
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime & Comics
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3 months later and the truth is revealed.

*Made some changes to some perks reasoning didn't like separating the version of the Uchiha clan perk from my Hidden Uchiha gamer fic and this one so I combined them. Changes have been made already and it doesn't impact a lot.*

Tree climbing exercise has leveled up to max level.

Finally I've done it. This was hard to learn due to the fact that it drained 2% of my chakra every 10 seconds.

In that time I mastered the Fuuton: Kaze Shuriken and began to learn another Jutsu from my father. Although this one is made for helping train with fire elemental chakra by simply moving it around my entire body 

It wasn't a skill but a perk that increased all damage of fire Jutsus by 50% and made creating new fire Jutsus easier alongside increasing the speed in which I learn and master them resulting in me deciding to ask him to teach me something harder.

And he told me to master this first so I could prepare for learning my first C rank Jutsu. Only one though but he seemed to debate that in his head for a second.

I looked at my chakra reserves quickly making sure it was higher than 1000 before leaving to find my father who seemed to be training with mother wielding her sword against father's kunai and then she twisted her blade around bringing it under fathers kunai pointing it at his neck, 

"Good work sweetie." She said immediately removing her weapon and sheathing it.

"You're still a great Kenjutsu master Shiina." Father praised storing the kunai in his pouch.

I walked out of the tree's heading towards them.

"Kaa san, Tou san." I called out to them both dashing towards them as I spotted Nii san and Nee chan sparring with Bokuto skillfully. 

"Oh Arisu you were training here as well?" Father questioned as if it wasn't obvious why I was here. 

"I just finished mastering the Tree climbing exercise and was hoping you would teach me that Jutsu now." I stated my intentions not insistent on hiding them as normally. 

"I see in that case I can teach you something however I want to ask you something first." He told me.

"Sure." I was curious on what he wanted so I answered instantly.

"What do you know about elemental chakra manipulation?" 

Okay of all the questions he had to ask me he asks this. Why though? He plans to have me discover my affinities perhaps or maybe to confirm something. 

Oh well I'll answer honestly.

"An individual possesses a predisposition for one of the five elemental natures: fire, wind, lightning, earth, and water. These affinities often guide the selection of Jutsu, indicating a swifter mastery of techniques aligned with their elemental inclination. However, individuals are not bound by their affinity and can explore techniques beyond it. In some cases, individuals are born with two affinities, often associated with clans focused on a primary element, such as Katon for the Uchiha, or possessing a Kekkei Genkai that combines two elements. In extremely rare instances, a person may be born with three elemental affinities, but there has never been any mention of someone possessing four affinities in any credible sources I have read." I answered easily the change in my vocabulary evident to them though father continued not paying mind to it.

Law 17 of the 48 laws of power dictates that the person should be unpredictable in their actions in order to keep enemies off balance and although none of these 4 are enemies currently what's to stop them from becoming enemies in the future. 

"So do you know how to tell what elements you have?" He asked.

"Not really I just assumed learning Jutsu from every element would work as a way to tell them a part but I read that there was another way to do so I just don't know what yet." I truthfully stated even though a falsehood was hidden in the sentence.

Father pulled out a piece of paper.

"Chakra induction paper helps us learn what our elements are without the method you mentioned." He then gave me the overview of how it works before handing it to me. "Try using it." 

"You sure?" I asked getting a nod of confirmation in response I channeled chakra into the paper causing it to float as it took in the unique properties of my Chakra having 3 elements tied to it. It crinkled completely with one side soaking the other bursting into flames.

The shocked faces of my parents and siblings allowed me to realize fairly quickly at how rare it was to possess 3 affinities fairly quickly. Maybe recherche would be better here.

Lightning affinity gained - Perk Lightning affinity unlocked

Water affinity gained - Perk Water affinity unlocked

"In this case I posses a Water and Lightning affinity alongside the Fire affinity I get from the clan right?" I said quickly reviewing the perks in my mind coming to find that the perks did the exact same thing as the Fire one did.

Father was the first to recover from the sudden shock.

"Yes that is right." His gruff voice still held surprise in it but he made a slight smile at the prospect of me holding 3 affinities.

"Well what are you teaching me exactly?" I asked.

