
First Day

The next few days were spent getting better at how I channeled One For All. I didn't gain a level for it, but my practical use of it had improved a lot while working with All Might. My acceptance letter had come a day ago, which wasn't really a surprise for either of us, although it was interesting to find out I placed first.

I hadn't entered the Path in those few days because I wanted to work on getting as strong as possible for when I fought Enel. I planned to enter today to see if I could handle the fight after my training with All Might.

Right now I was looking for Class 1-A. I was really curious to see if the members of the class stayed the same or changed because of my actions. Finally finding the door, I opened it and walked in to see who was already in the room.

I wasn't surprised to see Todoroko, Momo, Ida, and Bakugo already there. I expected them to end up in this class. What was surprising was that Ibara and Pony were here.

'So some 1-B students did end up in 1-A. Wonder who they traded out with.'

Taking a seat at the back of the room I waited for everyone else to arrive. In the end the students in Class 1-A were the six I first saw, Mina, Uraraka, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Jiro, Tokoyami, Sato, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Ojiro, Sero, and Toru. It wasn't a huge change, but Koda and Mineta being switched out was interesting.

Bakugo was making a commotion in the front with Ida when Aizawa arrived. Getting out of his sleeping bag he pulled out gym uniforms.

"I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa. Put these on and head outside." He then left the room and everyone scrambled to grab a gym uniform. We all went to the locker room and got changed before walking outside to meet up with Aizawa.

"You all are taking a quirk assessment test. I want to see how capable you are with your quirk." Aizawa said.

"What about orientation?" Uraraka asked.

"If you want to make the big leagues there's no time to waste on pointless ceremonies." He then turned to me and said "Emiya, you were placed first in the entrance exam. What was your farthest throw with a softball in junior high?"

"I was homeschooled, I didn't do those types of tests." I said, using the lie All Might and I had come up with. The only person who knows I live with him and was homeless before is Nezu.

"Fine, Bakugo, you got second what was yours?" Aizawa asked him.

"Tch, you mean I was second to this guy. 67 meters I think."

"Stand in the circle and throw this ball as far as you can while using your quirk."

Bakugo walked into the circle with the ball and reared his hand back.

"Die" He yelled as he threw the ball, an explosion propelling it as far as he could throw it.

"Woah" Kirishima said.

Aizawa turned and held up the measuring device, showing that it said "Figuring out your limits is important to reaching your true potential as a pro hero."

"705 meters. Damn." Kirishima said.

"I want to go, this looks so fun." Mina said.

"Fun huh. You think your time here is all gonna be games. Whoever comes in last of these tests will be expelled immediately."

"That's not fair." Uraraka said.

"And you think natural disasters are? Life isn't fair, you need to learn to adapt." Aizawa answered.

The tests that followed were easy. All of them were physical acts, so I just enhanced myself with One For All 10% for all of them. Unlike Izuku, I had nothing to worry about in getting last place. When it was time to go up for the ball throw, I used 100% for a moment to throw it.

"Holy crap he's strong." Kaminari said.

Aizawa held up my score and showed 1407 meters.

Soon the tests were finished and the rankings were shown. I had placed first, with Momo second, Todoroki third, and Bakugo fourth. All the way at the bottom was Toru.

"I lied. It was a logical deception to get you all to do your best." Aizawa said.

"What" Most of the class yelled.

"I thought it was obvious. I would've mentioned it if I realized you didn't know." Momo commented.

'It's funny that she's wrong and it's not a lie.'

From there we had normal classes for most of the day. I understood that they had to maintain a certain level of actual education, but it was so boring when I could be using this time to train.

Eventually regular classes were over and we made our way back to our homeroom. While we were waiting around, the class began to talk to each other.

"Emiya man, that was crazy what you did with the ball." Kirishima said coming up to me.

"Thanks, feel free to call me Shirou." I said.

"Alright. Who do you think is going to be our hero studies teacher?" he asked.

"It has to be someone pretty famous to teach an entire generation of new heroes." I commented.

