
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The End Of The Road:

"Hey, don't start getting all sentimental now, otherwise you'll lose the little respect I have towards you, you do realize that you aren't the only person in this position right, so why the hell do you have the right to cry over it like you are special, god, people like you are really annoying you know"

"Fuck off will you, why the hell would I even care about what you think of me"

"Welp, your choice, anyways, we seem to have arrived… try not to freak out too much, it seems like the person inside doesn't know how to follow BASIC INSTRUCTIONS!"

After that, he barged into the room with me following right behind him, the room itself was slightly bigger than the cell I woke up in. Everything was white, except for a chair in the middle of the room, the air here was dry, unlike that found outside the room, plus there was also this weird feeling every time I touched anything in the wall, it wasn't quite an electric shock, but it did feel like something was quickly going down my back.

I was originally planning to just sit down and wait for the psychopath to be done with the person sat on the chair, before I could though, I felt a stare coming from the chair. In the beginning, I thought that it was probably just that psychopath trying to get me to watch as he tortured an innocent soul, but to my surprise, when I turned around I could see that the person in the chair was Josue.

He looked like he had been beaten up badly, I assume that he had already attempted to escape, still, although he appeared to be shaking and fearful on the outside, I knew it was just a facade that he was putting on, he had always been like this, a great actor no one could see through, an unpredictable variable.

This was also probably the reason why nobody else became his friend as a child, although he didn't pose any danger, parents told their children to stay away from him. It was mainly because of his family's past, the reason why he lived alone with his mother was that his father was an alcoholic that got arrested due to the attempted murder of his wife and child.

Apparently, his father had been having a hard time running his bodega ever since my father lent my uncle money to start a bakery and candy store on the same street Josue's father worked on. And Josue's father decided to take his anger out on his child, as for why he hadn't been arrested earlier, it was because the police system in Peru was… not effective to put it in very light terms. Plus, Josue's uncle became a police officer after dropping out from 'Secundaria' ( basically High school).

Still, after his father was arrested Josue seemed to change from a joy-full child, into a silent one, even worse, after his father's arrest he had developed his unreadable face, and parents were just scared that he would be a bad influence on their children, or even worse be a threat to their safety, as on the outside he acted like he had a couple of screws loose.


"I, I, I'm sorry… sir"

"You should be, you're just wasting my time at this point, here, if that's hard, then let me show you how to do it"

That psychopath then proceed to walk up to the still shaking Josue and grabbed his arm and put it in position, befre he could slit Josue's throat though, I could see a glint in Josue's eyes, I knew that glint, I had seen it before, when we're still children, he was about to do something reckless, and it didn't take much to connect the dots.

On impulse, I ended up jumping towards where Josue was, but before I could even say anything, I saw his mouth suddenly turn into a gentle smile, before he used what looked to be all his strength to free his right arm and push the psychopath to the ground before aiming to stab his chest, before he could though, that man rolled to the side and tripped Josue, whose fall was followed by the sound of a gunshot.

I saw him laying on the ground as the light left his eyes, apparently, there had been an automatic turret installed as a defense system, still, just because I understood what happened didn't make it any less painful, especially after I looked back up to see that psychopaths giant grin, he knew this was going to happen.

Josue was like family to me, as he had helped me through the hardest moments in my life, and especially because, despite the fact that my family was the cause of his misery and the fact that I was the favorite child of the man that started it all, he decided to spear me, and in fact welcomed me as a friend.

A flurry of memories came back to me, our childhood, the games we played, all of the times we planned for the future together, all of the times he defended me from danger. It was almost like it was just yesterday that we were standing with our heads held up high with the hope of forging a path of our own.

"Aw, what a disappointment, even the smartest one of you wasn't able to hold back and just accept your death"

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew, just because sane people couldn't see through him doesn't mean he could keep his thought hidden from everyone… I do have to say though, he seemed to care a lot about you, just remember that when you look back on this in the afterlife"

I didn't resist, there was no reason to, everything I ever cared about was either gone or soon to be gone. All I remember thinking when he put me in that chair was how disgusting humans were as a whole, how we were able to let all of this happen, how we were able to stand by as others suffered, how we ignored the signs.

'Maybe it's a good thing that humanity will end, at least that way… there will be no more damage to be done' I thought as I felt a stink in my head before losing consciousness.