
Two Magical Needles

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The old hospital compound of the City Women's Hospital was relatively old. The delivery room was on the fifth floor, and compared to the other hospitals, it was considered somewhat rundown. The sound insulation was not particularly good and standing outside the delivery rooms, one was able to hear the bursts of cries from expectant mothers inside.

In present times, the national policy encouraged natural birth, and a C-section would usually be avoided, barring exceptional circumstances. Besides, people also knew that natural delivery would be better than that of C-section. It didn't matter if it was the economic view, policy view, or viewed from the child's health perspective, natural delivery was the mainstream method, and the result would be a nightmarish pain during childbirth.

Guo Taining and Xiao Luo put on their sterile gowns, donned gloves and caps, and then changed into surgical gowns and slippers before entering the delivery room.