After I said this, All Might walked into the room and said "I am here coming through the door like a hero."

"Woah, no way All Might."

"He's teaching us?"

"Is he wearing his silver age costume."

Those were all comments I heard throughout the room. All Might got to the front of the room and said.

"Let's get into it. Today's training is a battle simulation, but one of the keys of being a hero is looking good. These were made for you based on the designs you submitted. Get suited up and meet me at training ground beta." All Might said and as he was talking numbered cases were revealed from the wall.

Everyone moved to grab their number while All Might left the room. Heading to the locker room, we all got dressed in our hero costumes.

I had thought about what I wanted my hero costume to look like, eventually settling on Archer's outfit. His design was sleek and I liked the look of it, plus it was a good homage to my namesake.

"Sick body armor Shirou." Kirishima said.

"Nice, bracers I guess." I said, not really sure what to comment about his costume.

Kirishima rubbed the back of his head and said "I know it's not a lot, but with my quirk I thought it'd be better to not have any useless clothing in the way just for it to get damaged."

"That's good thinking actually."

Everyone was dressed and we walked out of the tunnel together to where All Might was waiting.

"You all look like heroes now. Now let's get started." All Might said.

"This is the same site as our entrance exams. Are we conducting urban battles again?" Ida asked.

"Not quite. Most sites you see on the news are outdoors, but most fights actually happen indoors. Today we'll be training for those types of fights. Everyone will be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles." All Might answered.

He was then barraged with a bunch of questions.

"Listen up, the situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes need to secure the missile or defeat all of the villains. The villains, meanwhile, have to defeat all of the heroes or protect the missile. We'll choose teams by drawing lots."

"Isn't there a better way?" Ida asked.

"We'll have to team up with random heroes on the spots. This is a good way to get used to it." Momo answered.

"I see, excuse my rudeness." Ida said.

Everyone drew their lots. The teams ended up being:

Team A: Todoroki and Ojiro

Team B: Toru and Kirishima

Team C: Bakugo and Tsuyu

Team D: Ida and Pony

Team E: Sero and Aoyama

Team F: Sato and Jiro

Team G: Uraraka and Momo

Team H: Me and Mina

Team I: Tokoyami and Ibara

Team J: Shoji and Kaminari

'So I'm with Mina. I can work with that.'

"Looks like we're on a team." Mina said coming over to me.

"Yeah, let's do our best."

"All right, now that teams are decided, we'll decide the match ups. Team A, you'll be the heroes, team E, you're the villains. Everyone else follow me to the observation room." All Might said.

We followed All Might to the observation room while the four who were up first went to the building he designated.

'This should be over quickly.'

Much like canon, Todoroki just froze the entire building and waltzed through.

There wasn't really much to say after that match, so we quickly moved on to the next one.

"Team B heroes, Team C villains."

The next match was a lot more interesting to watch. The strategy for Team B seemed to be to have Kirishima draw all the attention while Toru would sneak to the bomb. Bakugo seemed to decide to just attack them while Tsuyu waited at the bomb.

Kirishima quickly ran into Bakugo, who wasted no time in attacking him. Bakugo propelled himself forward with an explosion with his hand extended to attack Kirishima. When he neared Kirishima he delivered the explosion, but Kirishima was able to take it and punch Bakugo back.

"Fine, I'll just have to amp up the explosions." Bakugo said and closed the distance between him and Kirishima again, this time delivering several sequential explosions to him. They began to get through his defense and injure him, but Kirishima was doing a good job of taking the injuries and continuing to fight.

He got some good hits in on Bakugo before eventually going down. Bakugo was roughed up but victories. While they were fighting. Toru was sneaking past them towards the bomb. She had entered the room and was slowly making her way across the room so she could capture the bomb.

Tsuyu wasn't able to notice her in time, so Team B won without taking a single member of Team C down.

Bakugo was pissed about the outcome, but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. After their fight it was my team's turn.

"Team H heroes. Team J villains."

Mina and I stood outside the building and talked about strategy.

"How do you think we should do this?" Mina asked.

