

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Si Yueting and Liu Yiyao both shivered simultaneously when they heard what Xiao Luo said. Only two words appeared in their minds – it's over!

As a salesperson, they had a more comprehensive understanding of the customer Guo Taining's information. For example, it was not a secret to them that Guo Taining's ex-wife chose to jump off the fifth floor of the inpatient ward to end her life because she could not bear the pain from childbirth. Of course, they would definitely not mention this incident. Any normal person would know that this topic was like a minefield. It was Guo Taining's trigger and when it was brought up, the person would die a horrible death.

What was Brother Luo doing?

The both of them were anxious. They could not understand the intention of Xiao Luo's words. How was this talking considered a negotiation? It was clearly just to make Guo Taining upset.