
Chapter 1

I was cleaning my studio when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I ignored it and continued to clean, but the knocking got louder so I went to it.

'Who could it be?' I said in my mind.

I opened the door and saw the woman who always comes here.

"Why did it take you so long to open the door, big bro Shawn?" Eunice said.

Eunice is the girl I saved twice, she always comes to my studio after I save her the second time. I'm a year older than Eunice, so she calls me big brother.

"HEY! Are you really not answering me!?" I was shocked when Eunice suddenly screamed.

"Sorry I was thinking something." I said. "What did you say again?"

Eunice sighed in disappointment. "I said why did it take you so long to open the door, my knock was so loud and it take you so long to open the door."

"I'm just cleaning the studio and you can come in even if you don't knock. I gave you a key remember?"

" Umm.. About the key... Well, I lost it heh.."

"I'm not even surprised. Well what else are you doing? Come on in."

Eunice and I entered, we both went to the living room to talk.

"So why did you come here? Did you do something?"

"I didn't do anything brother Shawn. Is there anything wrong with coming here?"

"Well if you say so."


We both talk and hours have passed.