"I'll be teaching you 3 Jutsu actually. The reason I said one was because most people even in clans only possess one." He stated honestly though his face told me that he wasn't ready to teach me 3 right now.

"I have a lightning affinity myself so I can teach you one there." Mother noticed and provided help.

"Actually Kaa San can I inquire as to if you'll teach me the Shinsoku no Ken?" A singular question.

"I wondered on when you were going to ask to learn seeing those 2 over there." Mother said pointing to my siblings who had stopped sparring right when I tested what my affinities were.

"It could be a good idea to start that tomorrow though I believe I have the 2 Jutsu I want to teach her sorted out. I believe she's ready for the Gokyaku and she'll learn Suiton: Suidan on my end. It would be a good idea for you to teach her the Raiton: Raikousou (Thunderbolt Lance) on your side." 

"You believe she's ready to learn the rite of passage Jutsu already?!" Her confusion was evident as she screamed.

"Yes she has reserves comparable to High level Chunin of the Uzumaki clan and seems to pick up on Jutsu very quickly as hinted by the fact that she learned the Fuuton: Kaze Shuriken without it being her affinity. She might be a once in a generation genius and as such we should give her the tools to succeed in her Kunoichi career." His logical argument seemed sound if one weren't looking at age.

I was 3 years old.

"I guess it could be an idea for her to learn it now but it normally takes the regular clan member a full year and a half to learn this technique are we sure she can learn it quicker than that?"

"I have confidence that she'll learn it today in possibly 10 attempts." 

Quest created

Learn the Katon: Gokyaku in less then 10 attempts 

Objective: Learn the Katon: Gokyaku in less then 10 attempts. 

Rewards: 1000 EXP for every 1 attempt that was under 10, 500 Ryo every 1 attempt that was under 10, 1 D ranked Jutsu scroll 

Bonus: Level Katon: Gokyaku to level 5. 

Bonus Rewards: 1 C ranked Katon Jutsu scroll , 2000 EXP, Weak Chakra Pill X2 

Bonus: Level Katon: Gokyaku to Level 10 Bonus rewards: 1 B ranked Jutsu Katon Jutsu Scroll 5000 EXP, Chakra Pill X2 

Time limit: 12 hours

Yeah I expected this to happen when he said that.

"So when do we start?" I suddenly interjected.

"Let's head to this training fields lake and then I'll begin instructing you." I nodded my head and moved towards the general direction of the fields lake.

As I walked through the forest I began to review my information on the Katon: Gokyaku to prepare for learning it.

Katon: Gokyaku. A Jutsu that allows it's user to exhale a ball of fire from the mouth or a flamethrower in the shape of a fireball formed from the mouth. In the Light novels it is specifically mentioned that the power and size of the fireball is determined by how much chakra is used in it's formation.

To use it you must first knead chakra of the fire nature in their body before inhaling a large amount of air and then exhaling. In the Light novels we learn that that the Gokyaku can cause internal injuries to the user if the power of the Gokyaku is to big as Shisui had to use high level Suiton after he used his Gokyaku as it was so intense.

If we use the imagery of a fireball in our minds it should work properly. 

The Jutsu has 6 Handseals which are meant to help with forming the Chakra needed whilst turning it into Fire chakra and it helps control the Chakra. 

Like all Handseals do. It helps control the technique easier. 

Completing my analysis over the information I compiled a base theory I could use to learn the Jutsu in at the most 3 attempts.

Outside of that I realized that the chakra I had was perhaps too low to get Katon: Gokyaku to level 10 today due to the time limit. 

I checked the blue to see that my chakra had recovered up to 1450. My chakra was at 1110 when I checked 35 chakra points are recovered per minute so at least 10 minutes must've passed since I mastered tree walking found my parents and began to do everything.

Basic mathematics really I learned this at 3 in the Whiteroom after all.

Still I don't believe I had enough Chakra to do the level 10 one unless the Karyu no Kikan (Fire Flow Sensation) perk makes a difference.

INT has increased by 2 points

Arriving at the lake I decided to attempt gaining a new skill via meditation, I hoped to recover my Chakra via this method.

