken and Ben turn to look at each other.

We just started Peter, we’ve not earn any money yet.

Yea, your right, but what about the land I gave up for this hotel? That is hard earned money too you know.

Let’s not panic yet, we are going to play along with them, if is real, then we will expand, if not, we move on with our plans of working hard.

As for me I don’t want all this working hard thing Ben said, if they are going to keep to their words then why not? We open branches everywhere.

And I will be the director of the branch in America Peter said.

Why do you want to go to America? So you can run away from your wives? Ken ask

How do you know? Peter ask.

What is going on with him? I thought he was making proposal with Ken huh.. Mrs. Bobmmanuel said when she notice that Mr. Tom is not following Ken any more, this time, I will get the upper hand.

           How did it go? Mr. Tom ask the beautiful lady.

Very well, but I think he is going to be a little tough.

Forget that, I will handle him.

“ok” she said and walk away.

Hello Mr. Tom Mrs. Bobmmanuel greeted Mr. Tom.

Hello Mrs. Bob how is life treating you?

Very well and you.

As you can see we are doing well.

Hmmm, good to hear, how did you see the Jackson?

They are good, I think they are going to be interesting


And by that you mean?

Forget it, I will see you later he said a walk away.

Hmmm, you little schemer, I will beat you down this time. Just watch and see.

“ keep an eye on her”, he told Mr. Tom told his men.

“yes sir”.

The day was far spent and everyone need to go home, while everyone was happy Ken was busy thinking about the things that happen at the hotel. Does this mean that their hotel business is going to be a successful one or maybe is just another problem staring at them in the face? He didn’t want to make the mistake his father made that lead to his death, is was this unfaithful partners who turned against him.

Why are you not happy Ken, today was a huge success, you should be happy Gina said.

I know, but something came up.

What is it? 

The person approach me to partner with us, the wants to invest in the hotel so we can have branches all over the world.

Wow.. that is good news, so why the long face?

Something seem to be off.

What is that?

I don’t know, two of them cannot come to me at the same time.

You think so? What if is a blessing?

I hope so, Ken said.

You know what?


Do you know the terms of this partnership? Gina ask Ken.

Yes.. yes.. you are right, I don’t even ask them what they want in return.

You see, so how will you just conclude when you don’t know if it will favor you.

You are right love, that is why I love you. He hug and kiss Gina, and thanking his God that the lady he met at the hotel was not there to cause trouble for him.

I know what I will do, I will call Mr. Tom to know what the terms and conditions are for the partnership, if I don’t like it I will go for Mrs. Bobmmanuel’s 

Hello, this is Ken.

I know the voice responded 

Wow, ok, am ready to talk.

Good come to this address.

Ken receive a message in his phone within seconds.

Wow, that was fast, he said. And drove to the address.

Sit, the man said and want straight to the point making ken to understand that he is a no nonsense person.

So ken tell me, what are your expectation for this hotel business.

Well, I’ve not really thought about it Ken.

So you don’t have any expectation of where you want to be?

Not really sir, I think is a gradual process for me and my team. Is just that your proposal came too sudden for us, but if you give us time, we will meet up to your expectation.

Hahaha the man laugh, Ken, ken, you are still a small boy, my expectations are something that I think you cannot meet, but am ready to give you a chance. He said making ken to look small.

What is he trying to do? Is he belittling me? Ken wanted to get up and leave but the man said.


I am willing to invest in your hotel, and make it one of the top the country has ever seem, it will be round the globe. That is if you agree to partner with me, am not asking you for any returns, all am asking you is to get married to my second daughter who is in abroad.

I want her back in the country, she means the world to me, I don’t want her getting married to any of the men, I mean those white men. 

Ken could not get up from his sit.