
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Settlement:

Genesis March 9th, 0001:

I finally managed to finish all of the houses today, and even had the time to make a dining hall in the middle of the settlement with storage rooms for any extra food we had plus an area in front with five fireplaces that could either be used to cook food or boil water depending on what was needed.

The settlement itself was still very small only covering an area of 9 yds x 3 yds of which most was just spaced out trees, I would have finished quicker but I also had to remove a lot of tree trunks to make space for the buildings and other commodities like a small 1 yd x 3 yds area in front of the dining hall for a soccer field.

The layout was simple enough, the five fireplaces were basically in the middle of the front side of the settlement in front of the river followed by the mini football field behind it, which is also followed by the dining hall, and finally one house in the backside of the village. As for all of the other houses they were just on the sides 6 each.

Everyone seemed to be adjusting well to the new settlement and had even started to treat their respective houses as their own property rather than a room they were borrowing, so at the very least I had achieved my goal of giving them a sense of ownership, plus subconsciously knowing that there would always be people near them to help them fight off threats probably gave them some level of closure.

Looking back on when I was before I was amazed at how far I had come, although I certainly hadn't done as much as I could have if I focused purely on efficiency I still managed to create a safe haven not only for myself but for everyone else here, and that wasn't an exaggeration either as while we were working on the settlement just a couple of days ago somebody spotted a giant green snake and screamed while running away, unlike before though the threat was neutralized before it could get near anyone.

Ever since then I began doing predator attack drills where designated people would be sent to neutralize the threat while the rest stayed in their home until things were over to reduce the possibility of unnecessary casualties. Now that I had established the settlement though, the time had finally come to make possibly the most important decision of my life.

I had to choose what route I wanted to take this future nation in. It felt wrong to have so much power in my hands, I was conflicted because, on one hand, I was starting to get a power-high and daydreaming of the life I could live as a king, but on the other hand, deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to resist my greed and my ego would grow to unimaginable proportions eventually blinding my judgment.

I knew that I shouldn't, that it would be wrong and illogical to become a king not only because of my inability to lead but also my lack of self-restraint, as even now just thinking of the power I could hold I had begun to daydream of a future where I was treated as an immortal untouchable being that ruled over all living in my nation.

I knew things were getting out of hand quickly so I hit my right arm to snap out of it. I began breathing heavily as I looked at myself in rage and disappointment, no wonder my father held onto power for dear life, it was terrifying just how quickly I was willing to throw my morals out the window just to get my hands on it.

I didn't know whether this was something that I inherited from my father, neither did I want to, it was probably best to just try to suppress that into the back of my mind, for now, it wouldn't be the first time anyway. In the end although not perfect I decided to go for establishing a democratic form of government.

I knew that I would never be in the right state of mind to ever make any sort of government system that didn't in some way give me power whether consciously or not, never mind whether it would work or not. As for my position, I wanted to get as far away from political power as I could, yet I knew it would be impossible to do so in my position.

In the end, I settled on being a sort of advisor to the elected leader, after all the only thing I could offer was knowledge so that would be my job, plus that way I could at the very least make sure that the elected leader would not be surrounded by a bunch of yes men who would only incite said leader to take complete control.

As for how I would use the system to help improve the technological field, I would just get a position in a government-funded research facility. At the very least, that way I could do my job without having to be too involved with the political scene. Then again, I can only hope, as I don't know if I am alone here.

I'm afraid of what the world is to become if there are others like me, for I know that chances are that not all of them will be willing to give up power, and if that's the case then once we find each other all hell will break loose, and we'll once again be set on the same route as last time for anyone who is consumed by greed and power will probably no longer think about the good of the people and rather focus on their own well being.

That's for later though, as I don't even know if there are indeed others. On the brighter side, now that we completely cleared the area that was to become the farm, I could actually begin planting fruit and vegetables to secure a better diet for the new generations, plus I could also start meat farms and no longer need to depend on hunting.