
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 1:Seeing her for the first time

"SHIT!" The greatest alarm clock ever, my room mate yelling,"Willow, I dropped another pipe."

  He better be fucking with me.. He's dropped 2 this week!

  I roll over to see that its only 7:30..

"Why the hell are you smoking this fucking early?" I'm pretty sure I heard the walls rattle with the force behind that yell..

  "I have to see Mia's mom today...had to start the day off right," he says while walking into my dark room. Ryan the only guy I trust at this point. He's about 5'11 and has curly hair. Every girl falls for him, well not every girl..since I'm a lesbian..

  "Oh well have fun. I gotta go to work soon," I groaned mentally but got up anyway. He leaves my room and I finally can find my clothes. A simple outfit: high-waisted black jeans and a tight dress shirt. My normal clothes. Anyway.. I run out of the tiny apartment and get in my car. Time for hell.

Time seems to blur while I play music in my car..and I'm here. I'm a bartender..but this bar is different..yeah this is a gay bar of course makes since a lesbian bartender at the gay bar.. Oh well..

  This is a great job though. I get paid to flirt with girls. Who wouldnt want that job?

  I walk in to see a lot of familiar faces, but one stands out. She looks so young and pure..