
The Gift of Healing

Two sides, two forces, two symbols of good and evil has appeared in this new chaotic era or Gifts. One was called Hope while the other Despair, two different ideas leading two opposing teams of Heroes and Villains. And with that came the inevitable war between the forces of good and evil, and with the miracle of hope, the side of Heroes won against the forces of evil as humanity prospered once more in the era of relative peace that our protagonist lives in, born with the simple Gift of healing. Disclaimer: This novel will delve into some very sensitive topics so viewer/reader discretion is advised. AN: The more sensitive scenes start at chapter 2 or the 3rd chapter if you include the prologue, now I am not begging you to read you worthless ant, but it would at least make me put a bit of my attention towards you. If you suddenly receive a reply to one of your comments in this novel with me saying "Cringe", its because you're cringe. Some immortalize readers: Rando_ - the first commenter and also the first power stone giver bananaman - the first reviewer, and also the first Transcended Also follow me on Twatter, I post hints and cryptic messages for the upcoming plot of my novels and get some juicy info like what my voice sounds like. It's @NoNameDeityWN. (Started in February 28, 2022 - 96th day of writing) (4th novel)

NoNameDeity · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Ch 42 – Sonic Wolf

As their body came to a halt, a shadowy blur shot out of the smoke from the distance toward Sora who was the nearest from the smoke which made the other's eyes widen but luckily, Sora regained control over his body when he was about to be tackled by the shadow by responding back with a punch that halted the shadow in its tracks that allowed the others to finally see what it was.

With dark black fur, a gigantic maw, and throat that collided with Sora's fist, with a wolf-like body, a very familiar beast has presented itself to both Aki and Zoran.

"A Sonic Wolf!" said the both of them at the same time as their eyes widen in surprise at the sudden appearance of a monster.

"W- what's that!?" asked Sora in the distance as the wolf was flung away from Sora's punch that didn't damage the beast at all from the lack of pain it showed to the four.

"It's a Sonic Wolf, its name is from its sound-based attacks and at S rank it could reach the speed of sound and gain more control over sound," said Zoran as the other tree regained control over their bodies and activated their Gifts.

"The one we are facing right now is D rank from its size and speed, with us four, we should be able to take care of it as long as we work together," said Aki as three beams of light shot towards the other three and they felt their body getting stronger along with their Gifts getting more potent.

"Okay, how about its attack patterns?" rapidly said Sora as a wall of light appeared in front of them as the wolf disappeared from their view with the sound of something hitting the light barrier appearing out of nowhere with the wolf's open maw covering their view.

"It relies mostly on its tremendous speed and sound base attacks, my guns won't work on him because it can just dodge the bullets so close combat is better, we just need to halt its movements for a second and we could pummel it to the ground with our combined attacks," said Zoran as the other three nodded and prepared their plan.

With secret codes and hand signs, the four instinctively knew how to counter the wolf and take it out.

As the barrier of light around them receded, the expected attack came like they planned as a shadowy blur shot towards Sora who didn't resist the attack and instead let it lunge towards his outstretched arm as he let out a shout of pain.

With the wolf's mouth now on Sora's left arm, he hurriedly swung his right fist to grapple the neck of the wolf, and with that, with the sacrifice of his left arm, he managed to make the wolf now stuck.

"NOW!" shouted Sora with constant grunts being let out from his mouth as the bite of the wolf got harder and harder but he resisted the pain to let his teammates win.

With his shout, a series of bullets, chains of blood, along with arrows of light shot towards the wolf as it instantly got enraptured in the trio's barrage of attacks with its maw now letting go of Sora's left arm to let out a howl of pain but that was its end because the blood instantly went inside its mouth to kill it from the inside out.

As the wolf dropped down to the ground with lifeless eyes, the four plopped down to the ground letting out deep breaths and gasps as sweat poured from their forehead and body.

"Oh shit, Sora's arm!" suddenly shouted Zoran as the other two instantly put their focus on Sora's left arm to see that even the bones were already visible!

"Holy shit! Aki! You gotta heal him!" said Jong-ga with wide eyes, not noticing how he even ordered Akihiko Tanaka of all people, he probably would've been shunned in his past life if he said something as disrespectful as that to Akihiko.

