
The Gepture Menace:Steven Universe

So this is based on the show Steven universe however during the crystal gems war stuff. Honestly the show has such a good setting and all that, but the actually show kinda sucks. So yeah uh, synopsis is that... An artificial gemstone code-named Charlie is created to avenge his creators. The Osmmo a species that fought and resist the gems for several thousand years. Though due to the immortal like bodies of the the Gemstones the Osmmos eventually lost this war. However not before creating their greatest machine. The Artificial Gepture Stone.

ZeOwl · TV
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8 Chs

Oh Rose

I was getting to know the towns people. To be honest humans were disgusting creatures. At least the ones that lived in beach city, half of them were simply extreme personalities to highlight their own perceived individuality. Much like the crystal gems in fact.

They're some in town who aren't effected by commonality, but are instead have a group uniqueness. Such as the teenagers of the town, who are all the same age and hang out. Except for the two who run the doughnut store. As those wo seemingly know the other group, but are closer to each other.

However there was an outcast among the youth. A true extreme example of too much individuality. Coming up with conspiracy that doesn't exist. The even younger youth was even stranger though. A boy named onion seemingly appears all over town yet I have no idea how he travels do quickly. He arrives places faster than I do.

The town had a mayor who was incompetent as a leader. So as I observed the town I realized rose was closer to the mayor than that knob. Even now I can watch rose talk to a painter. Her art was decent, but she had a strong relation ship with the gems. It seemed she was inspired by their beauty. Even I had to admit that.

I scoffed at my own thoughts, and jumped off the light house. I landed on the ground and begun my walk again. I had made a analysis of Rose to a fair bit. She had a... I'll call it passion for the living. Seeing the small moments of life as an art.

It was understandable, but after observing the town. I had to wonder if Rose felt guilty or depressed. Her eyes as they lingered on people were something unreal. I had to eventually probe her about it. I knew why she would feel that way, but the look...

She was guilty, due to her selfishness causing earth to be invaded. Her weakness causing humans to bee trapped on a zoo. Which was in it self another failure of hers as those humans would never be able to return to earth. Their lives, generations of people forever changed. Yet she was alive still pressured by it.

Which left the destruction of earth. Rose made often trips across the world. She was the only one. She tried so hard to restore the damage done to earth, but she didn't know how. So she did minor things to ease her feelings. So? What was the look in her eyes.

If i wanted to use the crystal gems as my tool to destroy home world I needed them at their peak. Unwavering and completely unshakable. After all I had records on many things. One was the diamonds power, Each had varying degrees to effect a gems emotional state. If they weren't mentally strong, they would be useless.

Which meant I had to solve their problems, such as Rose's guilt. Then it struck me, "Oh Rose you aren't..."

The stupid little girl, that was what she was. Still immature and still too green. Her stares at the humans were the biggest factor in my realization. However there was certain small events that matched.

I adjusted myself and walked to the beach where I found a rock and sat down. Within time I waited and let the time change. Until Rose wandered by, I watched as her feet pressed into the sand.

She asked me bluntly. "Were you waiting for me?"

"Is that the only reason I would enjoy the view of the ocean? Damn, you think too highly of yourself. I mean imagine looking at those humans with guilt is just hypocritical."

Rose frowned, choosing to keep walking. I spoke though making her stop in her tracks. "Running from your problems like always, Not wanting confrontation? I've looked over the history of the gem war, you know. None of it is actually your fault, earth would've been crushed no matter what. You only gave it a chance, though not much you are willing to do with it."

Rose was clenching her fists, "You don't know anything."

I picked at the rock I was on, "Well you aren't facing me so, I kinda do."

She turned to me with tears in her eyes. "NO YOU DON'T!"

I pointed at Rose, "Yeah, I do. You want to kill yourself in some stupid act of self indulgence." I scoffed, "I'd bet my frontal lobe on it if I had one. You want to preform a rejuvenation on yourself. Since your a diamond there is no original setting for you, right?"

She looked shocked I had figured out her stupid plan. I continued though getting up in the process. "You know why I said I bet my frontal lobe? because it doesn't take a genius for me to figure out you wish to become human or some stupid idea."

Rose took a step back, "Wh-Umgh."

Before she spoke I pushed her making her fall down. "Real brilliant fucking plan that is. Reset your abilities and erase your consciousness so that the crystal gems are severally handicapped and earth unable to ever recover. I mean you do realize you are the only existence that can even come close to fixing the kindergartens and you want to kill yourself. HA!"

I laughed hysterically to make my point. Rose just looked down in shame, "What else am I supposed to do?"

I shook my head, "You want me to tell you? I thought you were a big girl?"

Rose let herself wallow in the sand as the sea water covered her hair. Rose spoke, "Why do I have healing powers? Gems don't need healing..."

I rolled my eyes, she is just now realizing this. Seriously how buried in her delusions is she? She continued though, "I never actually learned how to control all my powers you know."

"So what?"

Rose looked at me funny and I poked her nose. "Boop...Hehe." I frowned again as she looked confused. "I am broken so I fix, I am incomplete, yet I still do my best. What is it that you do Rose. Wallow in self pity when you are alone while ignoring the problems around you when you are with friends? What will you do Rose? What part of your powers do you not control? As far as I can see..."

She fumbled to get up before I just pulled her up myself. "I use excuses... that's what you want to say." Rose and her many fronts, I wondered if she would ever act like herself. I wonder if there was a time she did? I'd have to ask pearl about that one.

I watched as rose walked home. Hmmm, I could use this actually.