
The Game Of The Gods

Arthur, a human who dreams beyond his abilities. He seeks glory which he can not achieve, he wants power which he cannot succeed. One day, Arthur is at school, upon entering school, he hears the following words. "Welcome challengers, to the Game Of The Gods!" That's where it all began, the Game Of the Gods.

NadezWebnovel · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Beginning, Of The End

I traveled my day with school, periods ended, the sun disappeared, and finally it was the afternoon, the time which lunch started.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The girl whispered upon my ear, who was she?

"H-huh?" I responded while shaking.

I've always been a victim of bullying, so of course I thought it was another tiger looking upon its prey.

"I'm sorry, you don't know me, right?" She blurted.

"S-sorry, no.." I responded easing into the situation.

"I'm Kim, the new girl at school. You seemed quite lonely, are you alright?" She said with curiosity.

As I was about to think about my response, the ground began to rumble.


Rocks, grass, bricks, all circling without limit. The winds slashed the clouds, the tigers howled with fear. My eyes began to blur as red appeared in the sky, all I could see was a vague image of blue and purple, you could say it was a portal?

"HELP!" "HELP!" The crowd around me began screaming. Even the girl from before was on her knees, dredging with fear. But I knew, I had to take action.

As someone who the majority of people called 'Otaku', 'loser' 'failure', I hadn't done a single successful thing in my life. What was the point? Someone like me could never succeed, I know that as well, but I'll still do what I can. I'm a human, after all.

The portal started to enlarge, I felt dizzy, but I still launched my feet, jumping upon a series of obstacles like rocks, bricks, and concrete. Sand dashed my eyes, I couldn't see anything, my eyes began to clog. But I walked forwards.

Right there, then, the moment I finally took action, I fell.

I couldn't hear anything, the least I could see was an endless abyss. I failed, again.

"What about the girl, is she alright?" I thought.

Of course she wasn't, no one could possibly survive 'that'.

"Are you okay?.. Can you hear me?" Those words repeating in my head, but I couldn't move.

I was stuck in a cage, full of shadows, with no exit. Wolves howling, waiting for me, to finally strike. I had to do something, even if it was impossible.

I ran, like I never have, my sweat fell, tears flew. I arrived, to the end, or the beginning?

I tried to mumble words, but it felt like tape was glued onto my mouth. For the first time in my life, right there, I gave up.

What could I do?

The wolves finally began to come to me, at that moment, I thought it was my last.

With no avail, I sat down, ready to die. My eyes blurry, as a grave appeared upon me.

But as soon as they reached me, a shield protected me.


Towards my grave, I saw a hand.

The hand which I would later call, 'The Hand of God'.