

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through realms of immortality as Ciara, the ethereal beauty of the realm, grapples with love, deceit and betrayal. Engaged to Astoria Crown Prince, Karl, before birth but love takes an unexpected twist, leading her to Eldoria, where she encounters Prince Darius. Darius is someone whom people believed to be a dragon. Unknown to everyone, he is merely Karl's dragon vessel.But things changed  When Darius chooses his throne over her and marries Ciara's friend, Fiona. Ciara faces heartbreak; the death of her mother and the return of her memories and powers lead her on a path of vengeance. Now, bowing to her icy destiny, Ciara rises to become the Empress and marry Karl, vowing to avenge her losses and reclaim her rightful place in Astoria realm. Will love, betrayal, and the thirst for power define her destiny? "The Frost Empress" unveils a gripping tale of magic, love, and revenge. ********** "What? Did you just indirectly accuse me of being a thief? How dare you! Do you even know who I am? I am..." Karl interrupted her, and told her that he had no interest in finding out who she was. He assured her that she was free to take the deer. This unexpected response surprised Ciara, as it contradicted the rumors she had heard about Karl. Intrigued, she dismounted from her horse and approached the deer, only to discover that it had indeed been killed by Karl's arrow. Despite this, Ciara refused to accept defeat and turned to face Karl, only to find that he had vanished along with her horse. Confused and frustrated, Ciara muttered to herself, "Wait, could he have taken my horse? But the rumors never mentioned him being a skilled thief." Her anger mounting, she let out a scream of frustration. Meanwhile, Karl couldn't contain his laughter upon hearing Ciara's scream echo in the distance. Ethan, witnessing Karl's amusement, expressed concern for Ciara's well-being. He pointed out that taking her horse may not have been the best decision. With a smile, Karl reassured Ethan, "She will be fine. Aelion is with her, so they will surely find a way."

DEBORAH01 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Selena entered and saw Clarissa talking with her maid, exchanging jokes. "I can't even believe you're smiling when you haven't conceived a child yet," she said, mocking Clarissa. "Is it a happy occasion, or perhaps you're finally pregnant and going to give me a grandchild?"

Ever since Clarissa married Leonard, she had been a changed woman. However, the absence of children after 10 years of marriage had made things difficult for her. People taunted and mistreated her, even within the family and now it is 99 years of marriage without a child. Despite it all, Leonard continued to stand by her side, supporting her.

"I apologize, Mother. I was just making plans for your upcoming birthday. Please don't be angry with me," Clarissa said hastily, rising from her seat.

"Am I a servant or of low birth? How could you be planning your own birthday celebration with the maids? Don't you have the ability to think for yourself?" Selena retorted angrily.

"I'm truly sorry, Mother, but there's no one else to talk to since everyone refuses to engage with me," Clarissa pleaded.

"Why would they want to talk or interact with you when you haven't conceived?" She snapped. "Do you expect them to acknowledge your barrenness as well? Listen carefully and understand this: do not even entertain the thought of planning any birthday celebration for me. Just do nothing and continue to focus on your beauty appearance and enjoy your meals because that is all what you are good at!" With that, she stormed out of the room in a fit of anger.

Clarissa collapsed to her knees, overcome with tears. Although her mother-in-law and everyone had belittled and embarrassed her before, the weight of it all had become unbearable. Her maid offered solace and comfort, but Leonard entered the room without needing to inquire about what had transpired; he already knew that someone had insulted her once again.

"Who hurt you this time?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"It doesn't matter who said it, Leonard. What matters is what was said," Clarissa replied, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm exhausted from it all. I can't pinpoint where things went wrong. The doctors assure me that nothing is physically amiss, but deep down, I know something isn't right. Why am I unable to conceive a child?"

Clarissa's words trailed off amidst her sobs, but Leonard knelt down to her level and enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "I just paid a visit to Lord Aeonius," he gently murmured.

"And what did he say?" Clarissa asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and fear.

"He said we should be a little patient, that we will soon have our daughter," Leonard replied. But as the words escaped his lips, Clarissa's tears intensified. She had heard these promises from Aeonius for nearly a hundred years.

