
Agreeing to look

On the way to pay her respects to the old madam, Chen Zi Ye passed by the main entrance hearing, "something strangely ominous in this residence." She immediately stopped in her tracks and turned to look towards the source of the voice. What she spotted was the two guards in their usual purple garment and black armor over with a monk in a slightly worn out and faded orange kasaya blocking the entrance. 

She quickly went towards them and ask the monk anxiously, "Please tell me what you mean when you say that something ominous is going on in the residence?"

"Amituofo, it is but the will of the heavens" said the monk as took a look at Chen Zi Ye and let out a sigh shaking his head before turning to leave. 

What!? What's with this cryptic message!? What's the meaning of your sigh while shaking your head!? You can't just say something so nonsensical like that infront of us then turn to leave as if it never happened! You can't do that to us! The two guards, the two maid following Chen Zi Ye, and Chen Zi Ye herself couldn't help but shout these words in their mind at the monk.

Chen Zi Ye was the first to snap out of her thoughts and look towards the monk again, seeing that he no longer had an intention to stay she called out to him with tears rolled off her cheeks. "Please wait, wise one. Please have mercy and take a look at this one's sister, for she has fallen terribly ill and we don't know why. We have called upon many great and well known doctors but no one knows the reason as to why she won't wake." 

The guards on the other hand were staring with eyes wide open and their mouths were gape open that a whole chicken egg could fit inside. They were completely speechless as they looked at Chen Zi Ye's tears. Afterall weren't the rumors in town said that Chen Zi Ye and Chen Yu Han, although they are half sisters they don't get along. Even after both of them married the same man they still fought like cats and dogs. Yet at this moment she was crying for her sister's sake as if they were very close!? Did everyone in the capital misunderstand their relationship!?

The monk looked at Chen Zi Ye for while before he bowed and spoke, "Mmm, it would seem that this is this one's fate. Amituofo." 

Hearing the monks response Chen Zi Ye looked up hopefully at the monk before wiping away her tears and smiled at him. Her smile made one feel as if there were a gentle spring breeze but if anyone paid closer attention they would notice that an ice cold glare flashed quickly before it disappeared. "Mmm, then Wei Ze please call the old master, old madam, and the master to the main hall. I'll lead this wise one and await their arrival there." Chen Zi Ye stated to the maid at her right. "Please follow me wise one," she said as she turned to head towards the main hall.

After half an incense stick, everyone had arrived at the main hall and looked towards the monk who now sat in one of the guest seats in the hall calmly drinking tea. They had to admit though the monk looked really serene despite that he was seated in the main hall of the prime minister. He really looked as though he no worries! Or was the monk just that dense to not even show them some respect. 

"Ahem, please excuse our late arrival. We did not mean to make you wait." Said the old madam as she bowed her head slightly

"There's no need for apologise. This one had blindingly followed the path that fate had brought before him. Amituofo." 

"I see, so what fate does this wise one have with our household for you to end up at our doors," said the old madam slightly annoyed since the monk didn't even bother to greet them despite the fact that she had slightly bowed towards him. 

"Amituofo, will you be willing to share what has recently occurred in your household?" 

"Recently, my Concubine has just given birth to twins, a boy and a girl." Said Lan Mu Shan 

"Amituofo, it would seem that the fate this one has with your household has to do with the ominous sign I saw that came to be at the birth of your children." 

Everyone couldn't help but gasp and looked at the monk with wide eyes as they heard his words. 

"H-how can that be!?" Shouted Lan Mu Shan angrily as he clenched his hands.  

How can the heavens be so cruel to him? First it was his beloved Han'er and now the monk says it's his children born from his beloved's turn! Who wouldn't be angry upon hearing that!? Just how much must he give, in order to live peacefully with his family!? 

"Then wise one is there a way to avoid or safely pass through this ominous sign that lingers above us? " the old madam suddenly interjected.

"Amituofo" responded the monk as he closed his eyes and started turning the mala breads in his hand. 

Silence fills the hall again as the entire hall waited for the monk's response but all they got from him was a soft shake off his head going side to side. The monk's response caused the room to get a little more gloomy.

"I'm willing to pay any price as long as my family can live happily in peace." The old master said sternly

"Amituofo, life is but a journey for us all. What will happen will happen for all had been preordained." Spoke the monk as he slowly stood up to leave.

"Please I beg of you wise one, please guide us to overcome this ominous sign." said the old master as he got down on his knees. 

Lan Mu Shan quickly got up and went towards his father to help him get up but seeing that no matter how hard he tried to get his father to stand up and how insistent his father was, Lan Mu Shan could only give in and got down on his knees as well. Everyone else in the room saw how the old master and the master was acting so they all joined in as well. 

As the monk was about to walk away, he heard a loud thump that stopped him in his tracks. He slowly turned his head around and saw that the whole hall was filled with people on their knees. They all shouted in unison, "Please guide us through this ominous moment of our lives."

"Sigh, Amituofo" said the monk as he looked at the crowd in front of him with helplessness, "as this one had said earlier all is preordained thus this old one is not able to do much. If that sounds fine to you then this old one will take a look and see if I maybe able to help you."

"Of course, we understand. Thank you for agreeing to take a look" the old master responded with gratitude. He quickly got up off his knees with the support of Lan Mu Shan. 

"Let us go look at ominous sign that lingers above your children." Said the monk as he turned the mala beads again

Everyone quickly got up and went towards the entrance of the hall. Once they reached the entrance the old master turned around and spoke to the monk, "Please follow us. We'll show you the way."