
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Buying My First Skill:

Making an axe was about the same as making a hammer, at least in the stone age, and the only real difference would be that the stone used as the head of the axe has to be carved to have a sharp edge, not as sharp as steel weapons of course, but they still had to be sharp enough in order to facilitate the chopping of trees.

Of course, as proven by the nomads it is possible to use any rock as an axe if you use enough force, but the point of making axes was to make chopping a tree as easily as and effortless as possible, not only to increase efficiency but also to help lower the amount of energy (food) needed to chop down trees.

When I got to the river I just picked a triangular stone and began sharpening the wider end by using the sharpest stone I had. Although the Puma fang was indeed sharp, it was not strong enough to help carve rock. It only took me half an hour to get a sharp enough edge on the stone, but I knew that I could do better so I continued for another hour, in the end, I was only able to make the edge slightly sharper, but I still considered a good usage of time.

Before I could actually finish making the axe though, everyone else came over to where I was, I was initially confused until they pointed at the fireplace, and I understood that they were hungry and wanted breakfast. As I walked over I could see that they had been trying to start a fire on their own, and all I could think of was how they were getting smarter.

"With all fairness, host, though they are not as knowledgable as you, they still have the mental capacity of a 13-year-old, so they will be able to reason most common things that they are taught as long as they receive good enough guidance"

'That sounds about right, also that's surprisingly considerate of you'

"Of course host, I am honest, even if what I say hurts others, at the end of the day that's what I am here to do right, otherwise how could I be fair when it came to giving and taking away RP?"

'...Fair enough… By the way, would the store still happen to be open?'

"Of course host, would you like to use the sore? :D"

'Yes, that would be correct'

As soon as I said those words I was suddenly transported to what looked like an ancient library, with all of the shelves filled with books, I tried to read them, but all of the pages were just blank. Eventually, as I walked down 'hall' (open space between the rows of bookshelves) I found a podium made of old wood.

On top of it was engraved an apple tree, which I found odd but assumed was of some kind of religious importance. I tried touching the wooden carving in order to see how it had been engraved, but as soon as I did so, the tree began to glow, and a white screen presented itself in front of me with a golden border, only showing me two options.

[Technology] [Skills]

I was amazed not only because of the screen but because of the fact that all of the empty books had begun to glow, I had originally asked if the store was open in order to see how it worked and was not really planning to buy anything, but now that I was here I decided that it wouldn't be a bad thing to buy something.

After thinking for a while, I decided on looking for knowledge that would help me be able to more easily communicate with the nomads without having to teach them how to speak, making me go over to the skills section. When I did, I suddenly felt the ground tremble as some of the books and even entire shelves that once shined brightly went up in flames before disappearing. With that, the options on the screen changed.

[Attack skills] [Defence skills] [Communication skills] [Tricks/Abilities]

I was surprised to see that there were skills that improved my attacking abilities and defences ones as well, and although really tempted to take a look, I decided to not forget what I was planning to get and picked the communication skills option, once again causing some bookshelves to go up in flames.

I had at this point come to terms with the fact that every time I picked an option all those books which did not fit the category would just disappear. This time though, instead of giving me more options, the screen just displayed a map showing where the different sections of the library were, being separated into Primitive, North American, South American, Central American, European, African, Oceanian, Asian, and literature related.

I just assumed that the sections named after continents contained the languages of the counties found in said continents, and just went over to the primitive section. There were a lot of books and a podium at the end of the hallway created by the shelves. After touching the tree on this podium, what appeared on the screen was a list of all the knowledge found in this section and its price.

After scrolling for a while, I was finally able to find one that fit what I was looking for under the name of 'gesture language' and after pressing it I was presented with two options, one that offered me a primitive version of sign language, and one that gave me the ability to make people understand what I mean more easily just based on my gestures.

Needless to say, I chose the second one as it was what I had been looking for, before I did though, the system once again opened its mouth.

"Host, I understand that you have a tendency to try and make almost every decision objectively, but could you at least... choose something less boring, I mean, don't you want to stack up on attacking skills and become an insurmountable god on this earth, doesn't that sound more fun?"

'Not really, that kind of sounds like a pain, plus, if it's not like I'm in a position to be buying extra skills anyway, so it would just be better to be able to communicate with people and be able to work together better than to become slightly stronger'

"... Your no fun"

Ignoring the system, I ended up paying the 30 RP that the skill was valued at, and suddenly saw the only remaining glowing book on one of the shelves, I tried to grab it carefully as I could since I didn't know how delicately these had to be treated, as soon as I did though, I felt a shock go through my body before I was suddenly transported out of the library before I did though, I could hear a fading voice in the distance.

"HAVE FUN WITH YOUR lame skill hos-"