
The Gamer of Bleach

Laichi was an ordinary high school teenager. He goes on a campin trip with his father, but that trip will change his life as he discovers an abanoded expriment from ages ago. Will he survive the supernatural?

FGR_Troy · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

This story is nonprofitable work. Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo, Studio Pierrot, Viz Media, and TV Tokyo. Other properties are owned by their respective owners. OCs are owned by me.


The rest of the day went off without a hitch. After I got back, my Dad asked me some questions, and in a nutshell, I told him everything, excluding all of the scientist, and gamer... stuff.

We did the same thing as the day before, additionally, we went for a swim in one of the lakes; that was a good time. Before we know it, it is now the end of our last day of the camping trip.

I'm inside of my tent, lying confined inside of my sleeping bag, staring at the pitch of the tent, listening to the sounds of chirping Crickets that are muffled by the wall; all in hoping in vain for me to fall asleep. But it's all in vain since the whole power of the system is still fresh in my mind.

 With a huge sigh, I unzipped my bag, rising to my current position of sitting crisscrossed. I mentally summoned the abilities tab, picking out my newest technique from killing that bear.


Zensekai Raikō (Universal Enter)


It will transport you to any of the unlocked universes, but once you enter, you cannot get out until you completed the main mission.


What the hell?

This is getting absurd. If I thought this power wasn't crazy enough; you're telling me that I can travel to different universes? The scientists are going to have a field day since one of their theories is true. 

This is one hell of a weekend. 

With my curiosity peaked; I activated the technique.

"Zensekai Raikō."

In an instant, I felt everything stop moving. All of the sounds have disappeared in a jarring way; It is now hauntingly silent. The world around me gradually loses color until it settled for gray. Then the next thing, a large spinning portal appeared; making a sound that is similar to an approaching tornado. It was pure darkness with a bluish glow surrounding the border.

I immediately got sucked in. I started to scream at the top of my lungs as I was falling into kami knows where.



The sun is rising from the horizon, the sky has a variety of bold colors, however, the golden light emitted from the sunlight is the star of the show. There's not a single cloud in the sky, signaling it to be a perfect day. 

The light bathed the huge garden, full of neatly trimmed bushes, small trees that are well kept, decorated Japanese lanterns, a wooden bridge, and a rock-bordered pond; all within the border of the mansion. Surrounding it are the white walls with wooden pillars; sporting a darkish blue kawara roof. There's a gravel path that circles the garden, leading to the wooden deck.

Unfortunately, peace was disrupted when a black swirling vortex appears in the sky. Laichi falls out of the portal, free-falling into a pond, creating a huge splash. The portal disappeared just as fast as it appeared. He jumps out of the water, breathing heavily.

"Damn it, system! Couldn't you at least put the damn portal at a better location!" He ranted to himself as he walks out of the pond.

'Anyway, where am I?' He asks himself in thought as he is looking around. 'Did I time travel back in time? Am I even still in Japan?'

"It's a lovely morning. Isn't it, stranger?" A gentle voice said as Laichi turns to see two people standing on the deck.

The one standing at the center is an adult male with straight black hair that goes down to his neck. His face features purple scarring around the top part of his facial area, his eyes look blinded. He wears a black and white kimono with a haori that has the same colors as the latter, except it has a purple and pink salmon flame pattern that is present on the bottom half.

Standing next to him is an adult woman. She has white ponytail hair with lavender eyes. She wears a salmon-colored kimono with a decorative flower pattern, and a dark indigo haori with a blue butterfly pattern. She also sports a brown with pale shade striped obi with an orange obiage supporting it.

'For some reason when he spoke, I felt... calmer. It's like all of my weight has been lifted off. Who is he? Or rather, what is he?' Laichi asked himself. "It is beautiful." He answered. 

"May I ask what is your name, stranger?"

"Laichi Reberuappa."

"It's a unique name." He complimented "My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki." He gestures to the woman. "This is my wife, Amane Ubuyashiki." She nodded.

"So, I'm guessing this is your mansion?" Laichi asked.

"That is correct."

"Sorry, I barged into your property. I guess I would be on my way."

Kagaya raises his hand

"Hold on. I have a few questions to ask you if you okay with it?" Laichi nodded. "What was that thing you came out of?"

Of course, that's the first thing he'll ask. I can't bullshit my way out of this, especially when he already witness the whole thing. Might as well tell the truth.

