

WEBNOVEL SPRITY AWARD 2024) "Ian Dominic attended a party where he locked eyes with the captivating Gloria Sue. But after the night ended, he was unable to find her again. His only clue was the striking red dress she wore, a memory that lingered in his mind long after the party was over." Instagram: yourmysterygirl07 titok: yourmysterygirl07

Fl_rish · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 4


"As I gazed out from my private suite window, I watched with satisfaction as elegantly dressed guests strolled into the hotel. As the co-owner of this luxurious establishment, I hadn't needed to book the venue, and it seemed that everyone who mattered had received my invitation. The who's who of the city's elite arrived with their entourages in tow, and I was delighted to see my plan unfolding seamlessly. Just as I was about to turn away, a humble vehicle caught my eye. Whoever emerged from it wouldn't be a high-society type or was perhaps trying to keep a low profile. My curiosity piqued, I waited with bated breath, and then, she stepped out - a vision in a stunning red cheongsam, the only splash of crimson amidst the sea of guests. Her entrance was like a breath of fresh air, and I couldn't help but be intrigued."

"With all the guests inside, I made my way downstairs to welcome them. As I entered the room, Monica, a family friend who had been persistently flirting with me for years, was the first to greet me. 'Oh, there you are, Mr. Ian - you look dashing in that purple suit,' she said with a flirtatious smile. I returned the compliment, 'Hey Monica, you still look lovely,' playing along nicely. As all eyes turned towards me, I seized the opportunity to raise a toast. 'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's an honor to have you all here celebrating with me. I'm grateful to those who have helped me reach this point, and I hope they'll support me in achieving even greater things. So, let's raise our glasses to more power and success!' I said, my words laced with irony. Those who understood the subtle undertone raised their glasses, while others simply followed suit. As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on the red dress I had noticed earlier, now occupied by its mysterious owner, who remained hidden in the corner. I tried to get a better look, but was interrupted before I could catch a glimpse of her face."

"The party hasn't even begun, and I'm already having a great time. I can see you've put a lot of effort into making this a success, but I'm afraid it will all be for nothing. They've been searching for Ahmed's body, and someone knows you have a secret to hide," Dreco said, interrupting my gaze.

I wasn't surprised to see him here; even in his late 50s, he still looked remarkably young and handsome. Ageing seemed to have bypassed him, and I had to give him credit for that.

"Who are 'they'?" I asked, pretending ignorance, though I suspected I knew exactly who he was referring to.

"Oh, come on, Ian. Don't play dumb with me," Dreco replied, his tone serious and stern. "I know you know who I'm talking about. Don't pretend you don't

"If you're referring to The Knights, they're the least of my concerns right now," I said, patting Dreco on the back before walking away, intentionally ending our conversation. I continued greeting other guests, exchanging brief pleasantries, and observing their reactions to my subtle yet pointed remarks. Some struggled to hide their disdain and irritation, while others couldn't conceal their fascination. I relished the discomfort I inspired in them, even among the ladies, who seemed put off by my ability to outshine their husbands. My impeccable suits only added to my allure.

As I mingled, I received a signal from Eagle, prompting me to excuse myself and enter my private room. "Where is he?" I demanded, pulling out a gun from my drawer. "I instructed you to deliver my message or bring him here with his daughter. What went wrong?" Eagle's face contorted in shock, knowing I never tolerated failure or disobedience. "I thought he came yesterday as instructed, I apologize, boss. I'll fix it," he pleaded. "Didn't you pass on my message?" "I did, sir. I'm surprised he never came," Eagle replied, his voice trembling. I murmured to myself, "Looks like someone wants to be caught in the lion's den." Dismissing Eagle with a wave, I said, "You can leave."

Gloria POv

"I arrived at the venue some minutes late because the guests had taken almost every parking space available. I must commend the host on a job well done - the decorations were impressive, and the venue seemed secure. As I stepped inside, I was thrilled to see the array of delicacies, drinks, and finger foods on offer. The guests were all dressed to the nines in their most expensive attire, while I stood out in my bold red outfit, drawing stares from the crowd. My anxiety began to spike, and I knew I needed to extricate myself from the throng. I made my way through the sea of people, searching for a quieter spot to collect my thoughts"

"I didn't expect to run into anyone I knew at the party, so I kept a low profile, just in case. As I made my way to a corner to observe the crowd, I noticed someone descending the stairs. And then, I saw him - the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on, dressed impeccably in a purple suit and I knew he was the host. His hair was slicked back, and his serious expression only added to his majestic aura as he made his way down the stairs. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at his chiseled good looks and impressive physique. The singles in the room couldn't help but stare, and one of them even publicly complimented him, drawing more attention to his already-captivating presence."

"As he raised his glass to give a toast, all eyes were on him. Afterward, I noticed his gaze sweeping the room, and my heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked onto my corner. I felt a chill run down my spine, wondering if I had inadvertently done something wrong. Although my face was hidden, I sensed his intense stare. The moment felt like an eternity before someone approached him, breaking the spell. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to myself, 'Am I not supposed to wear red?' Not wanting to draw any more attention, I made my way to the finger food section, seeking a distraction from the unsettling encounter."

"As I reached for some food, I heard a voice behind me say, 'What are you doing here?' I turned to face the speaker, and to my surprise, it was Shandell. I was taken aback by her presence at the party. 'I asked you, Gloria, what are you doing here?' she repeated, her smirk unmistakable. 'You know this isn't a place for you.' I stuttered, trying to explain, 'I thought it was a public event, since there were no specific invitations...' But she cut me off, her tone firm, 'It may be open to all, but not to you.' I tried to defend myself, but the words caught in my throat. I couldn't muster a response, and Shandell's piercing gaze only made me feel more uneasy."

"'What's going on here?' asked a woman tapping Shandell on the shoulder. I assumed it was her mother, given the resemblance. 'This uninvited person crashed the party,' Shandell sneered, her intense glare still fixed on me, as if I was a criminal. But her mother intervened, 'Be nice, Shandell. Hello, dear, I'm Shandell's mom, and you're welcome to the party. Please, make yourself at home.' She offered me a warm smile before leading her daughter away, diffusing the tense situation."

"As Shandell and her mother disappeared into the crowd, I let out a sigh of relief. I scanned the room, searching for the mysterious man I saw earlier, but he was nowhere to be found. Feeling a bit deflated and no longer in the party spirit, I considered calling it a night and heading home. But a part of me was hesitant to leave, wondering if the rest of the evening might hold something more intriguing."

Alright, there would a slow update.

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