
The Girl and The Soccer Ball

Started December 14, 2020 Who said girls couldn't play soccer? Who said they couldn't be good at it? Just because guys can play soccer doesn't mean people can stereotype people. If there is one girl who can prove that theory wrong it's got to be Orla. Orla is a 16 year-old girl that went to Riverview Highschool and she was star defense on the boy Soccer team. Her dad declares that Orla and her mom move closer to him so he can be apart of her life. They move across the country to North Carolina. Find out what happens next in Orla's life. *Warning this book contains cursing/swearing, and mature scenes for some audiences*

Bella_P · Teen
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Chapter 8 - Netflix and Chill

"Aww they fell asleep with eachother,"

"Hurry take a picture this is a rare moment,"

"I think their dating!"

"Don't wake them up"

I flutter open my eyes to see my mum and Elijah's parents crowding over us with adore in their eyes.

"You woke her up Mike!" Mrs. Jones scolds Mr. Jones.

Then I feel two big warm arms around my waist pulling me towards their body. Oh wait their body is Elijah. I actually quite like this position im in. Insert a winky face.

"Principessa don't move," I hear Elijah groan.

"Omg you guys look so cute together please date for my sake!" my mum pleads along with Mrs and Mr Jones.

"What time is it?" I ask remembering what happened before I fell asleep.

"Well it's 7 we found you guys up here we were going to leave, but seeing you guys like this I feel Elijah should stay over!" Mrs. Jones squeals along with my mum.

"Ok we are going to go and Elijah can come back whenever!" Mr. Jones says ushering his wife out the door.

"Yay sleepover!" Elijah squeals like a girl.

"Ehm get off of me!" I tell him trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"Alright imma head out leave you guys to mingle alone!" mum says squealing out the door.

"I want you to be mine," he says with a husky tone.

"I also want you to be mine, we need to take this slow though. I feel protected in your arms and I have a weird reaction to you," I admit snuggling my face into the crook of his neck. I breath in his pinewood scent.

"You don't know what you do to me bambina," he says sitting up and pulling me onto his lap.

"Netflix and chill Buachaill leanbh?" I ask him.

"What was that you said in Irish?" he asks his eyes fill with curiosity.

"I said Buachaill leanbh, means baby boy," I tell him straddling him.

"Ok then yes Netflix and chill then bambina," he says adjusting us in bed.

I go over and grab the remote and turn on the tv. I get the Led light remote and turn on the lights to yellow. I get up to close the door and lock it, and brush my teeth. I close the curtains I recently got so nobody sees me go poo on the toilet. Lol. I go over to Elijah and cuddle back into the spot I was in.

"Don't leave me again Principessa," he says pulling me between his legs.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask going to Netflix on the tv.

"Anything you want to watch, but nothing too girly," he says playing with my curls.

"Mk lets watch Siren," I tell him and he nods.

Sorry if their relationship or whatever you wanna call it is moving too fast. Just a little reminder this isn't only just about romance and mushy shit. It is about a girl that plays soccer and romance and shit. So my apologys if you don't like books where the relationships go too fast. I honestly don't either, but in my opinion I don't think their relationship is going too fast. But that's just my opinion. I care about your guy's opinion too so thats why I put this author's note, but I usually don't

I also want to say im sorry for this chapter being too short I just go onto christmas break, and im trying to have some time for my family. Since all I do everyday is school, read, and write. I hope you guys understand. Anyways back to the next chapter...

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