
A New Friend

Day 2 after the crash

Lilith woke to rustling. She looked around sleepily. A small creature was searching through her food stache. Lilith jumped up, yelling at the creature. It seemed uniphased, although it looked st her with it's beady eyes.

Lilith realized that the creature was a wild Boar. "God damn it! You greedy wild pig!" Lilith pounced on the boar, shouting "I'LL MAKE BACON OUT OF YOU!!" The boar squealed and

returned the aggression.

Lilith managed to tie the boar down, only then did she realize how skinny the boar was. This was kinda unusual. Heaving a big sigh, Lilith gave the boar some food.

At Noon

Lilith untied the boar cautiously. Expecting it to run off, she was surprised when it padded over to her and fell asleep in her lap. She was really feeling guilty now. She had tried to kill it, so she was kind confused why it didn't run.

She knows, it's a idiot. This boar must have a bad memory or something because she just tried to kill it a few hours ago. Or mabye it thinks she will give it more food? Anyways, the boar acted like she was a friend.

Lilith made her new friend a bed of it's own. She had decided to name it Peony. She named it Peony because Peonies where her favorite flowers.

At sunset Lilith pet Peony gently, they both drifted off to sleep. It was nice to not be alone anymore. It was warmer and more comforting....