
The Gamer's Arsenal

Synopsis: Getting the [Boosted Gear] is expected for Issei. What if he gained it a month early and another one as well? Let the Games Begin. . . . Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Nesto_

Nesto_ · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 30

Girls could be scary as hell.

After dinner and his homework, Issei sat back on his bed and thought his next move out. There were only a couple of dens left out of the list he had and then…what? None of the notes he had been finding on the way out of the dens had given any indication of the location of the base of the Purifiers. All the last two had had on them had been reports detailing the training that the rats had been given, with the more recent one asking about the possibility of a stealth unit.

Shelving the question, Issei opened his status window to see the results of his training and levelling.

Name: Hyōdō Issei

Class: The Gamer

Level: 10| Next Level: 5400 EXP

Title: Oppai Baka

HP: 500/500

MP: 325/325

STR: 75

STA: 71

DEX: 81

INT: 28

WIS: 23

LUK: ?

CHA: 43

Attribute Points: 0

¥: 43660

"Well, damn." He said with a whistle. His physical stats were, quite simply, insane. The Kendo club were so far behind it wasn't even funny. He still hadn't been able to get a reading on Rias Gremory, although he had tried. His [Observe] skill was at level 20 right now and it was still getting question marks for all her stats, even her health. Her level had jumped up to Level 43 in just this week. What the hell was she doing to boost her EXP gain?!

Closing the window, Issei got out of his bed and headed to take his shower before heading to bed. He had a lot of work left to do.

"Let's go!" - Regular Speech

'Oppai!' - Thoughts

[BOOST!] - Sacred Gear/Ddraig Speech

Beta'd by BigCC and Harutora75

The Next Day

Hyōdō Residence

"Morning, Otou-san." Issei said as he walked into the kitchen, "You look like hell."

"Thanks." His father grumbled tiredly, "I've been called in early every day this week; it's ridiculous. So many people are down with some bug or another!" he shot his son a look. "Issei, make sure you don't catch any funny colds or whatever at school. That's the last thing I'll need!"

'I don't think you'll have to worry about that, Otou-san.' Issei thought as a small sweatdrop flowed down the back of his neck. He hadn't felt at any less than a hundred percent perfect health since he'd first gotten the [Gaming Gear] and [Boosted Gear]. The worse he'd felt is exhausted after some of the harder dungeons and even that had disappeared completely after 8 hours of sleep.

Of course, there was still the issue about finding a 'suitable lair' to use. He still had ten more levels to go before he ran out of time, but that was hardly an excuse. The best plan would be to find whatever base the Purifiers had and take that from them. Issei considered that it would be ironic enough to be suitable…and Ddraig would probably be amused by it as well.

Dragons were supposed to have big egos right?

If the Rat Dens in Kuō were under the control of the Purifiers, as all the evidence pointed to, then there had to be clues in the remaining dens that might lead him to the location of the Purifiers' main base, or at least the location of their Japanese branch's base.

[By creating a chain of logic that actually makes sense, you gain +1 WIS!]


Ignoring his increasingly snarky and sarcastic gaming power, Issei tucked into breakfast. His mother was washing up the dishes when she spoke up, a smile on her face.

"Issei, the teachers have been educated about why they were wrong to jump to conclusions, but if they do so again, just let me know and I'll give them a remedial lesson."

"Y-yes, Okaa-san." Issei gulped. Man, hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her kids!

[…agreed. You receive +1 INT for being smart enough to realise this.]

Issei felt a tick mark start to emerge on his forehead at this. Either his gamer power was scared of his mother or it was once again mocking him. He wasn't sure which was more preferable in this situation.


In the Middle of Class, Issei's Classroom, Kuō Academy


"Hyōdō Issei-kun, please report to the Student Council Office? I repeat, Hyōdō Issei-kun, please report to the Student Council Office."

Almost at once, the suspicious gazes of the class settled on aforementioned boy, who winced at the stabbing sensation of their glares.

"Oppai-baka!" Katase growled, "What did you do now?!"

"I haven't done anything!" Issei protested.

"A likely story." Murayama snorted.

"I'm serious! Have I ever denied doing ecchi things when I actually did them before now?!" Issei said proudly.

That actually got the class thinking. The correct answer was 'no' in their minds. He had only ever denied doing perverted things when he hadn't done anything, such as a couple of times in the last few days where he had been nowhere near the other two members of the Perverted Trio when they had peeked in at the girls changing.

"Hyōdō-kun, you'd better get going." The teacher called, "You wouldn't want to make Kaichou angry at you."

Issei shuddered. No, he certainly didn't want to make Sona Sitri, as her real name was, mad at him. No sir, he did not want a powerful Devil princess angry at him.

Heading to the Student Council Office, he knocked on the door politely.

"Hello, it's Hyōdō Issei…"

"Please come in." a familiar voice said. Opening the door, he saw that Sona was sitting at the head of the large table that took up quite a bit of space in the room.

Sona Sitri LV45

[Heiress of the House of Sitri/Kuō Academy Student Council President]

Seriously? What the hell were these Devil girls doing that had their levels shoot up so fast?! And at such high levels as well!

"How can I help you, Shitori-kaichou?" he asked, keeping his face straight with some effort.

"It is my understanding that the teachers recently disbelieved your story of the incident you suffered recently." Sōna said icily, her sharp eyes lancing right through Issei like lasers, "Your mother…corrected…their views, but did not go into details. I would like to hear your view on the matter."

"Why?" Issei asked.

"If there is a chance that this person had…colleagues…, then as Student Council President, I must warn the students to be careful and watch out for strange men." She explained, "And the report that your mother gave was…lacking in details."

"Kaa-san was scared out of her wits." Issei sighed, "Damn that man. OK, just…this goes no further than us, and maybe the Vice-President."

"I can agree to that." Sōna nodded, "Take a seat and begin in your own time."

Doing so, Issei told her about the incident with the Purifier Outcast in detail, leaving out the name of the guy, as there should be no way he could know it, and of course omitting his dual Sacred Gear activation.

"That was…quite the ordeal you went through, Hyōdō-kun." The Devil said once he finished, "It was also very reckless of you to attack him like that. Brave as well, but mostly reckless."

"He was going to kill me if I didn't do anything, so I figured I may as well try to resist." Issei shrugged. An idea struck him. This could be a way to warn the Devils about the Purifiers and their targets without exposing himself.

"I think the guy was more than a little unstable in the head, Kaichou." he confessed, "He was ranting while he held us captive and he was going on about Devils and Fallen Angels and regular Angels as if they were real or something."

A twitch of an eyebrow was all the non-verbal reaction Sona gave at this. "Oh?"

"Yeah. He kept monologing that he wanted to kill all of them." The Sekiryūtei said with an exaggerated eye roll as if to say, 'can you believe him?', "He also didn't like people with special powers, like exorcists or witches. I'd have called him a fanatical Christian, except for the fact he wanted to kill regular angels and exorcists too."




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