"They will most likely think I will attack them straight on since my quirk is better for head on fights. Instead, can you draw their attention while I sneak up to the bomb?" I asked.

"Isn't that similar to what Toru and Kirishima did? How are you going to do that if you aren't invisible like her?"

"I'm good at being quiet, I just need you to draw their attention. Worst comes to worst, I'll get into a fight with someone at the bomb." I said.

"Alright, if you think you can do it." Mina said.

We waited until All Might said to begin and Mina walked into the building. Waiting a few moments for her to have some time to walk, I entered after her.

'I can walk silently, so Shoji won't be able to locate me. I just need to get to the bomb room and I can get it.'

Moving silently and through the shadows I continued my way through the building looking for the bomb. I couldn't hear any kinds of commotion, but no one else had a very destructive quirk in this battle, so there could be a fight going on.

Finding the bomb room, I could see Kaminari waiting inside.

'So they sent Shoji to locate us since he's better at tracking.'

Activating One For All at 10%, I sped across the room towards the bomb. Kaminari reacted and shot a bolt of electricity at me, but I he miss judged his aim and shot where I was instead of where I would be, allowing me to make contact with the bomb, securing us the win.

"Hero team wins."

"Dang, I missed." Kaminari said.

"Yeah, when someone's going that fast you've got to shoot for where they'll be instead of where they are." I said.

"I'll get you next time." Kaminari said and we both walked out of the building. We found Shoji standing with parts of his clothes damaged, while Mina looked a little beat up.

"So you got in a fight then." I commented.

"I managed to locate Mina. How were you able to avoid my detection, I should've heard you?" Shoji asked.

"I'm just light on my feet." I said and at that point All Might came down with the rest of the class.

There wasn't really much feedback to give our group. Other than the short fight between Shoji and Mina, everything had been over really quickly.

From there the rest of the class had their matches and when we were done we were instructed to change clothes and we were done for the day. Changing back into my uniform, I walked out of the school ahead of everyone else and made my way back to All Might's house.

When I walked in I saw All Might sitting on the couch like he usually does.

"Hey, good work today in the battle trail. I'm curious, how did you manage to avoid Shoji's senses?" All Might asked.

"When I lived on the street there was a guy with a quirk that gave him total awareness of his movements. He used to teach some of us how to move like him, but I was the only one to really pick up on it." I said with the lie I had come up with to explain my ability to move silently.

"That's an interesting quirk and it's even one that's useful for teaching. I'll have dinner ready a little later, I figured you could use some rest."

"Alright, I'll be in my room." I said and walked in, putting my bag down and got into bed. Initiating the Path, I found myself back in the familiar void.

[Begin Yes/No]

Selecting Yes, Bellamy appeared in front of me. I had One For All activated to 10% already, so when he changed his legs into springs and launched himself at me, I dodged and slammed my fist into his back, increasing the power to 50% in my fist, killing him.

The damage I took from over extending my limit was quickly healed as the next opponent appeared in front of me, Enel.

'Here we go.'

Enel immediately sent a bolt of electricity at me that was much stronger than what Kaminari had used. I dodged out of the way, but Enel had shifted into lightning and closed the distance between us instantly, appearing in front of me and delivering a blow with his staff.

[HP: 150/170]

I was thrown back and Enel continued to press his advantage. I couldn't keep up with him at 10%, but I could still see him. Pushing One For All up to 20%, I got a debuff.

[HP: 149/170, -1 HP ever 2 seconds]

'I've got even less time than with Crocodile, have to make it count.'

Enel swung again with his staff, but I moved out of the way and tried to hit him with a punch. He didn't even look before dodging the blow and sending a point blank bolt of lightning that threw me back.

[HP: 99/170]

'Crap, his Observation Haki. I need to attack him randomly, but how do I do that?'

I was running low on time, so I needed to think of something fast.

'I can't do what Luffy did. Maybe I can take away any chance for him to hit him.' I thought and my only thought centered on killing him.