"On it!" said Aki as a beam of light shot towards Sora who wore a face with scrunched up brows and as the light covered his whole arm, a very… weird sound came out of his mouth as his flesh and bones regrew back to normal leaving the four blushing from the sudden sound that came from Sora.

"… Eh herm! G- good job team!" said Sora who put on a bright smile and a huge thumbs up and pointed it at the other three who looked at him with wry smiles.

"Good job!" said Aki with a huge smile as the other two also grinned from ear to ear at their successful hunt against a D rank sonic wolf.

But after that, they finally noticed the real problem they have to face.

"What do we do with the wolf?" asked Aki as he pointed at the wolf with a raised eyebrow.

"We can't just leave it here to rot, the game's own government would question this monster, and panic would arise," said Aki as the other three finally realized how realistic this game was and they need to account for damage to public property, public unrest and more.

"So, what if we just you know… bury it under the park?" said Zoran as the four stood up and head over towards the wolf to inspect it.

"Can you disintegrate the body of the wolf with your light?" ask Jong-ga to Aki who shakes his head in response.

"What if you instead suck out all the blood of the wolf to like make it smaller? Then maybe we can just chop off the parts and dump it in the river?" said Aki.

"What if we just fling it into space?" said Sora as they "hmmed" all at the same time.

"Let's just see if it has that magic crystal the Hunter Agency is hyping on," said Zoran as he neared the wolf with a blade appearing on his hands that he directly plunges towards the chest of the wolf to see if there were any crystals.

"Nope!" said Zoran while shaking his head as the sword disintegrated into particles of light.

"So send to space plan?" said Sora by the side.

"How will we even do that?" said Zoran as he rubs his head while looking at the dead wolf with a sharp gaze.

"Just literally punch it upwards, if we give me a gauntlet or hammer along with Aki's buffs, and with the blood being sucked out to reduce the weight to a considerable degree, it should be feasible to send it to space or just destroy it midair and send its pieces everywhere," said Sora as the other three scratches their chin.

"Why not," said Aki while shrugging his shoulders and shooting a beam of light towards Sora which empowered his body by a huge margin.

"Sure," said Zoran as a large hammer appeared in his hand that he gave to Sora with a grunt that shows how heavy the hammer was.

"Okay," said Jong-ga as he approaches the opened chest of the wolf and sucks all of the blood that made his muscles bulge from the blood that was absorbed.

After all the right conditions were finally met, Sora approaches the shrunk up wolf with a smirk and lifted the hammer with one hand which was very impressive due to the weight it holds, then as the hammer was pointed upwards towards the sky, a huge amount of energy bellowed deep within him that is not as similar to the power he holds in the real world but it was close enough.

As he used the maximum amount of energy he could withstand, he swung the hammer with all his might that made the air around them move in a crazy manner as it made contact with the dead corpse of the wolf.

And with a loud pang, the body of the wolf caved in on itself and just like that, it blasted off towards the sky until the four couldn't see it anymore as their stupid plan somehow succeded.

"Wait… what if it somehow lands somewhere in the city?" asked Jong-ga as they all became silent from the sudden realization of the consequences they would suffer if their plans did fail.

"It's the aliens! The aliens did it!" suddenly said Zoran like a madman.

"Y- yeah! The aliens sent a dead wolf to the city if that does happen!" exclaimed Aki.

"Yeah! We didn't do anything!" said Jong-ga with a laugh as Sora looks at them with a blank stare.

"Indeed!" said Sora as they all cracked a devious smile.

"Let's run!" said Zoran as he instantly turned around and rush towards the exit of the park where there still resides the destroyed grass and land their battle brought.

"Wait for me!" said Jong-ga as he run away like his life depended on it which he was a pro at this point due to the number of life-threatening situations he faced before in his past life.

"Let's go!" shouted both Sora and Aki as they followed along with the other two and just like that, four innocent kids run away from a scene that they were never a part of.

AN: This is 1552 words, you're welcome.

(April 21, 2022 – 148th day of writing)