
To Build or Not To Build

Day 3 after the crash

Lilith got up, Peony still snoring softly. Scavenging the nearby area she found berries. They were hairy with colors ranging from pale orange, unripe, to salmon, sort of ripe, then deep red. Salmon Berries.

Using some fibers she found, and using her experience with weaving, she weaved herself a crude basket. It wasn't pretty but it was good enough to gather berries.

By the time Lilith filled her basket with salmon berries, it was almost noon. Peony happily ate her share of berries, while Lilith spent more time picking through them. When she finished, she thought that she could improve the shelter.

Spending a good few hours collecting wood, fibers, stones, and leaves, she made herself some also pretty crude tools.

Working till sunset, she took down and started rebuilding the shelter. Peony slept in a patch of clovers as Lilith finished the base of the shelter. She planned to make a sort of cabin, she hated sleeping on the ground with only leaves under her.

Night 3 after the crash

Lilith worked through some of the night, illuminated by a fire. Exhausted, Lilith fell asleep with wood and rope in her hands.

Hopefully the work will pay off...