
The Girl and The Soccer Ball

Started December 14, 2020 Who said girls couldn't play soccer? Who said they couldn't be good at it? Just because guys can play soccer doesn't mean people can stereotype people. If there is one girl who can prove that theory wrong it's got to be Orla. Orla is a 16 year-old girl that went to Riverview Highschool and she was star defense on the boy Soccer team. Her dad declares that Orla and her mom move closer to him so he can be apart of her life. They move across the country to North Carolina. Find out what happens next in Orla's life. *Warning this book contains cursing/swearing, and mature scenes for some audiences*

Bella_P · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 - Crushes

*5 months ago*

"Why can't you just be fucking normal Orla?" Caleb asks in the hall.

"I don't want to be normal soccer is my life," I tell him leaning against a locker.

"Do you even have a crush like a normal girl?" he asks.

"Yes I fucking do," I tell him remembering I have a crush on my bestfriend.

"Prove it then, tell me," he says with curious glance.

"Fine I have a crush on Liam," I tell him looking around making sure nobdoy heard or seen it.

"Liam?! Liam can't like a girl like you, for fucksakes you guys are bestfriends. If you think Liam is ever going to go for a girl like you then your stupid," he says.

Right when he said that Liam came bursting out of the gym. He looked angry and curious.

"Caleb can't you just fucking stop bullying her at this point. Are you mad, sad that she is better at you then soccer? If thats not the reason then what the fuck? Stop bullying her this has been going on since middle school!" he yells at him.

If Liam could have smoke coming out of his ears there would be a lot.

Caleb walks into the gym without glancing towards us.

"H-how much did you hear?" I ask him.

Crap shit is about to go down.

"Enough to ask do you really have a crush on me?" he asks with sympathy.

"Y-yes I do Liam," I tell him.

Now he has a face with pity and sympathy. That should answer my question right there.

"Ok fine uhh whatever lets go out to the field,"

He walks away. Just walks away. I just embarassed myself again. This is why a girl can't love or like people. You always get rejected or end up breaking up. Right now it looks like I just got rejected by my only crush.

I sat there while he walked away.

Ooh our little Orla here has her first crush and rejection. Ahh so hard.

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