
The Game Of The Gods

Arthur, a human who dreams beyond his abilities. He seeks glory which he can not achieve, he wants power which he cannot succeed. One day, Arthur is at school, upon entering school, he hears the following words. "Welcome challengers, to the Game Of The Gods!" That's where it all began, the Game Of the Gods.

NadezWebnovel · Fantasy
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Chapter 0 - The Reality Of This Cruel World

I'm Arthur, yet another human who dreams beyond the glory which they can achieve. Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted something further beyond my limits, who wouldn't? We live in a world called "Earth". Status, power, and money, only those with the following can succeed in life. But what about those who are poor? God made life unfair, we, the poor who work hard are not rewarded. Yet, those who are wretched achieve a status above us, make us kneel with arrogance, that's why I hate this cruel 'world'.

Today like others, I go to school with zero passion. "What's the point then?" I say the same to myself, what truly is it? Teachers paid minimum wage, students give up at the sight of learning, why do we continue if we gain nothing but pain? Humans. I realised it quite a while ago now, this is all relative to our nature as humans.

I have many friends, but I wonder how many of those are truly friends? Those who are dear to me betray me without hesitation, those who praise my work with no hindsight of my disappointment. Few examples of the many situations I encounter, yet, today is another day at school.

Now, it's period four, the last one. I put my head down towards the table, slowly lean my eyes towards each other and shut down, it's time to regain the energy which I lost. As I slowly deepen my thoughts, I have a dream I've seen for the past four years. The dream which I recollect as the 'Game of The Gods'. Surprisingly, I have no idea why this dream continues so frequently.

Each time I dream of the above, I watch a game. Humans with powers, gods who are evil, a game with no end. They suffer again and again, yet never give up. Those swords which shine bright to exterminate evil, those shields which reflect all damage to their enemies, and those eyes which have a goal, the goal to win and survive.

That's the basic summary of 'what' I dream. Why I watch it so vividly is something I ask myself, there is no such thing called 'mercy' in that game, women, males, and children. All of them are slaughtered without mercy.

At least I don't have to experience that, yet the game brings the only thing which I can call 'joy' to my life. Sure, I feel sorrow, but even at rock bottom myself, I can watch from above.

I guess it's time for the dream to end now, hopefully, today's another good day.

I have no idea what the upload schedule for chapters will be, but welcome to 'The Game Of The Gods'.

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