
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Training with the other kids Shurikenjutsu version

"Attention please."

A stern but kind voice sounded out as I perceived a few voices stop talking entirely. This level of attentiveness was actually impressive for kids who should still be wearing diapers. Yet I still made out a few of them talking about how excited they were to be learning something different for once.

"The more you talk the longer it will take to get to the fun parts. Or would you like to go back to leaf exercises for today and leave Shurikenjutsu to later?" 

Those were quite convincing words. Soon the field become quiet of chatter and so Isao sensei began to instruct us.

"First off we will be use these" -he showed some star like metallic weapons with the metal looking dulled to a degree- "to hit those targets over there." He pointed towards said targets with an authoritative tone in his voice indicating that any misconduct will not be tolerated. 

I could hear several kids talking about the exercise we were doing today with some pointing out their nervousness. Which is understandable with the tone of his normally kind voice being this way it currently was. However there was a relatively easy fix with the water in the clean lake right next to us with crystalline like water in it. The water was probably cold as well.

By splashing your face with cold water you trigger the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system which in turn prompts the body to relax after a stressful event or during it.  It tamps down inflammation and helps you feel calmer. 

"Second off. You will be taught by an individual instructor except for the 2 individuals among you that have already been taught by the basics of this." He spoke with that same commending tone but there was a hint of sadness in the tone that nobody else seemed to have noticed aside from the other adults behind him which were our other instructors. All of them wearing the same Konoha jacket and black clothing underneath it.

So he liked teaching so much that to not have a student go to him for further training made him forlorn. Strangely that made me a bit chirpy since I was one of those 2 seeing at how father told him that he taught me a basic D ranked Katon Jutsu that infuses fire natured chakra into shuriken directly. 

Without thinking I brought out the skill page for the Jutsu to look at it once again.

Katon: Moeru Shuriken LVL 2/20: Upon completing the handseals you take a shuriken and then Infuse said shuriken with fire-natured chakra before throwing it with the fire chakra in the shuriken causing slight burns to the impacted area.

Handseals: Monkey - Tiger - Dog

Deals 10% extra damage with the shuriken costs 20 chakra to utilise.

When I first used it I discovered that the way CC works is that it adds onto how much Jutsu's cost by a percentage of CC I do not have. Maybe it'll be better to explain it like this. Since I have 10% CC right now then it adds 90% of the full cost of the technique after that then it takes into effect my fire affinity perk. 

If I were to perform the equation myself then it'll be round 28.5 costing 29 due to the system rounding it to the nearest whole number. This is why the leaf exercise consumes 9X the regular amount it takes as well unless the exercises are based on different rules that do that. Eh I'll figure it out one day. 

About the Fuuton: Kaze Shuriken I haven't learnt it yet because it would cause problems if I suddenly learned another technique so soon after learning the Moeru Shuriken.

"Third thing is that we will only be training with Shuriken throwing for now." He finished before asking a question. "Any questions?" 

"I have one. Who were the 2 that learned this early?" I heard a kid ask.

Sensei looked to me as if asking if it was alright to tell them. I nodded my head with another person nodding beside me showing that he to was the 2nd kid.

"Arisu and Fugaku are the 2 if you want to know although Arisu picked up a Jutsu that utilises shuriken from her father."

Fugaku Uchiha was a child at this point of time? I mean I knew that at some point I might encounter someone from cannon in child form but I always thought that Fugaku will be slightly older by now at least.

"You didn't have to say that last part." I spoke out loud drawing attention to myself.

"Yeah I didn't have to but I felt that you should have an extra task today. You are to use that Jutsu of yours time and time again until you feel exhausted. Don't think of this as punishment we just want to see how big your reserves are." He told me in front of everybody else. 

"Okay Sensei." I immediately vocalised. 

"Right then run off your sensei's have the Shuriken for you. Arisu and Fagaku you two can come here and grab these off of me." He gave both of us a pouch filled with shuriken that ties onto our thigh's to begin with our task after he said that.

I went up to a random pole with the pouch of shuriken on my right thigh before I brought my hands up and close to each other. I began the handseals required for this Jutsu imagining my chakra becoming a steady flame wrapping around a small object as I performed the first seal I felt my chakra heat up. The 2nd moved a small amount of chakra to that area the 3rd then kept it there until I wanted it to imbue my Shuriken.

All of that happened in a 10th of a second before I gripped my Shuriken and felt chakra begin to leave my body coddling around the shuriken imbuing it with fire natured chakra and giving it a slight flame like glow to it. Because it was a small flame.

I threw the weapon imbued with my chakra as small embers followed it's pathway easily. I saw it hit dead centre where small burn marks could be distinguished in a small circle surrounding the initial impact zone. The shuriken itself looked fine despite the burn marks surrounding it. 

Well time to begin spamming it I guess.

22 shuriken later and I started panting heavily around the time my chakra hit 83 points yet I threw 2 more ending up on the floor after throwing 25 of them from the sweat that now pored out of my veins. 

Shuriken throwing has levelled up to LVL 11

Katon: Moeru Shuriken has levelled up to LVL 5 congratulations by hitting LVL 5 you can now remove the Monkey handseal to perform this Jutsu

Due to exhausting your chakra reserves you have gained 5 CHA in turning increasing your chakra by 50 points. You have gained 3 points in DEX due to training Shuriken throwing. 

"Sensei I believe I am to tired to continue." I stated immediately. 

"Good what was your maximum."

"25 Shuriken." I spoke immediately. And he immediately become quiet from the shock he was feeling.

"That's enough in reserves to utilise a 2 B ranked Jutsu's." His voice sounded astonished at the news. "She has the reserves similar to that of the Uzumaki's and their clan's children."

So I have been compared to people known to have so much chakra that they can spam Jutsu after Jutsu with no stopping in between huh. Granted that's what I did.  Still I didn't expect to be able to remove handseals this early on with a Jutsu.

Well it doesn't matter I've got some more training to do.

That day I unlocked Kunai throwing alongside Senbon throwing that Sensei requested those with particularly good aim to practice in.