
The Gamer - Restart

An AU story that retells the Manhwa known as "The Gamer" where our protagonist, Han Jee-Han will be forced to not only grow as a warrior but also as a man while he faces the cruel dangers of the Abyss without his "Gamer's Mind" passive. Rated T as this series will take on a much darker tone as Jee-Han climbs to the top of the Abyss, crushing anyone that gets in his way. ------------------------------- Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manwha written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. He is not using this fanfiction to make profit off of this story.

TheBlackDuelist · Others
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13 Chs

The Black Summoner

"That should be enough for today..." Sung-Gon affirmed as he held a red sphere in his right hand. The essence of the orb evaporated into his body and he surveyed the district he was standing in. There didn't seem to be anyone in his Illusion Barrier this time; a good thing too since the zombies in this one were noticeably more ferocious and aggressive.

He faintly remembered witnessing the confused high school student that had stumbled into his barrier. It required intensive training and concentration to forcefully enter another's illusion barrier and that kid looked too ordinary to have the skill required to do so. It was definitely odd that he could enter his barrier not once but twice!

Sung-Gon was sure that he saw that student running around smashing zombies yesterday evening when he was collecting spirits. Was he doing it on purpose? From his first encounter, the boy was clearly just a civilian since he was terrified of a mere black slime. However, what Sung-Gon wasn't expecting was the boy to be able to defeat it on his own. Perhaps he was hiding his strength? A thought to consider but it was not of any real significance so Sung-Gon dismissed it from his mind. He'd have his answers soon anyway.

"Well, at least he didn't get caught up in it this time. I don't like using hostages but it seemed like the only way to keep that girl from interfering." As he turned around, ready to head back home he immediately sensed a presence and jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding a well aimed dagger that was now embedded on the roof he was standing on.

"As expected of the Black Summoner; you're reflexes are on point" A seclusive voice spoke from one of the shadows of the balcony.

"Don't bother trying to launch a pincer attack, I'm already aware of the other two hiding nearby" He adjusted his glass before a smirk was present on his face.

Two swift after images breezed by Sung-Gon and landed in front of him while the one hiding in the shadows stepped forward, revealing the trio of Chunbumoon.

"It must be quite the special occasion for three of Chunbumoon's top ranked members to confront me. This isn't a part of your clan's territory so why don't you explain why you're here?"

In the center of the trio, Sun-Il glared ferociously at Sung-Gon and looked ready to go at him at any second. Before he could open his mouth however, Phantom Rain had stepped forward already with a hand behind his back, itching to unsheathe his blade.

"You've got some nerve acting all calm when you've broken the treaty, Black Summoner."

Sung-Gon merely shrugged.

"Isn't this how I act all the time?"

A vein appeared on Phantom Rain's forehead as he grid his teeth in dissatisfaction. If there was one thing Phantom Rain hated more than pretty boys and girls who wore leggings under their skirts, it was cocky punks who acted all high and mighty.

"You bastard, I'll kill-


Sun-Il's calm but audacious voice was able to stop Phantom Rain immediately as a cold sweat fell down his neck. He turned towards his brother who showcased a serious expression that didn't match the usually cheerful mug he always had on. Anyone could tell that he was not in the mood to be questioned.

Phantom Rain released the grip on his sheath and clicked his tongue in annoyance, backing down as he obeyed his older brother.

Sun-Il sighed and then looked Sung-Gon right in the eye. Or in this case, shades.

"This territory may not belong to us but it is under the jurisdiction of the alliance we built with the Yunhunmoon and Existence Eaters. You've never had a problem obeying this before, so why now?"

Sung-Gon turned to face the other way at Sun-Il's direct question and chuckled.

"I have permission from the Existence Eaters, so what's the issue?"

"You need permission from all of the clans in Seoul before you do something like this. Or have you forgotten that?" Truthfully, Sun-Il was little surprised that the Existence Eaters had given Sung-Gon permission and held his suspicions.

Sung-Gon didn't say anything until he surprised Sun-Il and his brothers by laughing abruptly. It was so uncharacteristic of him that they didn't really know what to say. As he stopped laughing, he adjusted his glasses and smiled.

"Tell me something. What if you had a goal, a dream if you will that you would sacrifice anything to accomplish? What would you do?"

Sun-Il's eye brows twitched at the unexpected question. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?"

"If there was something important to you that you wanted to protect at all costs, would you sacrifice anything to ensure its safety?"

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting?!" Phantom Rain roared, sick of listening to the man preach.

Sun-Il threw his hand onto his brother's chest to keep him from moving.

"Look, we didn't come here for philosophies and pointless bickering. We've come to ask you to cease creating Illusion Barriers in this area. These are direct orders from the elders themselves."

"Hoh... is that the only reason you're confronting me?"

Sun-Il frowned a bit before adopting a fighting stance and had a confident smile on his face.

"You're right. Truth be told, I'm not one for following direct orders if it means getting myself involved in a battle I can't win. However, your Illusion Barriers almost cost my precious friend his life. Even if they didn't order me too, I would have hunted you down."

Phantom Rain and Phantom Wind nodded their heads and sprang into action, cornering Sung-Gon on all fronts as they readied their weapons and adopted similar fighting stances.

Sung-Gon turned around again and sighed. Clearly, these people would never understand his ambitions. It was a shame; he had hoped to convince them. He withdrew an item from his pocket and crushed it in his palms, surprising and confusing the spectators.

Suddenly, the air around them was filled with a cold feeling of despair and darkness as Sung-Gon was covered in an aura of black ooze.

"What the hell is that!?" Phantom Wind screamed.

"Don't lower your guard! He's planning something so stick to the formation!" Sun-Il's orders were heard as his brothers tried to stay focused. However...

Sun-Il blinked and in that very short and brief moment, the bodies of his two comrades were being held in the air by Sun-Gon who was squeezing their throats. They looked close to dying as their bodies went pale and the sound of their lungs being crushed echoed in Sun-Il's ears.

"Let go of them!" Sun-Il rushed in desperately and drew his arm filled with ki back before thrusting it forward, aiming for his torso. His blow was however, stopped dead cold by Sung-Gon's black aura and he then found himself being held up by a black shadow that took the form of a human arm.

"I won't be stopped by the likes of you. It was unfortunate that you were called in to try and stop me and I'll make sure to pay those elders a visit to speak with them. However, I'm afraid I'll have to make an example out of you guys, just like what I did with the Yunhunmoon..."

"Shit!" Sun-Il's thoughts were filled with regrets before the agonizing screams of him and his brothers filled the Illusion Barrier.

Jee-Han woke up from his bed and looked out the window before frowning. He didn't know why but he felt as if something really bad had happened, a very ominous feeling washing over him.

"Sun-Il said he would take care of Sung-Gon... But his level was weaker than his..." He couldn't deny the facts.

"Don't do anything reckless man..."

Jee-Han would later find out that his wishful thinking last night would be far from the reality.

A/N: Another lengthy chapter and an adaption that consists of about two chapters. Alot of exposition and explanations that we went through and I always found that we should have seen more to Sun-Il's side of things and how differently he is from Jee-Han. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Look forward to the next one!

Name: Han Jee-Han

Class: The Gamer

Title: None

Level: 7

HP: 250/250

MP: 280/280

STR: 15

VIT: 9

DEX: 11

INT: 8

WIS: 6

LUK: 9

Points: 15

Money: ₩3000



Energy Bolt (Active) | Lvl: 1 «NEW»

Rip (Active) | Lvl: 2

Power Strike (Active) | Lvl: 3


Observe (Active) | Lvl: 2

Resistances and Masteries:

Physical Endurance (Passive) | Lvl: 2

Blunt Weapon Mastery (Passive) | Lvl: 5


ID Create (Active) | Lvl: 1 «NEW»

ID Escape (Active) | Lvl: 1«NEW»