"That was my portal that took me from my universe."

"Portal? Universe?" Amane said in a confused tone.

"This would take too long to explain, but in a nutshell, the portal is one of my abilities. Just now, I decided to give it a test run, but it became uncontrollable; sending me here. Now I'm stuck here for god knows how long." He explained. Their faces turn to surprise briefly before returning to their neutral expression.

"Can you tell me more about the universe?" Kagaya asked.

"Have you heard of the Multiverse Theory?" Laichi asked as both shook their heads. "Figures. To make it simple, It's about a theory created by scientists of my world; they claim that they are countless worlds that are separate from each dimension." He explained as their faces filled with confusion. "Imagine one world that you are not the owner of this mansion or another world that you're married to another woman."

"Fascinating. I didn't think there's such a thing existed. Tell me, Laichi. Are they any demons in your universe?" Kagaya asked. It was Laichi's turn to get confused.

"No? You know they're myths right?"

"The demons are very much real,"  Kagaya stated.

"You know April Fools isn't until next year." He joked but noticed the expressions on their faces. He frowns followed by a huge sigh. "What the hell am I getting myself into?" He murmured.

"In this world, as you like to call it, they are monsters that eat humans to gain power. They cannot be killed by normal weapons since they can instantly regenerate their wounds. Their progenitor, Muzan Kibutsuji is the strongest of them all." Amane explained as Laichi felt fearful from the revelation.

"Is there any way to defeat them?" He asked, ignoring the rapidly increasing pace of heavy beatings of his heart.

"There is. Their main weakness is the sun. They will burn to ashes if they get in contact with sunlight. Another way to eliminate them is a special weapon that is made of ores that are bathed in sunlight for twenty-four,  seven."

"Where can I obtain these weapons?"

"By becoming the Demon Slayer."

"What's a Demon Slayer?"

"Demon Slayer Corps is an organization that is not recognized by the government. It protects mankind from demons, all over Japan. Our main goal is to kill their progenitor, Muzan Kibutsuji." She finished speaking as her husband speaks.

"Where you're standing is not only my home, but it's also a Demon Slayers headquarters."

"If I were to take a guess; I say you're the leader of this organization?."

"You are correct. I can sense that you got potential. Will you join the Demon Slayer Corps?" He offered.


Quest Alert!!!

Defeat an Upper Moon Demon.

Rewards: ???, ¥???, ??? EXP

Failure: Death, Never leaving this dimension.


"I'll join the Demon Slayers," Laichi answered with no hesitation.

"I shall send one of the available Hashira to train you," Kagaya said as he sends out a crow to fly over the horizon.


There are two feelings that I'm currently experiencing; exhaustion and numbness. 

I'm currently jogging on the dirt path in the forest.


It's because of the person in front of me, who's doing the same thing I'm doing.

When we left the mansion, he started to run and I did the same thing. When I asked him why he simply states that it was a test.

To quickly describe this person's appearance; he has long black spiky hair that is tied in a ponytail and comes along with expressionless blue eyes. He wears black and white clothing that is considered to be a standard uniform for a Demon Slayer. On top of it, is a haori that is mismatched, on one side is pure crimson while on the other is a green, yellow, and orange patterned geometrically squares.

The man's name is Giyu Tomioka. He's known as the Water Hashira. According to Kagaya, the Hashira is considered to be the strongest Demon Slayers.

I believe since yesterday I was much behind him since he was simply much faster. We didn't stop unless we stop for food and sleep.

It was thanks to the increase in endurance and agility that I was able to catch up to him.

If there's one word I can describe Giyu is "Quiet". He rarely spoke at all during this whole trip. I think he might have Uryu beat in that department.

Because of that, I get to enjoy sightseeing and endless walls of trees. Kami, I hope for a scenery change because this is just getting repetitious. 

"Where are we heading to exactly?" I asked; hoping for at least a small talk. 

"I'm taking you to meet an elder named Sakonji Urokodaki. He's located at the foot of Misty Mountain." Giyu robotically replied. 

"What is he like?"

"He was a former Water Hashira before retiring. I trained under him to become a Demon Slayer." 

I'm guessing he's taking me to him to have him train me.

"What's the process of becoming a Demon Slayer?"

"To become a Demon Slayer, you must be approved by your master to participate in the Final Selection. It tests you to see if you can survive seven days while you kill demons." 

