
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Her voice and the past

I walk over to the innocent looking girl. She seems so young.. I should ask for her ID.

"Hello," she states so calmly as if her voice is something that is natural. Her voice is so beautiful. Its like there is literal music trapped in her esophagus, "how are you today?"

"I- Uhh-" I take a shaky breath and clear my throat. "I'm fine ma'am, but may I ask to see your ID or drivers license?" I could feel my face become slightly red due to how intently she was studying me.

"Oh yes, here you go," she hands me the drivers license and our hands barely brush each others. It feels like my body is exploding and on fire.. Everything stopped moving for 10 seconds and I swear I could see the whole galaxy in her beautiful crystal eyes. The world begins to spin again. I'm out of her trance and see her drivers license in my hand. Oh shes 21.. Woah she looks so young.

"I'm sorry for brothering you, A-Alula, you just look so young," I say smiling at her and walking to my spot at the counter. I notice her smile back but her smile is so bright and meaningful. She is breathtaking. I sigh and take a deep breath in..she smells like strawberries and vanilla..

She had to be mine. No one has ever made me feel so anxious and happy. No one, not even my first love.

2 years ago:

I run into the alley trying to get away from my biggest fear. The one person I used to be so close to. My own brother was trying to kill me.. It's not my fault that his girlfriend came in to me. I tried to push her away. She kept on kissing me even when I told her to stop. She didnt stop until he walked in.

She blamed me, and he believed her over his own blood.

He believed her. Her. Not me.

I keep telling myself continue running dont give up, but my lungs feel like they have the weight of the world on them. My heart feels like its about to fly out of my chest.