
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Truth:

When my eyes opened up, everything was dimly lit, I was still able to make out that I was in a very small room, restrained by something that felt thicker than normal handcuffs, there was a long silence, and eventually, as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness I was able to start seeing the outline of another person standing in front of me.

I was about to scream before I remembered what happened, chances were that I was just moved to a cell in a new complex, one where I was to be killed, otherwise, there would be no reason to contain me in such a way, still, I felt that everything happening was so impractical from both a logical and budgetary standpoint.

I was waiting for the person in front of me to talk, but barely being able to make out his eyes, I was able to see that he seemed to be unaware of his surrounding like he was stuck in some kind of daydream, I decided that it would be best to just wait, but eventually, I couldn't go any longer and opened my mouth to speak, before I could though, he beat me to it.

"So intriguing to have one such as yourself here, honestly it's an honor to meet the leader of the resistance, I've heard stories about you, you really thought you would get away right?"

"The what now… wait, can you hear me?" I asked, confused at whether or not he was still daydreaming because I knew for a fact that nothing he said right now had anything to do with me.

I originally expected him to continue ignoring me and continue talking, or to wake up from his daydream, but instead, he just showed disappointment, sighed, and straightened up before walking over to the corner of the cell and turning on the lights by using a device he was holding in his hand, before speaking again, in a now more condescending tone.

"God, people like you are so boring, your going to die anyway, couldn't you at least have gone along with it, you know being left alone here only to kill people gets boring after a while"

I was surprised by how easily he talked about murder, it was obvious that he wasn't an agent or trained specialist, since he lacked any professionalism, yet he could still talk about taking somebody's life without hesitation. At first, I assumed that he might have gotten used to killing, but at most, this facility should only have started to receive prisoners a couple of weeks ago (there was a calendar in the cell).

"Sorry to disappoint, I was never really one for the arts, still I do have to have a need to ask, who are you?"

"A government agent"

"I'm not that stupid you know, there is no way a government agent would be anything like you, now be honest, who are you?"

"Well that's quite rude, I thought that at the very least I would make a passable agent, then again I guess I do still retain the aura I had from my glory days in the streets"

"Cereal killer it is then, I am still confused about something though, why was a criminal like you given the duty of executioner?"

"Well, the US government knew that this base would only be used if everything went to hell, so they wanted to get the person in charge of killing to be someone who was cheap to recruit, was happy to do the job, and was willing to die in what had now become a radioactive hellhole without the smallest chance of betrayal"

"So death row inmates with psychopathic murderous tendencies"

"And you were chosen by puer chance?"

"Not exactly, I was actually chosen because of my great acting skills, in fact, I had the pleasure to teach those medical practitioners that took your blood sample how to act, God knows that if they would have not been trained some of you would have seen through their act and said you were hemophilic"

"I have to congratulate you, you did do a splendid job there"

"Thanks, you know, I've taken a liking to you, most people scream or cry begging for mercy, this has been the single interesting conversation I had all week, so as a show of thanks, I will answer any question you ask, as long as I can, of course, we are approaching the end of our trip after all"

It was only after he mentioned it that I realized where I was, in order to stay sane enough to think, I decided to put up a front of indifference while hiding from everything outside until I was killed, basically, I was on autopilot. Chances were he saw through my act and decided to let me know something of actual value before killing me, probably to enjoy my suffering before death came.

I knew it was a trap, and I knew that I would probably not like the answer that I would receive, but I couldn't help myself, I had been worried about it ever since the bombs went off, and at this point, I was beginning to cling onto any hope I could, whether realistic or not. So after calming down, I asked.

"What will happen... to my family… what will happen to everyone"

"Just what I was looking for, honestly kid, you never disappoint, well, although I don't have many details, US seems to be launching a vaulting program to try and preserve the nation until the radiation 'goes away' I for one think its a stupid plan, then again there isn't much that they can do more than extend our death by a couple of years at best. As for your family, they will all die, slow deaths, the heat will cook them alive, in fact, compared to them, you're getting a better deal"

I could feel everything stop the second he said those words, a part of me always knew that something like this would happen, it was like my entire world was falling apart in front of me, I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to, I was helpless, despite my best efforts, some tears began to leak from my eyes.