
The Gepture Menace:Steven Universe

So this is based on the show Steven universe however during the crystal gems war stuff. Honestly the show has such a good setting and all that, but the actually show kinda sucks. So yeah uh, synopsis is that... An artificial gemstone code-named Charlie is created to avenge his creators. The Osmmo a species that fought and resist the gems for several thousand years. Though due to the immortal like bodies of the the Gemstones the Osmmos eventually lost this war. However not before creating their greatest machine. The Artificial Gepture Stone.

ZeOwl · TV
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Pearl had eventually left the communications array. It made sense though she didn't have the strength I did and could just put the pieces back together myself. Adjusting the needed changes and locking everything in place. Connecting my sensors to the array I checked everything.

Everything turned on and the crystal gems warped over. Amethyst laughed slightly, "I never seen this place together, looks so BORING!"

Pearl answered her with a, "Its a communications array its not supposed to look cool."

Rose came over to me while I watched Garnet inspect the pillars. Rose whispered to me, "Are you sure this is safe?"

I nodded, "I assume they are trusting me because of you? Such power you have over them. You should get rid of that authority and see what happens."


I rolled my eyes, of course she didn't know some of her own powers. I flicked a new added switch and the array turned on. Everything was silent and nothing came through, but the silence of space.

Amethyst laughed again, "Neat so it doesn't work or?"

I shrugged, "Let's find out, the nearest station should be the hu-" I paused thinking slightly. "I'll go with the second closest actually."

Rose seemed to smile at that, perhaps she thought it was out of kindness? Truthfully it was because from my records blue diamond frequented trips their and I felt I might break something.

\\: Connecting, entering data stream... One way contact mode activated for station 7B14A.

We all went silent, nothing we said would come through, but eavesdropping was certainly made people go quiet.

\\: Gem 1: "Refueling is almost complete, Aw man I can't wait to smash some heads. Homeworld is practically dead."

\\: Gem 2: "We have a mission, best not to stray away from it. Just because you convinced the higher ups to investigate the conditions of earth. Does not mean you have the permission to run around."

\\: Gem 1: "Well I wasn't told all the mission details now was I? You are the one that has the full briefing."

The two went silent and Garnet was the one to show concern. "It seems we may have company soon."

I looked at amethyst who was about to speak when I put a finger to her lips. I blinked, they were actually rather soft...

\\: Gem 2: "It seems I have been given authority to give you some of the details. The main mission is to check the condition of Earth, it was rather far so the diamond's attack may not have made it the desolate wasteland we expect it to be. The second mission is to look for the remains of a Pearl and Rose Quartz."

The first Gem scoffed and it came through their side clearly. I moved my eyes to the others gesturing. To make them understand it was a ship they were actually on. Not the station.

\\: Gem 1: "Why do we have to look for some stupid corpses of some dead rebels."

Through the line I heard the second gem move and seemingly activated a screen of some kind. Taking a second I adjusted a few settings and checked if I could get an image from their side. Sadly it seems they didn't use their ship to show off a screen.

\\: Gem 2: "We are looking for this mirror, this box and finally a pink sword seen here."

I stared at Rose who bit her lip. Rollin my eyes I had to wonder if these two may provide anymore exposition. It would be great, since I didn't have a picture to look at. Nor did the nitwits behind me, though with the description of a pink sword, I didn't have to guess.

Hearing the two gems stop talking I tried to adjust the sound. However the connection only picked up the first gem leave while the other stayed not speaking and typing away at their side. I decided to cut the connection, but not before setting up the virus to monitor and track the other party as well as record what comes through.

Rose coughed, "Well that was informative." Pearl leaned over to Rose and whispered something. While Garnet rubbed her chin thinking. I picked up Amethyst from my shoulders and set her to the side.

"I assume you have these items? Rose's pink sword is obviously a trophy or proof of death. However what are the two other items?"

Rose gave a nod to Pearl and she pulled out the two items. "This is the mirror, its something we found during a ship raid. While this box...." She opened it wordlessly and amethyst responded.

"Ha, Whoa! Gnarly! Is that what I think it is?"

It was a clump of pink shards, my eyes analyzed them as diamond shards or more specifically a weaker and essentially fake clump of diamond. Meant to replicate Rose's real gem.

"So the sword is a trophy, this ornate box is a coffin and the mirror is..." I took it from pearl with her hesitating slightly. Looking it over I looked at Rose and raised an eyebrow.

She gestured in ignorance, "What?"

I shook my head she clearly didn't know. "Its a Lapis Lazuli, and she is trapped in the mirror. Lucky you she's unconscious..." I paused looking it over at the crack across the gem. "I'll keep it that way for now until I figure out why she is important to home-world."

Amethyst raised a hand, "Oh, Oh! Can i watch when you free her?"

Rolling my heads I patted her head, using the information I have. She was a bystander, home-world either was getting her to cover mistakes and reacquire this mirror. From my records this mirror was not created by the Gemstones, it should be a weapon made by another species conquered or destroyed by the Gems.

I'll build some more perhaps they could be useful. The mirror it self was a very powerful screen. So I could replicate it if I got the material, the only catch was the power system which was a gemstone.

Rose grabbed my shoulder as I begun walking away to the warp pad. "What are you gonna do with that?"

I peeked over her shoulder, then back at her. "I am gonna make more, its useful."

She shook her head, "Its dangerous!"

Staring at Rose I sighed, "Good intent with awful actions, lead to only bad endings. You rebelled and caused this Lapis to be caught. She wasn't a rebel, but she was clearly tortured looking at the fact she is cracked. If she falls into the home-world hands. Well I wonder how many will end up like her. That and it is clear to me that they will create one to be used on pink diamond's shattered remains. I wonder what they will see."

With that Rose bit her lip and I saw the life die in her slightly. Smiling internally slightly I nodded, "Good you realize the right path. Besides..." I gave a dramtiac pause making her look into my eyes.

"Those two that we just intercepted, they are going the wrong way. So be a good girl and just continue to be a good mascot. Making those behind you believe in the right cause."

Her eyes dimmed a little more before she shook her head, "You are vile."

Taking a second I smiled, "I guess we are two of a pair then aren't we?"

She pushed past me and stepped onto the warp pad disappearing before me. pearl caught sight of it and ran over. "Where is Rose going?"

I shrugged, "Home most likely, its where I am going."

Stepping on the warp pad I disappeared before Pearl.