
The Freedom Quest

Born half Chinese and half Japanese in war-torn China, Xiao Chang struggles to survive as he faces discrimination and persecution due to his Japanese heritage. However, his life takes a turn when he discovers the mastermind behind his suffering and sets out on a mission to infiltrate the enemy's army and seek revenge for his mother. Just as he's about to achieve his goal, Xiao Chang receives a message that changes everything. He's tasked with a quest to save China, forcing him to question his priorities and whether to continue his revenge mission or embark on The Freedom Quest to save his country and its people. As the last hope for his people, Xiao Chang faces tough choices, dangerous missions, and unexpected allies and enemies along the way. Will he choose revenge or redemption? Will he be able to save his country and find his own peace in the process? Join Xiao Chang on his thrilling and emotional journey in The Freedom Quest. With its compelling characters, historical backdrop, and gripping storyline, this novel is sure to captivate readers and leave them wanting more.

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Chapter 2: The Pact of Shadows

Upon Santo's arrival, he wasted no time in summoning the army doctor to attend to Xiao Chang's injuries. The command was clear: spare no expense in providing the boy with the best care possible. Santo despised the thought of any Chinese citizen harming his men, and he made sure that the consequences were swift and severe. It was a widely known fact throughout China that those who dared to harm a Japanese soldier rarely lived to see another day. The few brave souls who had defied this unwritten rule had mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only whispers and fear. The Chinese were trapped within the confines of their own land, living as prisoners under the watchful eyes of their oppressors.

In his feverish sleep, Xiao Chang called out to his mother, his voice filled with desperation and anguish. The attending nurse, noticing his distress, gently tried to comfort him. "I am here, boy. Your mother is safe, and no one will harm her," she assured him, though deep down, she knew the truth. Xiao Chang stirred, his eyes fluttering open, only to be met by the unfamiliar face of a woman who seemed far too young for her claimed age. It confirmed the rumors that had circulated—Major Santo's wife possessed an unnatural youthfulness, a result of his perverse demands. As Xiao Chang attempted to make sense of his surroundings, the woman greeted him with a smile, relieved to see that he had regained consciousness.

"Finally awake, are you?" she said, her words carrying a hint of playfulness. Xiao Chang nodded, silently questioning why he was in this unfamiliar place. As the memories flooded back, he realized the delicate nature of their plan. One misstep, and his life would be forfeit. He knew the major would inquire about the previous day's events, and he must tread carefully, playing his part to perfection.

Within moments, Major Santo entered the room, his presence commanding attention. Without wasting any time, he addressed Xiao Chang, his tone tinged with annoyance and concern. "Tell me, boy, what happened? Why were you in such a state on the street?" His primary focus was on extracting information, showing little regard for Xiao Chang's well-being.

Through tears, Xiao Chang mustered the strength to speak, "I am Japanese, but the Chinese murdered my mother this morning." He paused, wiping away his tears with a trembling hand. "They attempted to kill me as well, but thanks to your timely arrival, I was saved." His voice cracked with grief, his words carefully chosen to move the hardened major.

The major's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "The Chinese dared to harm you and your mother to this extent?" he growled, his fists clenching.

"Yes," Xiao Chang replied, his tears flowing freely. "I implore you, Major, I want to teach them a lesson myself."

The major regarded him with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Explain, how do you plan to accomplish that?"

"I want to become a soldier," Xiao Chang declared, his voice filled with determination. "I will become stronger, strong enough to protect those I care for, to avenge my mother. Only by becoming stronger can I succeed."

Santo's lips curled into a sly smile, his gaze fixated on Xiao Chang. "I admire your spirit, young one. Those who refuse to surrender to defeat have my respect. I like your style," he chuckled darkly.

Unbeknownst to Santo, the one Xiao Chang sought to protect and teach a lesson to was the very man who stood before him, unsuspecting. Xiao Chang's heart pounded with a mix of trepidation and resolve, knowing that the path he had chosen was one fraught with danger and deception. Little did Major Santo realize that his newfound "adopted son" harbored a secret agenda, a clandestine mission to dismantle the very structure that had taken him in.

"What is your name?" Santo inquired, expecting a Japanese response.

Xiao Chang hesitated, a flicker of defiance igniting within his eyes. "My name is Masaru," he replied, choosing a Japanese moniker instead.

Santo raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "A Japanese name? I thought you claimed to be Chinese."

Xiao Chang met Santo's gaze, unyielding in his determination. "I refuse to change my name. Being a Japanese with a Chinese name is an insult. I will carry this name proudly."

A hint of admiration glimmered in Santo's eyes, a spark of amusement dancing across his features. "I see. I appreciate your audacity, Masaru. It seems I've grown fond of your unconventional spirit."

And so, ten-year-old Xiao Chang, now known as Masaru, officially became the adopted son of Major Santo—a wicked Japanese figure who would unknowingly serve as the catalyst for his own downfall. Masaru played his role meticulously, concealing his true intentions while nurturing his determination for retribution.

POEM continuation....

Our streams run red with blood,

Instead of the crystal clear water that once flowed in abundance.

Children cry out in pain,

Not for their mother's milk, but for the dead that remain.

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