"Sounds tough," I said as Giyu stayed quiet. 

'This boy is impressive. He managed to keep up with my pace for a short time. He has the potential to become a strong Demon Slayer.'  

We kept up the pace before we know it; the sun was setting. From a distance, I spot a small house with a single window and a door.  We suddenly slowed down and stopped in front of it; I guess were here then. 

The door was opened as it was expecting us, and coming out of the door reveals an old man wearing a red Tengu mask. He wears a cloud-patterned kimono with navy pants, white kyahan guards, sandals with blue straps, and black socks. 

"It's been a while, Giyu Tomioka." Urokodaki greeted. 

"It's good to see you sensei." He greeted back with respect. The old man glances at me for a moment before turning back to his former student. 

"Come inside," Urokodaki said as he gestured his hand, pointing at the interior of the place. 


Urokodaki and I are hiking up the mountain. I gazed up at the full moon; the light shining brightly on the pitch-black sky full of stars. It was chilly outside with cold winds blowing on my face occasionally. 

The old man is guiding me to one of the highest points of the mountain. I wonder if this is another test to see if I'm worthy of being trained to become a Demon Slayer.

Another thing I come to notice is that it is hard to breathe up here. The air here is getting thinner, the further we climb up. I'm starting to feel the effects of light-headiness.

After we get to a certain point, we stopped. He turned to face me. 

"From here, you will descend the mountain to where my house is located. If you fail to reach the bottom before the sun rises." He walks past me. "You can forget becoming a Demon Slayer." He stated before disappearing. 

Well. That was ominous.


Quest Alert!!!

Pass the test.

Rewards: ???, ??? EXP

Failure: Death, Never leaving this dimension.


I began to descend, but due to my aforementioned conditions, it was hard to run straight. Then I felt something being pulled on my lower leg; I looked down to see a thin rope.

Soon after, I heard a strange noise being produced next to me. Out of nowhere, a bunch of small rocks comes flying towards me. I couldn't react in time as I was being pelted on the right side of my face and my right arm. I hissed in reaction.

I took one step forward, I immediately fall into the pile of leaves which leads into a pit. I fell flat on the ground.

"Ooowwww." I groaned, getting up. The pit wasn't too deep as I climbed out of it, but that left me exhausted.

Suddenly, my light headiness is now gone. My mind felt clear once again. Thank god for War Mind ability. It should make this test easier.

I continue venturing down while keeping an eye for other traps; it's easier said than done.  

Another good news to add is that now I can breathe more normally.

I managed to avoid a couple of traps. However, I accidentally stepped on the thin rope. By the time I realize it; it was already too late. 

A first I thought I heard a whooshing sound from behind.

I got slammed on the back, gasping for air as it knocks me away, crashing into a tree. 

"Ow...My back..." I hissed. I think it broke my back. Now I'm having a very hard time standing normally. 


Due to enduring severe pain.

Endurance has leveled up by 2!


"Thanks a lot." I sarcastically said. The pain was agonizing, but I continued to move forward from sheer determination. 

I ran in short bursts then I tripped myself. I used my hand to prevent my fall, but I looked closer to see it pushing down on the rope. I looked up to see thick bamboo flinging down toward me. 

"Oh shit," I said in dread before taking cover like during the tornado drill, bracing for impact. 


Many hours have passed, and Urokodaki is sitting in a seiza position. He's drinking his hot tea in a dimly lit room. He heard a door open.

"Urokodaki." Somebody as the mentioned person turns to face Laichi in a very ragged state. He was covered in dirt, and some bruises and some parts of his clothes were ripped. 

"I made it." He stated before passing out. 

The old man got up, picking up the unconscious boy. Taking him to a guest room.

"I recognize your potential, Laichi Reberuappu." 


That's the end of Chapter 2. Jeez, this took forever to finish. The Demon Slayer mini-arc will go on for about 2-3 more chapters; it depends. 

Anyway, I hope I can release Chapter 3 sooner than later. I hope everyone has a great day and see you in the next chapter of The Gamer of Bleach.


Name: Laichi Reberuappu

Race: Human

Title: ???

Tier: 1

Lv. 2

Exp: 0/200


HP: 200/200

RP: 2000/2000


STR: 17

AGI: 20

END: 22

INT: 12

WIS: 12

LUC: 12


SP: 20     ¥13211
