

Walking towards school the next day I found a group of reporters waiting.

"You, you're a UA student. Are you in the class being taught by All Might." One of them asked me.

Putting my headphones on and turning up the music, I ignored her and continued on my way into school.

Once I was past the barrier, I took off my headphones and continued to walk into school. Turning around to look at the group of reporters, I saw Momo pass the barrier and come up next to me.

"Good morning Emiya."

"Morning Yaoyorozu, you can call me Shirou." I answered.

"Alright, call me Momo."

We continued to walk towards our classroom. I decided to make conversation, since walking without talking was awkward.

"So how does your quirk work?" I asked.

"Oh well I can make any non-living material by changing the composition of my fat cells. I have to understand what it is that I'm making though, and it means I have to eat a lot to maintain my fat cell levels." Momo answered.

'Her quirk is kind of similar to the usual version of Projection, besides the fact that instead of mana she's using her fat cells as the resource.'

"That's interesting, it means you have to study a lot to make the things you do."

"Yeah, I spent a lot of my childhood reading different chemistry books and learning about the composition of objects so I could make them." Momo said.

"My quirk's a lot simpler than yours. It's pretty much just a stats enhancement, I get stronger and faster the more I push it. I can't push it to full power yet, though, my body can't really handle it for very long."

"You're still really powerful though. It's a 50-50 shot whether or not a quirk gives protection from it's own effects completely." Momo said.

"I'll get there eventually, it'll just take time."

At this point we reached the classroom and entered taking out seats. The day passed with normal classes going by, and I once again got annoyed at how much time they were wasting. I hadn't been spending all that much time working out since school started, with One For All training, the Path, and classes taking up most of my time.

When it came time for hero classes we were sitting in our homeroom class when Aizawa came in.

"You all did well in the battle trials. There were some things to work on, but I didn't expect it to be perfect. Now we have something very important to deal with." Aizawa said.

"Another battle trial?"

"More tests?"

"You all need to decide your class president." Aizawa answered.

Everyone began to scramble to try to get themselves elected.

"Are you going to try to get elected?" Momo asked me.

"I'll pass, I don't have enough free time as it is, I'd rather not waste it on something like this. You've got my vote though." I answered.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Everyone put their votes in and when the results came back I sighed.

"How did I get elected president? I didn't even say anything." I said to the class.

"You're strong, our class president's got to be strong." Kaminari said.

"And you're super manly." Kirishima said.

"Yaoyorozu and Emiya, come up to the front." Aizawa said.

Momo was the vice president at the very least. Once we were at the front of the room I said "First act as class president, I resign and give my post to Momo. She can decide who the new vice-president is." I then sat back down at my desk.

'No way am I wasting more time on stuff that doesn't matter.'

"Uh, alright Shirou. Then I think Ida would be the best vice-president."

"I will do my best." Ida said and joined Momo at the front of the room.

There was some cursory stuff explained to Momo and Ida about what they would have to do and we were released for lunch. Getting out of my seat, I was joined by Momo, Kirishima, Mina, Jiro, and Kaminari on my walk down to the cafeteria.

We all got our food and sat down at the table, where they began to talk.

"I'm sure you'll be a great class president Momo." Mina said.

"I hope so, I'm surprised Shirou gave up his position." Momo said.

"Oh, calling him Shirou are you." Mina said.

"Yes, you all can call me Shirou. Like I said to Momo, I don't have enough time to deal with stuff like that." I said.

"Yes well, Shirou and I were talking about our quirks earlier and I was wondering how all of yours worked." Momo said.

"Oh mines easy, I can make electricity, but if I make too much my brain kind of short circuits." Denki said rubbing the back of his head.

"That's still flashier than mine, all I can do is harden my body." Kirishima said.

"That's still really useful. You can be on the front lines and fight the enemy to protect civilians." I commented.

"Yeah, just like Crimson Riot." Kirishima said.

"Speaking of flashy quirks, yours is pretty good Shirou." Jiro said.

"It might be flashy, but it's pretty simple. I just get a strength and speed boost. Maybe I'll figure out a more creative way to use it eventually." I said.

'I do have some ideas on how I can use it differently.'

"Well some of the best heroes have simple quirks. Look at All Might." Momo said.

"You're right. I think Jiro's or Momo's quirks are the most interesting." I said.

"Thanks." They both said at the same time.

Suddenly the siren's begin to go off and people start rushing towards the exit.

"What's happening?" Mina asked.