Coating my hands in Haki, I whipped my hands in front of me quickly, using The Snake Awakens. Enel rushed at me again and when he got near me I could see him dodge out of the way of my hands at the last moment, managing to get close and deliver a punch to my chest, sending me skidding back, but I was still steady on my feet.

[HP 78/170]

'Okay, I need to amp it up. This is going to be close.'

Pushing One For All even further, I amped it up to 50%.

[HP 77/170, -5 HP every second]

'I've got 15 seconds, have to make it count.'

Enel got close again and this time he couldn't move out of the way of my hands, even if he could react to them he wasn't fast enough to actually dodge. I cut through his arm, my Haki allowing me to bypass his logia immunity. As soon as I cut his arm off I grabbed ahold of him and reduced One For All back down to 10%.

[HP 52/170]

Enel began to channel electricity around himself, shocking me and doing damage when I punched his head off with a Haki and One For All infused fist.

[HP 23/170]

Enel disappeared as I stood panting.

[Skill Gained: Electricity Resistance: The ability to resist the affects of electricity. 1/10]

[Skill Leveled: One For All: Allows the user to stockpile and enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. Lvl 3/10 Max Output: 20%]

'I cut that way too close. I'm lucky Enel is stronger than most of pre time-skip, so I shouldn't have a fight like that again for a little while.'

[Boss Stage Cleared: Rewards: Observation Haki learned]

[Skill Gained: Observation Haki: A form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others. Lvl 1/10]

'That's huge. If I can train it to max level it should basically be precognition. If I get as good with it as Katakuri I'll be able to see a few seconds into the future.'

I debated continuing on, but I wanted to work on something else instead. Exiting the Path, I looked at my stat page to see how much experience I got from that.

[Name: Shirou Emiya

Age: 14

Title: The Gamer

Level: 10, 46%

HP: 220

MP: 240

STR: 36

AGI: 42

VIT: 22

INT: 24

Stat Points: 45]

'So about three levels from the fight with Enel. That's good for one fight, plus the skills I got from it. My vitality also increased.'

Sitting up from my bed, I wanted to test out something. I thought about the steps Archer and Shirou use in fate for tracing.

Judging the concept of creation

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Duplicating the composition material

Imitating the skill of its making

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth

Reproducing the accumulated years

Excelling every manufacturing process

I wanted to try to learn to use Projection on my own, so that I would have a magic I could actually use my MP for. Holding a cup in my hand, I mentally went over the steps and tried to use the magic. Nothing happened, but looking at my MP, I could see that it had gone down by a point.

'I succeeded in at the very least accessing my mana. If I keep trying I should be able to get it to work.'

I spent the next few hours continuing to try to make a copy of the cup. After a little while I started to get hazy copies of the cup before they would shatter, but after a few hours I succeeded in making a copy of the cup.

[Skill Gained: Structural Grasp: Allows him to understand the structure and design of objects as if he were viewing a blueprint, including the object's history. Lvl 1/10]

[Skill Gained: Projection(Tracing): A Magecraft that materializes objects, in accordance to the caster's imagination, through the use of magical energy, along with giving the objects the history of the original. Leveling this skill reduces the MP cost required. Lvl 1/10]

With the skill created, I could successfully replicate the cup 100% of the time now, but it began to eat through my MP. Thanks to all of the practice, though, my INT had gone up from 24-34, increasing my MP from 240-340. Projecting the cup took only 2 MP when it was successful, but more difficult things to replicate were probably going to take more.

I had tried to replicate my desk, but doing so drained half of my MP. I willed the desk to disappear because it was taking up to much room and thought about the skill.

'I need to level it up as much as possible. Once I actually encounter a weapon worth Projecting, I need the skill level as high as possible so that I actually have enough mana to project it.'

Looking at the cup, I knew it wouldn't disappear no matter what because of Infinity. Once I encountered some strong weapons and copied them, I would be able to Project them and have them last forever.

Let me know what you thought of the chapter and leave a review. If anything I wrote about Projection is wrong, let me know. Fate is confusing as hell and I'm sure I messed something up somewhere along the way.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts