

I woke up in the morning

"Ding.. good morning master" (AI)

"Morning AI" (Rudeus)

Even though I really want to go to Mission Area now to take the rewards but I know it's still to early so I wash my body first.

"AI, show me 'status'"



Name : Rudeus Hardlett

Title : -

Class : Warrior (Level 4) (Exp : 17%)

Energy : 400/400 (1 energy/second)

Skill :

Meditation Battle Skill : Cycle Energy Meditation [common grade] (level 9 : 70%)

Arts Battle Skill : Sound Explosion Fist Battle Skill [rare grade] (level 1 : 30%)

Body Battle Skill : Hardened Bronze Body Battle Skill [rare grade] (level 1 : 85%)

Movement Battle Skill :

Ability : -

"Hmm.. I really become level 4 huh. But what happen ?" I thought

"AI, what the hell is happening ? I fight and kill so many times yesterday. Why the exp of my class and battle skill is only raise so little ?" (Rudeus)

"Ding.. because the monster that master fight is too low level for master already, the exp master get is only little" (AI)

"What the.. ? So you are saying yesterday battle is useless for to level my battle skill and class ?"

"yes, master. You should know that yesterday battle there isn't any injuries to your body master. Even when you kill many of them, the exp you get is getting less and less. For your information master if you check the exp log you will found out that when you kill the rabbit and the deer you only get 1 exp, for the wolves is only 10 to 20 exp, master" (AI)

"One.. ten.. ?? F**k.. That's not even worth anything." I thought

"Tell me AI, What I lack, I will have a little bit more than just 20.000 merit point this time. So tell me what should I do with it." (Rudeus)

"Ding.. according to system analysis, master lack three things. First, a Warrior Energy and meditation battle skill. Second, master lack a burst strength arts battle skill where master can finish off the enemy. Third, master lack movement battle skill." then AI continue said "For master's merit point system suggest that master purchase a battle skill and potion to help master training"

"Damn.. all of them is battle skill problem, only the last one is potion. Sigh.." (Rudeus)

"Hmm.. well for meditation battle skill I will just improve this Cycle Energy Meditation Battle Skill. It almost reach next level. Grid says when someone practice rare Meditation Battle skill their Warrior Energy capacity will increase. So the best things I can do is to buy a arts or movement battle skill. For the potion it can wait until I gain more merit point. I have system after all so it's not like my training speed will be slow" I thought deeply

"AI, which one better. Arts Or Movement Battle Skill ?" (Rudeus)

"Ding.. according to system analysis, with master fighting style system recommended master purchase an Arts Battle Skill" (AI)

"I know it. Even if I buy movement battle skill it be useless if I can not finish my enemy. What's more I have body battle skill. When body become stronger that means every aspect of my body will improve too including my speed. Even though I won't have the same speed that someone have when using their movement battle skill. Alright it's decide then. Let's go to the Student Mission Area" I thought deeply

When I arrive inside the Mission Area I see that there is so many student line up in front of the receptionist to take their reward. I met Grid and Darvan inside the Area

"Rudeus it will take a while before we got our reward. Let me take line then" said Darvan

I look around and found that place is empty so I told them "No need Darvan. That place is empty. So let's just go over there" I pointed at mr Glenn Area

"Huh.. where ?" When they see my finger pointed to, they stare at me strongly

"What are you doing. let's go" I look a back at them.

Both of them stare each other weirdly

"Hello, mr Glenn." (Rudeus)

mr Glenn raise his head and said "You here Rudeus. What do you need ?"

"Ah.. we want to take our rewards for the monster tide subjection mr Glenn." (Rudeus)

"I see. Seems like you join yesterday fight huh. Well alright then. Tell me the name of the student which party with you." (Glenn)

It's both of them. I pointed to Grid and Darvan which behind me

"Grid Hakeye and Darvan Zenite" I said their name

"Wait a minute then. I will bring your Student ID Card." (Glenn)

After mr Glenn is walk off to take our Student ID Card, both of them immediately ask me "Rudeus, are you alright ? Are you don't know that guy ?"

"I know. But it's fine right. After all we just want to take our rewards. All the other receptionist is full anyway." (Rudeus)

"I know but still.." (Darvan)

"Don't worry. I always come here if I want to accept the mission" (Rudeus)

Both of them look at each other and shake their head together "Sigh..."

"Here you go. This your ID Card. Rudeus Hardlett, Grid Hawkeye and Darvan Zenite. Please check it" said mr Glenn and handed our ID to me.

I give their ID Card for them to check too.

"Yes, mr Glenn. Thank you. What about our reward mr Glenn ?" (Rudeus)

"Right. The reward is already transfer to your ID Card but let me told you the merit point you make. For three of you because you join the fight all of you is given 10.000 merit point. When the fight is raging three of you keep defending your ground and help other team too so your party gain 3000 merit point plus. In a monster waves, three of you kill so many monster be it party and solo kill so the Academy give you a more merit point, for Rudeus is 2000 merit, Grid 1500 merit and Darvan 2500 merit. Everything is already in your Student" then mr Glen continue "For your rewards of material which collected you can go to the Material Area to receive it."

"I see. Thank you mr Glenn" I nod at mr Glenn and said to both of them "Let's go to Material Area now."

Three of us walk towards Material Area and wait for our turn. Grid and Darvan keep staring at me weirdly. Because of that I kinda feels wronged so I ask them.

"Why both you look at me like that ? You all make me nervous you know." (Rudeus)

"Rudeus, are sure you don't know what you doing ? You see that many student look at you right." (Grid)

"Yeah yeah I know. So what then. Is not like there is a rule for it right and we just want to receive our rewards. I told you already I always go there when I accept the mission and take my rewards. It's fine.."

"Geez.. well seems like we can't stop you. Just be careful then." said Grid and Darvan still staring at me.

Hmm.. what's wrong with it actually. It's not like he will do something outrageous in this Academy. There is so many powerful Instructor and what's more he can't even go outside from this place at all.