Momo looked outside and saw that it was the media rushing onto the campus.

"It's just the media, people need to calm down." Momo said.

"Alright." I said, standing up and channeled One For All. Rearing my hands back, I clapped my hands, with the speed they were moving and the strength creating a huge noise that drew everyone's attention.

I sat back down and gestured for Momo to talk.

"Everyone, it's just the media. There's nothing to be worried about, calmly exit the cafeteria."

People looked outside and saw the media and began to calmly exit the cafeteria.

"Great job Momo." Kirishima said.


We all followed suit and made our way out of the cafeteria, heading back to our homeroom.

The rest of the day passed normally and I went home for the day, taking the opportunity to rest.

The next day after normal classes we entered our hero studies class to find Aizawa waiting.

"Everyone get dressed, you can wear your gym uniform or your hero costumes. We're doing off campus training today." Aizawa said.

"What kind of training?" Momo asked.

"Rescue training. Natural disasters, learning to use your quirk to save people instead of beat villains."

There was some excited muttering as everyone got dressed. Everyone decided to wear their hero costume instead of their gym uniform for the exercise.

We made our way outside and to the bus.

"Everyone line up by student numbers so we can board the bus in an orderly fashion." Ida yelled.

"I'm pretty sure it's not that kind of bus." I commented and Ida turned around, looking at the bus and deflated.

We boarded and everyone sat around. We were soon off to the USJ and everyone began to talk.

"I've been wondering something. That power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might's." Tsuyu asked me.

"I guess we're both strongmen. Mine generates a lightning when I use it though." I answered.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Still a good quirk." Tsuyu said.

"If anyone in our class has a pro quirk, it's Todoroki, Shirou, and Bakugo." Kirishima said.

"I agree with you, but besides the ones we talked about earlier I think Ibara has a pretty versatile quirk." I said.

"Me, really? I mean, if you say so." Ibara said, somewhat shyly.

"I can see it. Being able to use your hair like plants could help in a lot of situations, like retrieving people." Momo said.

We settled into small talk from there, until we arrived at the USJ. Getting out of the bus, we found a hero in what looked like a space suit waiting for us.

"Woah, the Space Hero: Thirteen. She's one of my favorite heroes." Uraraka said.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside." Thirteen said and led us into the USJ. We could see all of the different disaster zones created to prepare us for different disasters.

"Listen carefully. I know you're aware my quirk is Black Hole, I can suck up anything and turn it to dust, but my quirk could easily be used to kill. Some of you also have power that could be dangerous. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness test and All Might's combat training, you likely have a good understanding of your quirks. Use those lessons to rescue people." Thirteen said.

"So cool." Uraraka said and multiple students agreed with her.

I, meanwhile, was focused on looking at the fountain as a portal appeared.

"This part of the training too?" I asked, pointing at the portal.

From the portal, villains emerged.

"Stay together and don't move. Thirteen, protect the students." Aizawa said.

"I thought we were rescuing people." Kirishima said.

"This is real, those are villains." Aizawa said.

"Why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asked.

"I don't know." Thirteen responded.

"Is the entire campus under attack, or just this facility? Either way, the villains have someone capable of masking their presence." Todoroki said.

"Stay back, I'll handle it." Aizawa said.

"How are you going to deal with that many? You can't nullify all of them constantly." I asked.

"You can't be a pro hero without having more than one trick." Aizawa said and jumped towards the villains.

"He can't deal with multiple mutation type quirks at once." I said and moved to join him.

"Wait, you need to stay here." Thirteen said.

Looking at Aizawa, he was holding up pretty well against the villains, quickly defeating a good amount of them.

"We need to go." Thirteen said.

"There is no escape. I am Kurogiri and we are the League of Villains, and we will kill All Might." A cloud formed behind us.

"Shut up you bastard." Bakugo yelled and charged at the cloud, with Kirishima moving along with him. He sent an explosion, but they both couldn't hit the cloud.

"I'll scatter you across the facility to meet my comrades and your deaths." He said and covered all of the students in his cloud, teleporting a lot of them away. I activated One For All and got out of his range when he moved.

Ida managed to get Uraraka and Sato out of his range as well.

"No" Thirteen yelled and tried to attack Kurogiri, but he warped Thirteen's attack against itself, incapacitating Thirteen.

"Ida, get out of here, find someone and bring help." I told him.

"I can't leave you guys." Ida protested.

