
The Gene Gamer

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  • 142 Chs
  • 4.0
    57 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Gene Gamer

Read ‘The Gene Gamer’ Online for Free, written by the author Ordinarystranger71, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering CULTIVATION Fiction, EVOLUTION Light Novel, UNDEAD Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: *On Hiatus*Name: Dimension Devouring GhostIn the year 3650, humanity has conquered the universe, only to find out that t...


*On Hiatus* Name: Dimension Devouring Ghost In the year 3650, humanity has conquered the universe, only to find out that they were the only intelligent species in existence. Unfortunately, the mystery they had known as the universe was nothing special. There was no extraordinary or the existence of special power. Even if there was, the human body was too weak to handle them. Therefore, they started out the project - B.S. in desperation with the goal of finding the extraordinary and prolonging their lives. Fortunately, right after a century, they had succeeded. They had successfully failed. Their success didn't bring any joy nor any happiness. Instead, it was the grievance and suffering that lasted for a millennium. But after the grievance was the joy that they had been desperately waiting for. Joy that they had finally discovered extraordinary that had the quality that allowed even humans to reach it and grab it for themselves. Now in this age and world, the orphan, Cylius will set sail on the grand of adventures. ... Read the auxiliary chapter first. ... Join discord https://discord.gg/8WxtGKk Not my picture. If the owner wish to take it down, I will do so. ... Currently being rewritten.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Start
Volume 2 :Academy & VRMMORPG


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

So this is my third review. I will be clear and direct this time. My mind have changed and the story's plot have also changed. This novel will contain a mc who is very cruel and disregards human emotions. He has no goal at the beginning but slowly developed or find a goal to live for. He have multiple personalities, and he is a genius. He is talented but not like the op mc. In fact the story have many occurrences where the mc's weakness is revealed and how powerful the world is to give him a harsh lesson. There won't be any girls or romance here, even if there is a girl rushing to him he won't care or just play with her considering his mood. People are no more than a soul within a meat cover depending on bones to move and be stable. The name is bs, it was my mistake back then, but since it is contracted I don't want to resubmit the contract again so, this could be the structure. Name: Dimension Devouring Ghost. Genre: Fantasy, sci-fi is merely a sub one, the main is fantasy. Sci-fi is the one for his current world where in other, fantasy will be the main driving force. Update: Unstable (I will try to make it better) MC: Cold, cruel, emotionless, benefit seeking genius. (he might seem like a hypocrite in the starting chaps) Grammar: Bad and rough (will try (not sure though)) I am starting on a new novel (I won't be disclosing the information) so think of it as me working on it if I'm not updating on this one. I might have lost motivation but I have regained it so I will try to publish at least one chapter every 2 days. I appreciate the support. The reason why I gave this novel 3 stars is because of no reason. I don't want to rate it 5 stars which would look shameless neither would I want to rate it 4 stars because I feel like 3 is average, the middle (logically) and rating it medium is just alright.


If the idea is to be judged here this piece would get 5* easily. Unfortunately, bad grammar makes the reading experience almost unbearable. Use of personal pronouns is wrong and that is a reason why the story is so so so confusing at times. Tbh it is hard to say something to story and character development and design. Focus while reading is simply somewhere else. If you are able to overlook grammar, spelling and word mistakes and errors (!!) then this one could be a gem for you. If you are annoyed by a shit to of mistakes and errors (again!!!) please do yourself a favor and avoid this piece at any cost.


The first 5 chapters is a huge info dump, but none of it is info you need nor wanted. On the parts where you need info there is not any. I recommend reading over what you wrote becuase there are a lot grammer and spelling mistakes. You should also consider writing from a point of view that it is happening to you Instead of saying then Whoever told us this. Use more quotes instead of saying someone said do this. There are many plot holes as well so consider filling those in. There are so many things wrong with the quality of writing that I assume you know of. The power system is not very good either. The story itself and the idea behind It is good, but the story is very poorly written. I do not know the update schedule so i just put four for it. The quality of the book drops immensely the more I read. If you can rewrite the Chapters and improve your grammer I believe this could be a great book, but it is not for now.


Writing quality - This is a 2. It's clear the author just wrote whatever nonsense that popped into his mind without reviewing it or editing. The grammar mistakes and poor sentencing structures quickly pile up leaving what has been written ineligible and hard to make sense of. Stability of updates - This is a 1. This may be unfair but I can't be bothered to check chapter dates. However, this novel has been in my library for a while now and there's barely more chaps than what was initially available. I feel that under no circumstances would update stability reach 3 or higher. Story development - This is a 2. The story as of C11 isn't anything special. The mc came from an orphanage then went to some sort military training thing. Character design - This is a 1. Most characters are background mobs with no explanation to their looks and end up being described as a collective group. The few times we do get distinctive explanations it's basically just something like: that guys's a dwarf. Not only that but we've only seen the personality types of 3 people and they've very basic. The mc is supposed to be cold and rational. He sees everyone as someone he might need to kill. However, he acts like a dumbass and is fine with staying weak even whilst considering how he might have to kill the strongest person in his group. He gets followed around by someone trying to act buddy buddy with him he initially thinks about how he wants to kill him but then out of the blue starts conversing with him as if he has accepted him as a friend. The 2nd character (can't remember name) is basically just described as a righteous goody 2 shoes The 3rd character (can't remember name) basically just attaches himself to the mc and we're not given any reason why. World background - This is a 1. The background of the novel is very limited and from what I vaguely remember is kinda generic.


I really like this story, keep up the good work author, it means the world to me. try reading the story from a to z, you might me able to spot mistakes more easily 😊


Its an amazing story and the idea is very good, but the grammar, punctuation, spelling is horrible, i could barely read it and it decreases the overall enjoyment of the story


Barely made it through the first chapter. A boring slog with little to know worlduilding or meaningful story. So repetetive I felt like i was in a time loop.


hm very good story i love just how the mc is ohh and please like up ⏬⤵️⬇️👇⬇️⤵️⬇️⤵️⤵️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


to be honest, I dont really mind the grammar and im 12 chapters in. i also doubt he edited it because there are still typos. grammar isn't bad but the English is pretty elementary. now, the only thing i have a problem with is the character. see i don't actually have many problems with the mc as many authors write unlikable cringy edgy characters. I just hope that the mc will actual develop as the story progresses, and as im only 12 chapters in thats a big possibility. but while I'm here I do gotta point out how 2d these side characters are


I'm pretty sure the author had best interests in creating this story and I do think that indeed, a lot of thought was poured into making it. However, the initial chapters lack elements of keeping the book interesting - I mean it in a way that, too much information dump was done, tastelessly. It can bore anyone who wants to get an initial impression and overview of the plot. Thanks, but if you can do a few edits, that would be better.


interesting start🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐👍👍👍👍👍👍🌷🌷🌷👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐


Okay, the second review of the day. This is my review after reading chapter 1, it wasn't because of the story not being interring enough, but rather I have no time. So, the plot is a gem, but left unploshed sue to negligence and well, authors lack of consciousness. I ain't sayinG Author isn't good enough or this book is trash. I personally liv d what I read in chapter 1. but as a reader, I should be cursing at the author. it gave me a hard time reading it. so, I was pissed but as a fellow writer I can understand. I would say, to check your para comments, I did as much as I could and try to fix them. don't just change themz review them and think it for yourself. I haven't read the enite story yet. The plot is good, but grammar isn't terrible, but a mess and made it harder to understand, making me reread paras simetimes thrice to comprehend the devine meaning hidden inside of them. So, focus on Style - I can let go of Grammar, but style should be good Grammar commas


Myriad of info dumps, literally the few early chapters are all info dumps for no reason nor logical flow to it. There are a lot of incosistency in term of the story flow or the lack there of, overall below average read.


Is this ongoing, theres only about 60 chapters so far & its been a while since the release. I'm kind of dissapointed in webnovel for advetising novels that doesn't go over the initial 60 chapters. :/


It's really good and above average in everything that's why I'll give four stars. only wanted a few more chapters a week then it would be perfect.




This is an interesting novel, besides the fact that the author has a huge PP, I could feel this novel going deep inside me that I enjoyed reading it. Few grammar mistakes and spellings aside, I dont know what the fuss was but it was readable. I also like the consistency of the mc that he doesnt turn into ur average webnovel protagonist. Yes author, more, more, more, ikuu, ikuu, ikuuuu


Nice. Hope similar work keep coming. I hope author can complete the story as more suspense keep bubbling. Overall I think it is a good story.


Project B-S stands for BullShit ! this alone deserved 5 stars! I wonder if it will be censored................................................


The book is great with regards to the world's backstory and the ongoing character development. It's just that it's so hard to read with a lot of grammatical errors. I suggest the author to get a beta reader or an editor in the side


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