
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Father Son Bonding

 My eyes open to see my dad next to me pushing against my arm to wake me. What surprised me the most was less being woken up and more of the fact that my UI was still active. Which completely confused me. Was i still dreaming, and if not how am i still seeing this ui.

 having to ingnore this conundrom for a second i yawned and stated. "I guess must of fallen asleep watching tv. Did you get the car fix?" I sat up stretching about still wanting to go back to sleep to continue. but i knew i still had a few more things to do.

we bidded my grandma fairwell and took off back down the hill with the van. thats when i remembered "Dad weren't we suppose to eat at grandma's"

He looks over for a split second. "oh yeah i had forgotten the car took so long i guess it slipped my mind. We can get something to eat at home at least your mother wanted to make some chili tonight."

"oh ok i like moms chili" I let out a sigh cause i was hungry, but knew the wait would be well worth it. we got home and exited the van, my dad drags me to the back yard.

"ok son time to teach you how to fight." My dad lets out a smile.

"yeah its what I've been waiting for all day" I really just wanted to spend time with him over learning too fight.

 Alright son first things first your stance. You need your legs apart but stable so you cant get pushed over" He placed me into the proper stance my legs moved so one was forward and the other behind. he lightly pushes me and surpriseingly i did maintain my balance. My battle log pops up with


well this is interesting I thought to myself

alright now that you have the stance put your hands here and here, fist closed" He moves my hands into position "you will lead with your right since your right handed and quickly jab with your left.

He puts himself into the same stance and deminstrates by throwing his left hand out and jabbing with his right

Curious i asked my dad "Dad why are you using your left?"

He lets out a chuckle "Im left handed son have you forgotten"

I looked at him a bit embarrassed "Oh, Yeah i had forgotten for a second sorry"

he lets out a little laugh again. So lets see how you do now. Just swing at me lightly" I start to swing like i was told right right left right right left. 


I think to myself wait this is boxing so i look up at my dad "is this boxing dad"

"good eye son this is how i learned how to fight. i use to be a boxer when i was your age."

surprised i said "cool so your teaching me how to box then"

"well yes but it will come in handy i promise"

"i want to learn a martial art though like TKD"

"Well boxing is a martial art but i do know someone that teaches a class. We could join that"

I nodded my had and swing a couple more times

"good Job your learning fast"

Little does my dad know my battle log keep rolling telling me my mastery is going up while doing so. on the plus side my stamina is staying about the same since im not exerting myself. I guess this would be a technical training partner to beef up you Masteries.

So on top of me enjoying spending time with my dad im actually increasing my skills and abilities. I am more curious about why these abilities are happening all of a sudden and if im in an etternal dream that im not just waking up from.

 As i was thinking about these matters I feel a slug across the face. My dad had just gotten a hit in on me. It was a light tap but i still felt the connection. Surprised i look up at my dad who lets out a laugh. 'you cant be distracted in the middle of a fight you have to always be attentive. Even if you are just sparing with your father." 

 I swing a little forward to get my revenge with a smile on "That wasnt fair dad you should be nicer to your son. Now its time for me to get you back." 

 as i start to get my revenge on my father i noticed that in my battle log something weird but it went by so fast i didnt have a chance to see what it said. In that one instance of distraction he came in and clocked me harder this time in the jaw. 

 i rub my Jaw for a second as my battle log stated you losed twenty health. "Ouch dad why did you hit so hard."

Him looking surprised "sorry buddy we got into it so much there i lost focused and got a bit excited. But at least i was swinging lightly. Your doing very well though, we should call it a day and head inside though its starting to get dark."

 I nod my head in agreement "Ok dad but this was pretty fun we should do it again sometime"

My Dad let out a smile "It was pretty enjoyable but you know i dont have much time to do much. This was just lucky i had some time off to help you."

 A Sinking feeling hit my stomach as my emotions suddenly came down Him seeing this he states to me. "Its ok son there will be other chances to spend time with each other, just not in this fashion, like if you want to watch me work on vehicles and stuff like that i wouldnt object or the few hours ill put aside for TKD classes would also be something we could do. I want you to know one thing though son."

 I looked up at him with the sinking feelig fading "What would that be"

 Him looking a bit more serious now "Dont ever fight with out a good reason or unless you are to defend yourself. if i find that you have you will be in a royal amount of trouble. You need to take the skills you learn and be responsible for your actions at all times. Do you understand!"

 A little uneased on where this was coming from i give a nod "Y..Y..Ye....Yes Father I Promise."

With the agreement struck we headed inside where The smell of chli filled the air. Making our way from the porch to the kitchen i see my mother at the stove mixing the chili up in a big pot. The bowls , cheese and crackers on the counter.

 She looks over at us with a smile "Chili will be done shortly, i Hope you guys are hungry cause i made alot."

 We both nod our heads we hadnt eaten all day. My dad walks up to her and gives here a hug and a kiss. After my mom said "Thanks hunny the girls are in the other room watching something but we will also be joined by my parents. They should be here soon enough."

My dad sighs "we have to deal with your Dad tonight i am not looking forward to that."

My mom lets out a laugh "I know hes not that best but they are short a bit this week plus my mom had a bit of a fall so i felt that we should help out a bit."

 My dad looks a little surprised "She fell! Is she alright how did it happened"

 My mom lets out a sigh "Well she missed a step when they were leaving the other day and shes a big lady, so when she did so she tumbled down to the ground into the gravel of there drive way . It wasnt enough to need medical attention but she has plenty of cuts and brouses on her right now."

 He looks back to me who was still standing by the fridge by the entry way. "Buddy do you mind going across the street and helping your grandma Phillous over here. She could use the hand, plus your grandfather is pretty old as well so i dont think he will be able to do it on his own."

 Letting out a sigh "Ok dad i guess if i have to ill head over, but only for grandma."

 "Thanks buddy ill be helping your mother get things ready while you do so" 

I start to walk out the door and hear them whispering as i shut the door behind me.