"You're the fastest long distance runner. We'll hold up until you can bring back up." I said.

Ida looked unsure before nodding and speeding off towards the exit. I activate One For All to 20% and follow him. When he gets near the exit, Kurogiri appears in front of him, but I grab his plates and throw him out of Ida's way, allowing Ida to get out of the USJ.

Kurogiri, seeing that Ida had gotten away, warped back to Tomura. I ran back over to the group and could see Aizawa being thrashed by the Nomu.

Speeding towards the Nomu with 20%, I grabbed Aizawa and got him out of the way of being crushed.

"You can't beat that, it was made to fight All Might." Aizawa said.

"I don't have to beat it, I just have to stall it." I said.

Putting Aizawa down a ways away, I turned around and could see Tomura throwing a tantrum.

"No, Nomu, kill the brat."

Nomu grunted and sped towards me, but I dodged out of the way led the Nomu around with me.

'Blunt damage doesn't work on Nomu. I need to do piercing damage. Even then it's just a stall tactic until All Might shows up.'

Walking around the Nomu, I used Rhythm Echo to create illusionary copies of me to make it harder for it to attack me.

"Nomu just kill all of them." Tomura yelled.

The Nomu ran at one of my copies and swung it's fist, passing through the illusion. Taking the opportunity, I blitzed it and turned my hands into claws, piercing a hole in its arm. Getting some distance and resuming my use of Rhythm Echo, I watched as the wound quickly closed.

'Now anyone watching will say I didn't go for the killing blow until I knew it could heal from it.'

Continuing this pattern of attack, I would circle the Nomu and it would attack a copy, giving me the chance to attack it with my claws. I wasn't doing all that much damage and it was healed right away, but it was buying everyone time until All Might showed up.

Looking around, I noticed Tomura moving to attack Ibara, but she created a wall with her vines to protect herself from him. He quickly disintegrated the vines and continued on to attack her.

"Aizawa" I called out.

"I've got it." He responded and I had to focus back on Nomu as I continued to distract it.

"I AM HERE" was heard all throughout the USJ as All Might arrived and made short work of many of the villains left.

"Good work Young Emiya, allow me to take it from here." All Might said and I nodded, getting some distance from the Nomu as the two of them got into a fight.

"He's got shock absorption, don't hold back." I called out.

All Might nodded and proceeded to throw hundreds of punches into the Nomu, which is continued to take while delivering the same in kind.

All Might eventually wears down the shock absorption until it doesn't hold up and sends the Nomu flying out of the USJ.

Looking around, Aizawa had defeated Tomura and had him restrained, while Nomu was gone and Kurogiri was looking on.

"I believe it's time we go." Kurogiri said and tried to warp away, but Aizawa had his line of sight locked on both Tomura and Kurogiri, nullifying their quirk and not allowing them to escape.

Pro Heroes began to stream into the USJ as they arrived with Ida in tow. They quickly restrained all of the villains and I could see Aizawa beginning to strain with keeping his eyes open.

Speeding over to Kurogiri, I grabbed his metal collar and held on tightly to it.

"I've got him, gain some distance Aizawa."

Aizawa nodded and kicked Tomura to one of the Pro Heroes, giving him a chance to apply some eye drops and blink before once again focusing on Tomura, cancelling out his quirk before he could disintegrate part of the pro hero.

Without Aizawa to cancel his quirk, Kurogiri tried to warp out of there, but I held onto the only solid part of his body. I wasn't sure if my Armament Haki would let me hold the rest of him, but I didn't want to show it in front of all these people after already showing Rhythm Echo.

I continued to hold onto him and dragged him towards the Pro Heroes.

"You can let him go Emiya, I can nullify him now." Aizawa said.

I nodded and let him go as Kurogiri was restrained along with Tomura using Quirk cancelling handcuffs.

"Good work Emiya, but that was dangerous. You could've been killed." Aizawa said as they hauled them away.

"So could you, it's part of being a hero isn't it." I responded.

Aizawa smirked at me and said "Let's go check up on the rest of your class."

I nodded and followed him as we walked to where the rest of our class was waiting while thinking about what happened.

'With my help we caught Kurogiri and Tomura. Canon's pretty much off the rails, so I can't count on my knowledge for anything anymore.'

No real Gamer stuff this chapter, but I wanted to focus on the story. I basically screwed canon over here, so it'll help me really think of my own spin on things now that everything has changed. Leave a comment and review, it's good for the algorithm.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts