
The Gamer - Restart

An AU story that retells the Manhwa known as "The Gamer" where our protagonist, Han Jee-Han will be forced to not only grow as a warrior but also as a man while he faces the cruel dangers of the Abyss without his "Gamer's Mind" passive. Rated T as this series will take on a much darker tone as Jee-Han climbs to the top of the Abyss, crushing anyone that gets in his way. ------------------------------- Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manwha written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. He is not using this fanfiction to make profit off of this story.

TheBlackDuelist · Others
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13 Chs

First Fight

"Oh shit! Holy crap, its... it's an actual zombie! This isn't the Walking Dead so why the hell is it even here!?"

Jee-Han's hands began to tremble as he stared into the face of the walking corpse that was joined by two other zombies from the corner street. His heart was working in overdrive and he decided to follow his instincts and run the hell out of there. He ran as fast as he possibly could until he stopped abruptly in front of another hoard of zombies.

"Fuck!" Surrounded on both sides and running out of time as they approached, Jee-Han frantically looked for another possible escape route until he noticed a narrow alley way. He knew that if there was another zombie in there, he was finished. However, he was willing to take that gamble.

"Please god, don't abandon me now!" He made a dash for the alley way as one of the zombies narrowly missed grabbing him and he kept running until he met a dead end.

He swiftly turned around and saw the hoard coming after him in a linear line with the old man zombie at the head of the pack.

"Shit! Well, at least this is better than trying to take them all on from both sides. Okay, just calm down Jee-Han. You've been practicing for this very moment, take a breather and try to think what to do first!"

Thinking back, he remembered his encounter with the Black Slime and how crucial the skill [Observe] had been in pin pointing its weakness.

"That's it!" he mentally yelled and stared at the first Zombie.



Level: 8

HP: 800 (800) | MP: 50

A walking corpse, no matter how it died. It hates the living, attacking and eating its flesh. Although it's slow, its strength is twice as much as when it was alive.

"Okay! Its weaker than the Black Slime so I shouldn't have any problems if I just use Power Strike. Let's do it!"

With his made up, Jee-Han waited for the zombie to get closer and just before it pounced...

"Power Strike!" He yelled with all his fury and smacked the zombie in head, decreasing its HP bar by more than half with a single skill.

«You have obtained 650 EXP!»

"I... I did it!" Jee-Han's celebration was short lives as the zombie directly behind the first one grabbed his shirt, staggering him as he stumbled to get his balance.

"Get the fuck off me!" Jee-Han roared and then did a horizontal swipe with his bat against the zombies head, splattering it against the concrete wall beside them. He jumped back and took a minute to catch his breath as he was feeling the adrenaline, similar to how he felt before. The zombies he had struck earlier had lost a little more than 400 HP and were staggering to come after him again.

"Alright, come at me you bastards!"

The zombies fell one by one as Jee-Han swung his bat, surprised at how much more efficient he was using it compared to during practice. He believed it must have been thanks to his [Blunt Weapon Mastery] skill that was the cause of it and offered a sincere thanks towards it.

"Power Strike!" With one last swing, Jee-Han defeated the last zombie that had come after him in the narrow alley way and dropped to his knees, feeling as if his strength had left his legs.

"Holy... shit. That was close..." He usually didn't believe in miracles but he sure as hell did today. Choosing to use his day off to prepare himself was the smartest decision he had ever made in his life.

"I can't relax yet, I have to check if there's any more of these bastards" He got up and climbed one of the walls boxing him in the alley way. As he pulled himself up, his eyes widened at the huge swarm of zombies that was filling the town on all sides.

"What the... are you serious!?" He couldn't believe his eyes, where the hell did they all come from and why were they all gathered in one location?

Then, his eyes looked upwards and caught a very bizarre sight. In the middle of the sky was a small red sphere that was just floating there.

"What is that thing?" He stared at it for what he felt like hours until the sphere suddenly grew several times bigger and began to swallow the zombies into its endless void.

Jee-Han didn't understand a single clue on what was going on but if it meant getting these zombies away from him, he wasn't complaining.

Before he could celebrate however, a female zombie had climbed up onto the wall parallel to the one he was standing on and made a dash straight for him with its mouth wide open, showcasing its rotting teeth and contaminated bowls.

"Shit!" Jee-Han barely had enough time to react as he thrust his bat inside of the Zombies throat and they both fell backwards and were barely dangling from the thin wall. The zombie was chomping on his bat as Jee-Han had to resist the urge to throw up when he his nose caught wind of the putrid aroma. Mustering up all the strength he had left, he placed his right foot under the zombie's abdomen and flip kicked it over him.

It landed with a thud and before it could get up, Jee-Han quickly rose to his feet and raised his bat over his head and activated [Power Strike], smashing its head in. The zombie disappeared in a black smoke and Jee-Han panted heavily and wiped some sweat from his face.

«You level has increased by one»

Jee-Han didn't give a single fuck about that notification and kept on alert at the zombie still trying to escape the red sphere's vortex but ultimately failed and were killed instantly.

Once all of the zombies had been cleared up, the sphere shrunk back in size and then floated towards a man wearing a tuxedo that was standing on the roof of a house.

"Hey... isn't that the guy..." Jee-Han immediately recognized him as the pedo- I mean man who had engaged the red haired girl the other day.

The red sphere was caught by his hands and crushed in an instant. Sung-Gon nodded his head in satisfaction before raising his hand as if he were placing it against an invisible wall and suddenly, a crack formed in front of his palm.


Jee-Han flinched as he fell to the floor on the wall and looked towards his side, noticing that the barrier thing that he was stuck in before was gone and the lights that weren't in the houses were now there.

"It looks like... I'm back. Thank god." He sighed in relief but quickly looked towards where Sung-Gon had been and noticed he was gone again.

He didn't know what was going on but theorized that the dimension changes and the freaky monsters showing up must have been Sung-Gon's doing.

Jee-Han had been debating whether or not to ask his close friend Sun-Il about all this crazy stuff that was going on. After today's events, he realized he didn't have a choice and if he wanted answers he might as well ask someone who seemed like his best lead.

"The Black Summoner..." he said only above a whisper, wondering what exactly he was planning.

A/N: Phew, that was quite a long chapter compared to the others. I adapted about 3 ½ chapters this time and we finally can get into the juicy stuff regarding the Zombie Legion arc.

Anyone who's read the original Manhwa should notice a few changes here and there but ultimately, it follows the same route.

Look forward to the next one!

Current Stats:

Name: Han Jee-Han

Class: The Gamer

Title: None

Level: 7

HP: 250/250

MP: 280/280

STR: 15

VIT: 9

DEX: 11

INT: 8

WIS: 6

LUK: 9

Points: 15

Money: ₩3000



Rip (Active) | Lvl: 2

Power Strike (Active) | Lvl: 3 «NEW»


Observe (Active) | Lvl: 2

Resistances and Masteries:

Physical Endurance (Passive) | Lvl: 2 «NEW»

Blunt Weapon Mastery (Passive) | Lvl: 5 «NEW»