"Let's just continue waiting," she said softly, her voice full of resignation. "You know who Lord Aeonius is. He would never lie to us, let alone lie to the emperor."

Leonard listened attentively, knowing the weight of Clarissa's pain and disappointment. "Do you know what happened two days ago?" she continued, her voice trembling. "I went to the gathering of all noble women, and they all brought their first-born daughters. They never informed me about their children, or else I would have refrained from attending. Vivian embarrassed me by asking why I hadn't brought a child, fully aware of my condition. Vivian insulted me, and I..." Clarissa's voice faltered as her sobbing became uncontrollable.

Leonard held Clarissa tightly, offering comfort and solace as she cried. After a while, he gently guided her to the bed and helped her lie down, hoping that sleep would bring her some relief.


Meanwhile, at the Royal palace, Gilbert approached Aeonius with a stern expression. "I heard Leonard visited you again. How long do you intend to continue lying to them?" he questioned, his tone demanding answers.

Aeonius bowed his head, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "Your Majesty, I do not desire to lie to them," he confessed. "But you know that I haven't been able to find the right spell. However, just yesterday, I was finally able to cast the spell, and I am confident that Clarissa will soon conceive."

Unbeknownst to Leonard and Clarissa, Aeonius was actually the reason behind their inability to conceive. He had been secretly casting spells on Clarissa to summon an ancient immortal, but he continued to deceive them with false hopes, claiming that it simply wasn't their time yet.

Gilbert's expression softened slightly at the news. "Well, that is good news," he replied cautiously. "But it could easily turn into bad news if, perhaps, what you eventually summon is a male instead of a female."

Aeonius paled at the implications of Gilbert's words, understanding the consequences of his actions. He trembled in fear as Gilbert continued to exert his authority. "Aeonius, I promise you and your family a glorious death if you fail me," Gilbert threatened coldly, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Do you understand what I am saying?"

Fear consumed Aeonius as he nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes, Your Majesty. I understand."


After a century of wedded bliss, Leonard and Clarissa, having patiently awaited the arrival of a child, embraced unbridled joy as they welcomed their firstborn, Ciara. Clarissa, transformed by the trials she endured before finally conceiving, faced ridicule from Leonard's family and mockery from Vivian.

Excited to present their newborn to the royal family, the couple brought Ciara to the palace. Young Karl, accompanied by his nanny, entered the Emperor's chamber, where Lady Mirabelle and Lord Marcus, and Lady Clarissa and Lord Leonard were already gathered. Karl's perplexity at their presence shifted swiftly when he noticed his mother is carrying a child.

Gilbert, rising from his seat, beckoned Karl forward, saying, "Come here, dear." Hesitant at first, Karl mustered the courage to approach his father, who guided him toward his. "Do you know who this is?" Gilbert inquired. Karl shook his head in uncertainty, prompting Gilbert to reveal, "This is Ciara, your betrothed. One day, you will be in my position, and she will stand by your side as your wife and Empress."

Karl, curious, turned to his mother and asked, "Why is her face covered?" Gilbert explained, "It is covered so that only you can see her beautiful face." With that, both Gilbert and Laura closed their eyes, slowly unveiling Ciara's face. Karl admired her lovely features, noting a small lotus mark on her left cheek that added to her charm. Gently taking baby Ciara from his mother, Karl approached her nanny and proudly declared, "Benita, look at my wife."

However, the joyous atmosphere took an unexpected turn. Benita, upon locking eyes with Ciara, froze into a ice statue. Karl, bewildered, sought an explanation from his father. Gilbert clarified, "Only you can see her face. Others who attempt will face the same fate as Benita."

Concerned for Benita, Karl queried, "Is she going to remain like this?" Leonard reassured him, "No, Ciara is still a child. Only she has the power to undo this. We'll have to wait until she grows up and learns to release those she has frozen. There are others in the house in the same state."

Karl looked at Ciara, still smiling at him, then turned to his parents with a mix of wonder and responsibility.

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