

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through realms of immortality as Ciara, the ethereal beauty of the realm, grapples with love, deceit and betrayal. Engaged to Astoria Crown Prince, Karl, before birth but love takes an unexpected twist, leading her to Eldoria, where she encounters Prince Darius. Darius is someone whom people believed to be a dragon. Unknown to everyone, he is merely Karl's dragon vessel.But things changed  When Darius chooses his throne over her and marries Ciara's friend, Fiona. Ciara faces heartbreak; the death of her mother and the return of her memories and powers lead her on a path of vengeance. Now, bowing to her icy destiny, Ciara rises to become the Empress and marry Karl, vowing to avenge her losses and reclaim her rightful place in Astoria realm. Will love, betrayal, and the thirst for power define her destiny? "The Frost Empress" unveils a gripping tale of magic, love, and revenge. ********** "What? Did you just indirectly accuse me of being a thief? How dare you! Do you even know who I am? I am..." Karl interrupted her, and told her that he had no interest in finding out who she was. He assured her that she was free to take the deer. This unexpected response surprised Ciara, as it contradicted the rumors she had heard about Karl. Intrigued, she dismounted from her horse and approached the deer, only to discover that it had indeed been killed by Karl's arrow. Despite this, Ciara refused to accept defeat and turned to face Karl, only to find that he had vanished along with her horse. Confused and frustrated, Ciara muttered to herself, "Wait, could he have taken my horse? But the rumors never mentioned him being a skilled thief." Her anger mounting, she let out a scream of frustration. Meanwhile, Karl couldn't contain his laughter upon hearing Ciara's scream echo in the distance. Ethan, witnessing Karl's amusement, expressed concern for Ciara's well-being. He pointed out that taking her horse may not have been the best decision. With a smile, Karl reassured Ethan, "She will be fine. Aelion is with her, so they will surely find a way."

DEBORAH01 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Ciara sat in front of the mirror, with her maid, Flower, gently combing and styling her hair, adorning it with accessories. Ciara, a stunning young lady, inherited her mother's lustrous white hair and blue eyes, is undeniably the most beautiful woman in all three realms. However, she must conceal her face with a veil due to a dangerous lotus birthmark that is on her face.

Flower noticed that Ciara's mood wasn't good, she asked her what had happened and she replied that she was unhappy with everything around her especially, her engagement. Flower reassured her that being engaged to the Crown Prince was a blessing coveted by many maidens but Ciara responded,

"I wish that blessing would go to those maidens who want it. I just want to be free, live my life the way I want, and make friends. All my life, I have been living the lives that people want for me. I have never been able to do what I want. If I do this, they will say it's not proper behavior for a future empress. If I do that, they will say a future empress must act with dignity. I'm tired of people telling me what to do..... I just want to do what I want without anyone controlling or directing me. I want a life of my own." Ciara expressed her dissatisfaction, and tears started to form.

Flower quickly cautioned her that she can't shed any tears because it would bring catastrophe upon the entire world. Ciara yelled at her maid and said,

"So I can't even cry and vent my anger anymore? Even you are telling me what to do. Why can't all of you just leave me alone and let me be?"

Flower bursted into tears and started crying heavily. Ciara, surprised by her actions, asked her why she was crying and she replied, "My lady, since you are not allowed to shed any tears, then I will shed them for you," and then she continued crying until Ciara started laughing, and they both laughed at each other.

Flower finished dressing her up, then Ciara decided to pay her parents a visit. On her way, she overheard the maids talking about the Crown Prince and how they all wished to be with him, praising his dominance and power. This only made her more annoyed, and even strengthened her dislike for him.

"It seems like those maids are less busy, tell them to clean my chamber and I must not see a single dirt" Ciara ordered. "But the maids already have it cleaned this morning," a maid replied

"Really....then let them clean it all over again " Ciara said and proceed to her parents' chamber. When she reached their chamber, seeing the expression on her face, Ciara's mother, Clarissa, asked her daughter what was wrong. Ciara, immediately fell to her knees and started begging the two of them to cancel her engagement with the Crown Prince.

