
The Gamer's Arsenal

Synopsis: Getting the [Boosted Gear] is expected for Issei. What if he gained it a month early and another one as well? Let the Games Begin. . . . Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Nesto_

Nesto_ · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 15

"I take your point, Yuuto." She sighed, "Still, this is troubling. Did you hear the way he referred to the ratmen as 'abominations'? Even with that magically induced monotone and inflectionless cadence he had going, I could tell that he felt nothing but contempt for the ratmen and their pets. Not that I blame him."

"Messy." Koneko opined.

"I think something is being schemed in the shadows." Rias sighed again, "We'll keep an eye out for anything unusual around Kuō, as well as keeping an eye out for whoever it is behind that enchanted device. New to the supernatural or no, I cannot have someone running around killing things on my territory without so much as a by-your-leave. Akeno, can you inform Sona for me? I have to go and meet with Beelzebub-sama soon."

"Of course, Rias." Akeno nodded, "Now, should we leave? It's going to take some time to get the stink of these sewers from our clothes."

"A good point." Rias nodded, "Koneko-chan, if you would?"

Nodding, the reincarnated Nekoshō walked nonchalantly over to the bars in front of the door and punched them into scrap metal, opening the way out for the rest of them.

As her Peerage walked out of the complex, the [King] of the group was deeply troubled. Although her Peerage was busy with school and contracts most of the day and night, it shouldn't have been possible to build two bases such as this inside Kuō Town without her knowledge, yet they were present.

'Sona and I need to have a meeting and talk about this situation so our older siblings don't involve themselves.' Rias thought firmly. She was a King in her own territory and she did not need Sirzechs Lucifer butting in with his sister complex. She loved him dearly, but there was only so much babying that she could take, which was part of the reason why she came to Japan.

The same applied to Sona Sitri, Heiress of the House of Sitri. Serafall Leviathan was, if such a thing was possible, even worse than Sirzechs, treating anything that came against her beloved elder sister as an obstacle that needed to be removed. Sona, like Rias herself, loved her sister, but was very much embarrassed by her antics.

Neither of the Heiresses wanted interference from their all-powerful siblings, so Sona would doubtless agree to share the burden of searching for answers. Sona's servants were not as unique as her own, but she had more of them, seven or eight at the last count compared to Rias' four, one of whom was sealed away.

Yes, this situation would be contained one way or another…then maybe she could concentrate on removing herself from that insult of a marriage contract with Riser Phenex.



Hyōdō Residence

Having gotten back in time for lunch, Issei had enjoyed just sitting down and having a relaxing meal with his mother, which was very rare nowadays, what with school and his dad going to work at all hours of the day and night.

Once lunch was taken care of and the dishes done, he retreated to his room to examine his stats since he had levelled up.

Name: Hyōdō Issei

Class: The Gamer

Level: 7| Next Level: 825 EXP

Title: Oppai Baka

HP: 350/350

MP: 175/175

STR: 45

STA: 41

DEX: 51

INT: 12

WIS: 17

LUK: ?

CHA: 22

Attribute Points: 5

¥: 21212

Wow. That [Awakened Sekiryūtei] trait was really doing wonders for his physical stats. Seriously though, he needed to up his mental ones. He dropped all five points into INT.

"Why is…oh! The Bloodmetal Bracers must affect [Lesser Draconic Charisma] as well!" he muttered in realisation as he looked at his Charisma stat, "Definitely useful! Now, what was the loot from the boss…?"

Reaching into his inventory, he pulled out the two Skill books. Immediately, there was a loud 'Ding!' sound from out of nowhere and a screen popped up.

You have acquired your first Skill Books!

Skill Books allow you to learn the skill they contain. All start at Level 1, just like self-learned skills. You can only learn three skills from Skill Books per day, however, as long as you are below Level 20. Additionally, learning the skill consumes the Skill Book.

Issei was impressed and curious about what kind of skills he had gotten his hands on. Placing them down on his bed, they looked just like writing pads, albeit thin ones. He picked up the first one.

[You have acquired the [Lesser Earth Magic] Skill Book.]

Do you wish to learn this?


"Yell yeah!" he said with wide eyes, "Exactly what I needed!"

Stabbing the 'Y' button, he watched as the book dissolved into blue light and vanished inside of his chest.

Congratulations! You have learned [Lesser Earth Magic]!

[Lesser Earth Magic] (Passive/Active) [LV1, 00.00EXP]

The ability to use magic to create and control the earth and, to a lesser extent, the bounties of the earth. Since ancient times, this has been used to read the future, alter the landscape and other such uses. Lesser Earth Magic is the lowest branch of Earth Magic and is not very powerful. It can be highly useful in certain situations, however.

- Gain a 15% Power Boost to all spells thanks to [Gaia's Blessing].

- Access to Tier 0 and Tier 1 Spells.

Spell unlocked! The Tier 0 [Minor Earth Movement] spell has been unlocked!

Spell unlocked! The Tier 1 [Earthen Fist] spell has been unlocked!

Spell unlocked! The Tier 1 [Earth Shot] spell has been unlocked!

[Minor Earth Movement] [Tier 0] (Active) [Level 1, 00.00 EXP]

The most basic spell in all of Earth Magic, this allows the user to infuse their magic with the earth and alter its composition. The amount of earth affected varies on experience and the amount of power you put into it.

- Costs 5MP per minute.

- Allows the control of one cubic foot of earth or soil. The earth/soil can be moved and shaped, but is still just soil or earth. It cannot be changed, just moved.

[Earthen Fist] [Tier 1] (Active) [Level 1, 00.00 EXP]

A basic application of earth magic, this spell surrounds one of the user's fists with solidly packed earth and rocks, adding armour and upping damage dealt by that fist. It is not indestructible, however and can be overwhelmed by strong enough blows by and to the user.

- Initially costs 30 MP and then a further 10 MP per minute to maintain it.

- One hand, selected by the user at the casting stage, is surrounded in earth and rock, mimicking the movements of the hand.

- That hand receives 5 armour and barehanded damage is raised by 5 as well. This does not take into account modifiers from other skills.

- Armour and barehanded damage raised by 15% to 5.75 by the effect of [Gaia's Blessing].

[Earth Shot] [Tier 1] (Active) [Level 1, 00.00 EXP]

A basic use of Earth Magic for offensive purposes, this simply rips a chunk of earth or rock from the ground, compresses and hardens it and then fires it at the enemy. Costing the most MP most of all the Tier 1 and Tier 0 spells; it is also the only offensive ability in those Tiers. At higher levels, the user can combine this spell with other spells for additional effects.

- Costs 40MP per shot.

- Deals (INT+WIS) multiplied by five, divided by two and plus 15% damage.




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