
The Girl and The Soccer Ball

Started December 14, 2020 Who said girls couldn't play soccer? Who said they couldn't be good at it? Just because guys can play soccer doesn't mean people can stereotype people. If there is one girl who can prove that theory wrong it's got to be Orla. Orla is a 16 year-old girl that went to Riverview Highschool and she was star defense on the boy Soccer team. Her dad declares that Orla and her mom move closer to him so he can be apart of her life. They move across the country to North Carolina. Find out what happens next in Orla's life. *Warning this book contains cursing/swearing, and mature scenes for some audiences*

Bella_P · Teen
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9 Chs


Sooo this book was originally published on WattPad. I did a face reveal on WattPad due to Webnovel not having a photo feature on writing books.

So if you are interested on seeing what I look like you can go to WattPad and search up my username: _xxX_Bella_p_Xxx

If my user doesn't pop up you can always search up this book and go to the author aka me.

Anyways that's all I wanted to talk about due to me using my iPhone for this update, and updating on a iPhone is not pleasant.
