
Chapter 3


I was about to turn off the TV but was stopped by the broadcaster's mention of a familiar name.


"The actor Maxine Eckhart and the famous model Izekiel Elmir have break up. We interviewed the model Izekiel Elmir on the reason for their break up from the actor."

"Mr. Elmir, why did you break up with Mrs. Eckhart? Did you love her?" Questions from the interviewer to Izekiel.

"Why? Because I want to and because I didn't love her in the 11 years we were together. Are relationships are only ARRANGE." Izekiel answered. "If you don't ask any more questions, I will leave, I have something important to go to, more important than this interview." said Izekiel.

"The actor Maxine Eckhart has not yet given a statement, and the reason for the two's separation is not yet known."

I turned off the TV because I was so confused. I don't know what to feel, whether to be happy or surprised. Happy because Izekiel did something that might ruin his life, and wonders why he did it.

But who are Izekiel Elmir and Maxine Eckhart? Well, Izekiel Elmir is my only Academics Rival. Izekiel is always top 1 while I can't get out of top 2 because of him. Because of being top 2 I get teased, I tried to be him because I thought maybe they wouldn't tease me anymore, but I was wrong they teased me even more.

Maxine Eckhart is Izekiel's girlfriend or should I say ex-girlfriend. Maxine is beautiful and smart and people often mistake me for being her because we look alike. She is also top 3 in our class, Maxine is kind, helpful, and polite, but she is like a leech because she clings too much and follows Izekiel even though he doesn't pay attention to her.

But what I don't understand is why they broke up.

'Hayyss, I don't wanna think about it anymore.' I said in my mind.


To be continued...