

WEBNOVEL SPRITY AWARD 2024) "Ian Dominic attended a party where he locked eyes with the captivating Gloria Sue. But after the night ended, he was unable to find her again. His only clue was the striking red dress she wore, a memory that lingered in his mind long after the party was over." Instagram: yourmysterygirl07 titok: yourmysterygirl07

Fl_rish · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 5

Dreco POV

"We can't make a move today; this party is a trap," I whispered to my team through the earpiece. "Ian might have gotten wind of something and is trying to flush us out. He thinks we'll reveal ourselves unwittingly." My associates nodded silently, their eyes scanning the room. We had blended in seamlessly, our disguises fooling even the most discerning eye. I had been tracking Ian for years, watching him rise to power, and I knew him well. When he gave that toast, I recognized the subtle challenge hidden beneath his words.

"As I scanned the room, I couldn't help but admit that the party was indeed hot, and everyone was dressed to impress. But then, my eyes landed on a young woman who stood out from the crowd. She looked Asian and was lingering by the food section, lost in thought. I felt drawn to her and decided to approach her. 'Hello, I'm Dreco,' I said with a smile, extending my hand. 'Hey, Gloria, nice to meet you,' she replied, her handshake a bit awkward, revealing that she wasn't the social type. 'Would you like to sit down and have a drink with me?' I asked, and she nodded, 'Alright, that's cool.' Her response was brief, but I sensed a kindred spirit, and I was eager to get to know her better.

"As Gloria and I chatted, I couldn't help but notice Ian's gaze fixed on us. I waved at him, and she turned to follow my gesture. Their eyes met, and I was taken aback by the intensity of Ian's expression. It was a rare sight to see him reveal such emotion, and it only lasted for a fleeting moment. As if he realized I had witnessed his reaction, his demeanor suddenly shifted, and he quickly turned away, his pace brisk and deliberate."

"After Ian's abrupt departure, Gloria shot me an awkward glance before we resumed our conversation. However, I couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that we were being watched. Despite her shy demeanor, I found Gloria's company endearing, and I was surprised to learn she was younger than I had anticipated. We chatted for a while longer, but eventually, I had to bid her adieu, though I didn't want our conversation to end yet"

"I excused myself from Gloria's company to mingle with some influential figures, potentially valuable allies in my plans to either take down Ian or explore lucrative collaborations. Not everyone in attendance was here to indulge in the revelry; some had ulterior motives. I discreetly spoke into my earpiece, 'How's the party looking, boys?' and received a subtle nod from one of my men, signaling that all was well and under surveillance."


"As I descended the stairs, I spotted Dreco engaged in conversation with the mysterious girl. He caught my eye and waved, prompting her to turn around, and I finally got a clear view of her face. I was taken aback, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu - I could have sworn we'd met before. Our eyes locked, and I took in her features: she was stunning, with warm brown eyes that sparkled like they were alive. I was transfixed, trying to place where I'd seen her before."

"Dreco noticed my puzzled expression, so I discreetly walked away, but not too far, remaining close enough to observe from a distance. Lost in thought, I watched as he walked away from their conversation, and I decided to approach her. I grabbed a pack of cigarettes and strolled up to her, lighting one up as I spoke, 'Need another drink, or have you had enough?' She gestured to her glass of juice, 'I'm okay with this.' I took a puff, intrigued by her familiar appearance. 'You look very familiar, what's your name?' I asked, my tone authoritative, as was my nature - always the boss. She hesitated before responding, 'Gloria Sue.' I introduced myself, 'Well, I'm Ian Dominic. You can call me Mr. Ian.' We stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes, she sipping her drink while I smoked. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed her scent until she excused herself, leaving me wanting more of her presence "

"Wanting more of her presence? A stranger I just met? I shook my head in self-rebuke. What was wrong with me? Why was I feeling so at ease with someone I had just met? It was uncharacteristic of me, and I knew it. I'm Ian Dominic, always in control, always cautious. Yet, there was something about Gloria Sue that had me off guard, something that made me want to know her better. I pushed the thought aside, chiding myself for being too soft. But the truth lingered, refusing to be dismissed"

"I sat alone, smoking, when Monica approached me. 'Who is she?' she asked, referring to Gloria. I replied bluntly, 'Don't ask me questions about who I choose to speak with, it's none of your business.' Monica shot back, 'Well, whoever the hell she is, I don't think she's welcome here.' I raised an eyebrow, 'And why's that?' Monica took a cigarette from my pack and lit it, 'The way people are staring, and how Shandell reacted when she saw her... it's clear she's not wanted.' Monica's expression turned wistful, 'You know, I've always loved you, Ian, but you act like you don't even see me.' I dismissed her comment, 'I don't have time for such nonsense.' Monica persisted, 'Why not? What do you want? Maybe we could meet up tomorrow night and discuss it?'"

"'Like I said, I don't have time for this,' I repeated, my tone firm, before turning to walk away. I took three strides, leaving Monica and the conversation behind. As I walked away, I scanned the room, only to realize that Gloria was no longer at the party, her absence caught my attention "

who feels comfortable around around a Stranger they just met? you better be careful Ian

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