"Mother... Father... Have I ever asked anything from you before? I just want you to do this for me, and I will always do whatever you say. I promise I will become a proper lady. I will concentrate on my training immediately and will not slack away from my responsibilities. Please, just help me cancel the engagement, and I will never ask for anything again."

But Clarissa replied her, "Ciara, we are your parents, and we will never make a wrong decision for you. This engagement wasn't made by us but your grandparents and the Emperor as well. All we know is that your grandparents did something good for the royal family, which is why the Emperor and Empress created this alliance. It is not within our power to break the engagement. Becoming an empress is what would be best for you and the entire realm."

Ciara looked at her father, hoping for him to say something different from her mother, but he also seemed to agree with what Clarissa said. She then angrily got up on her knees and yelled at her parents, "Why is it that you always pretend that everything is for my sake when it's clear that you're doing this for yourselves? Just say the truth. You've never cared about me. You just want a tool to gain more power and increase your influence in the court. Am I really nothing just than a tool to you. My happiness has never been one of your priorities, has it?"

Ciara's father, Leonard, was shocked by what she uttered because Ciara had never, not even once, spoken to them in that manner before.

As he moved closer to her to explain, Ciara took a step back, looked into her father's eyes with pain and sorrow, and then ran out of their chamber. Ciara's parents may come across as individuals who prioritize their positions, status, or careers over their child. They may appear ambitious and driven, often focusing on their goals and accomplishments. However, beneath this outward image, their true motivation lies in their deep love and care for their child. Clarissa looked into Leonard's eyes with emotional pain, and he told her that one day Ciara would understand that all of this was just for her. He then hugged her.

Without waiting for her maid, Ciara ran with all her might, hoping to be able to get away from everything. However, it was just an impossible wish because spells had been casted all over the mansion, so Ciara could not leave even if she wanted to. She bent down on her knees near the fountains and looked at her reflection in the water, seeing herself as one of the most pitiful girls in the whole realm. Flower later brought a fur cloak to cover her and told her that her parents were doing their best for her. Ciara looked at her and then hugged her. After sobering up, she was escorted back to her chamber where she lay down and slept.

***Lady Mirabelle's Mansion***

Vivian sought out her mother, finding her amidst the vibrant garden. "Mother, here you are. I've been looking around for you," she said, embracing her from behind as Mirabelle tended to the flowers.

"Why would you be looking for me in my husband' house?" Mirabelle questioned. "I don't understand. What do you mean?" Vivian replied, puzzled. "I meant I'm in my husband's house, so why would you be looking for me when you should be in your own husband's house?" Mirabelle clarified.

"Did Edward say anything to you or father?" Vivian inquired, trying to grasp the situation.

"Why are you asking me that? Did you do something for him to complain?" Mirabelle responded. "No, I didn't. You know how he is, never satisfied and always complaining," Vivian explained. "Of course, he'll complain because he married a monster. If he had been a mortal, he would have died long ago because of you and your attitude," Mirabelle scolded.

"If he is, then he would have died many decades ago, and I would have been happy to have him gone from my life," Vivian retorted. Mirabelle, disapprovingly, chastised her daughter for such words about her husband. She then instructed Vivian to see her father in his chamber. As Vivian hugged her mother and left, Mirabelle watched her go, wishing she had the power to instill more responsibility in her daughter.

Arriving at her father's chamber, Vivian was met with a cold reception. He instructed her to return to her husband's house and forbade her from coming back to his mansion unless invited. Frustrated, Vivian confronted her father, "Why Edward? Is he the only man in this realm? You married your favorite daughter to a Lord, their children engaged to the crown prince, and you married me to a common guard. How could you be so cruel? You knew I had feelings for Leonard, yet you gave Clarissa to him. Why is that?"

"I have nothing to say to you. Just return to your home, Vivian," Henry replied sternly, and Vivian stormed out, her anger palpable.

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