Via a specific action the skill meditation has been unlocked

Meditation LVL 1/10 - Meditation is the act of controlled breathing whilst sitting in a cross legged position allowing a person to calm themselves and focus solely on themselves. This method can help reveal dark truths to the meditator about themselves as it can be used as a self reflection, Recover 2.5% Chakra per minute passively instead of the natural 1% and when actually meditating recover 5% chakra per minute. Requirement in learning Sage mode.

I stayed like this for a few minutes as I waited for father to arrive, During that time I meditated increasing the level by 1 and gaining a 10% boost properly. 

"Kiddo get up." 

My eyes opened finding my father with his onyx eyes glancing down at my meditative position. 

"So we are starting right." I asked looking at my bar seeing that I had recovered everything. 

Chakra: 3500

The blue bar read.

"A demonstration comes first. I want you to watch carefully okay." His tone took one of authority with that last sentence.

I nodded my head as I watched him perform the technique. He want through the handseals at impeccable speeds taking in a mouthful of air before exhaling causing a ball of flames to form from his mouth and go barreling into the lake causing steam to rise from the evaporation of water as the Fireball extinguished.

"Now then I don't expect you to do what I have just done. with it but I do expect you to learn this Jutsu today." He stated looking at a slightly smaller body of water. "I might have to get Ushio to fix this later." He muttered under his breath.

I walked up to the body of water preparing myself for the first attempt and the only one I would potentially fail in. 

I began by imaging a ball of flames in my own mind as I began to go through a set of Handseals creating fire natured chakra in my stomach and molding I began to feel my throat heating up. I took note of this as the final seal was complete. Taking a deep breath in I expected a failure however I severely underestimated myself as a raging ball of flames exited my mouth crashing into the water being doused by it.

"Eh." The small unintelligible sound exited my mouth in shock at the ease I did this with.

Through a specific action Katon: Gokyaku no Jutsu has been unlocked.

Katon: Gokyaku no Jutsu LVL 1/50 - Upon completing the handseals, inhaling a large amount of oxygen and molding chakra you exhale a massive ball of flames about as tall as yourself or larger than 4 meters. The range is around 120 FT or 360 FT. The flames burn quicker than normal ones do.

Handseals: Snake - Ram - Monkey - Boar - Horse - Tiger

C rank 

Costs 100 - 300 Chaka points dealing around 50-150 depending on the amount used.

"This is due to the fact that you learned a Jutsu meant to help with the training and manipulation of fire natured Chakra. Though I am a bit surprised myself." He stated as I turned to look at him. 

"How long do you think it would've taken me without it." I said reading the skill and seeing that I had used 128 chakra due to the Fire affinity perk and the 70% extra cost from the fact that my control was only at 30%,

"Due to your intelligent nature probably 3 months." 

I was baffled by the nonchalant tone he took when he spoke. 

"Oh yeah I should mention that when you master this Jutsu you still perform the tiger seal. This helps keeps the flames controlled as you breath in."

"Hey Tou San thanks for teaching me this today." I vocalized wondering if this was the right thing to do. In response he ruffled my hair before speaking.

"It's fine kiddo. Whenever you need help training just come find me okay."

I wasn't certain but I was pretty sure that I was smiling for the first time right now. 

It was a shame that I wasn't the person they thought of me as. 

Emperor social link has ranked up

"I'm going to try and get used to this Jutsu Tou San." I stated going towards the pool to begin to bring this technique up to level 10. Or as close to it as I could in 12 hours.

"Then I'll see to Minimi and Ryoujuro then." His voice passed as I waited a minute for him to be gone.

"That's right I wasn't the person you thought of me as Tou san. Not you Minimi, Ryoujuro or Kaa san has seen who I truly am. But just for this moment I'll explain everything. I only care for you 4 I have never cared for anyone else. Not Isao Sensei, not Fugaku, not even Aunt Sakurako. All people except for those I care for are nothing more than tools that can be used to achieve my own goals. I will even use those I care for to achieve my own goals if I deem it important enough. The reasoning is simple. Winning is the only thing that matters in this world it does not matter how you achieve it the sacrifices matter not to me. As long as I win in the end. That's all that matters." I made sure my voice was incredibly low to avoid any and all unwanted accidents from me saying this out loud.

I then got to work on mastering my new Jutsu.