
Chapter 1

"Whew ,..finally I'm done ." I said as the work that I've done is finally finished for the day.

Hello...to all who know me My name is Chase Saunders, I'm Just a normal 16 year old teenager who goes to school at paint branch high school in Burtonsville Md, I have a lot of things to worry about but I'm going to deal with that in the future.

Currently I am finishing Up My school assignment I have to do a six page essay front and back that was due tommarow. Sometimes I think the teacher is trying to work me to death.

You know I'm not much to notice , I'm just like any other average guy with out much talent for the basics, and normal friends. My life is 100% percent average... that is untill today, when I went to check My email.

Something unknown poped up in My email Curious I went to check it out the second I clicked on it a bright light filled the area

" W-whats this?" I said shocked as i looked down My body Slowly Started to dissinagrate from My toes all the way to my chest similar to the result of thanos finger snap except its l a bright white light instead of dust

It took about 1 Minute before I was completely gone


(Unknown Place)

You know the feeling that you have after you finish a 5k race for the first time. well thats exactly how I felt My legs felt Jelly the I felt sick in My stomach I had a major headache.

And youknow what else I don't even know where the hell I am nor how to get back reason being is because I am litterally looking around right now and see... nothing. just a pitch black space that stretches for miles. "what the hell!" I muttered Shocked

I glanced at nothing for a few seconds before I decided that I would look around see if I could find something

I kept looking around for a good couple of minutes trying to see if I can spot something Interesting when I spotted a Silver Orb laying randomly on the ground

Curiosity peeped My interest as I went to go grab it. The second I touched it The orb flickered Blue before it decinegrated into dust .

Just as I was about to Give up. The world suddenly turned white and a voice Boomed In the air it was female but it sounded british

[Welcome Rookie]

"....hi" was the only response that I could think of right now as I was to in shock I mean came you blame me I'm still contemplating if this is a dream or not

[ this is not a dream]

I stared blankly

'this has got to be a prank'

[you have been chosen by gia to become the first Game Master Do you accept]

"To hell with this' I thought "yes"

Suddenly the area flashed a light blue, and what I saw dumbfounded me

There were five Anime names floating on 5 blue blank holographic screensthat surrounded me from each sides Dragon Ball Z , Naruto, Highschool dxd, Fairy tail

I decided this was a dream, and smacked my face really really hard


"Ok.. I guess the thing is right then It would of been a dream if I didn't feel the pain"

[Choose what world you would like to reincarnate too. Remember, when you turn sixteen years of age, you will be allowed to travel to other worlds]

I chose Dragon Ball Obviously reasons cause I like it !

[are you sure you would like to go to this world?]

[yes or no]

I picked yes , and was gone in a flash

(Dragon Ball Universe)

I woke up and I looked around. I realized the position that I was in some type of metal pod with green liquid

Once I looked up I Spotted a familar buff dude with green armor and a blood red head band tied to his forehead "I-Is that bardock?" I looked toward my left spotted my tail my eyes turned to that of happiness and awe increadible

" It worked I'm in the dragonball world and I'm a saiyan" as I looked to my right My eyes widen in shock a at the name that was imprinted on it I may not know japenese but I was a huge fan of dragon ball z and I instantly recognize the name implanted there.

/Kakorot Low Class Saiyan Warror/

"I am Goku!"

how do you like it so far My first book and its very intriguing inspired by all of the other gamer fanfictions any way this will not be like the others

it will not focus on the status or the skills as much

Daiost_600creators' thoughts