
The Girl and The Soccer Ball

Started December 14, 2020 Who said girls couldn't play soccer? Who said they couldn't be good at it? Just because guys can play soccer doesn't mean people can stereotype people. If there is one girl who can prove that theory wrong it's got to be Orla. Orla is a 16 year-old girl that went to Riverview Highschool and she was star defense on the boy Soccer team. Her dad declares that Orla and her mom move closer to him so he can be apart of her life. They move across the country to North Carolina. Find out what happens next in Orla's life. *Warning this book contains cursing/swearing, and mature scenes for some audiences*

Bella_P · Teen
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Chapter 3 - What a paint job


"Mom im going to go get the boxes out of the car," I yell walking out to the car.

My dad just decides he wants to come in my life. I haven't ever seen my dad before, nor talked to him. He ended up cheating on my mum while she was pregnant with me. My mom flew the state to start fresh somewhere else while my dad stayed with the person he cheated on my mom with. My dad never reached out until now. He threatened my mum saying he will take us to court to get full custody of me. So my mom decided to let him in my life just right now. He has missed all 16 years of my life. That brings me to now where im bringing boxes inside this huge mansion. Apparently my dad is rich of some sort so he payed for me and my mums house. Who would've thought a cheating bastard will end up rich haha. Hint the sarcasm.

I walk into my room and wow. It has all white walls that is where we go wrong. We need some color in this boring ass room. There is nothing in the room yet. For the floor we have a grayish wood which is fine to me. Shit this closet is fucking huge. Well thats good because I have room for all my soccer jerseys, cleats, jordans, and sweatpants. Uhh I will die for sweatpants. Next is the bathroom.... the fuck who puts a big ass window without blinds in a fucking bathroom. For all I know there could be a stalker looking at me while im taking a poo on the toilet. Hehe. All in all my bedroom is fine but its time to customize and make it my personality.

"MOM CAN I GO TO THE STORE TO GET PAINT?" I yell from upstairs to my mom thats in the kitchen.

"Yeah my keys are right here please don't make a mess with the paint," she sighs handing me the keys.

"No promises mum," I tell her winking.

I get in the car and make my way to the nearest handy dandy store. Aha here is Lowe's they should have paint here in stock. Im thinking a light blue for my walls since blue is my color, well my favorite color. I get out of the car and head inside the store. To the paint aisle we go. Hmmm I think maybe 4 buckets of paint shall do the trick. I get the cart and make my way to self-checkout because I don't want to put up with flirts or bitches. After I pay the robot I make my way to my mums white tahoe with the cart.

Now im in my room changing into a old graphic tee-shirt with black baggy shorts. I set up the some plastic wrap on the floor so paint doesn't ruin the precious floor. Hehe note the sarcasm. I get the roller and roll it on the paint tray. That right there just satisfied me a lot.

*3 hours later*

Im finally done with painting it just needs to dry and its 10 in the morning. So while the paint is drying im going to unpack the stuff that goes in my bathroom. I start unpacking all my hygiene stuff and putting them in the cabinets. Then I get out soap and a candle to put on the counter. Then a cute little tote of the little makeup I own since I absolutely hate makeup. Then I get curtain thingys and hang them up on my shower and put a new shower head. Then I stock up the bathroom with towels.

Then I have to start on my closet. Let me tell you some life advice it is fucking hard to move with 100 pairs of Jordans. I sense the sarcasm. I take out all my Jordans first, then all my cleats. Then all my jerseys and oversized graphic tees. I live on oversized clothes and thats on periodtt! Shit this is going to take a long ass time. I mind as well jam out to some music on my iphone 11. Who would've thought the first song to come on was Body by Megan Thee Stallion. Praise the lord.


Ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (mwah)

Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (ah, ah, ah ah)


Hehe luv that song. Anyways back to sorting out my shit. I start taking out my sweatpants, baggy shorts, long ass socks, and many more shit. After I got my closet situated its already 1 in the afternoon. Shit I think im going to take a nap on the pile of clothes I have in my closet. I don't have a fucking bed and I doubt mom gots any of the couches set up in the living room.

Who else likes Megan Thee Stallion's new song Body. I like it just because she is spreading positivity in the body world. Ya know?

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