
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Hero?

 "The night sky Cloudy Like mischief is in the air. Nothing good ever happens on these nights. A little Misty The time is Twelve am. I'm doing my normal patrols through out the city. A dangerous city crime has raised by two percent. What this town needs is a hero! Luckily with my Ability of flight, I! SHALL! BE THEIR HERO! For i am The Red Lightning. " 

 He steps back from the roof edge a Man in a red jump suit with his blue underwear on the outside and a black eye mask over his eyes. He looks back toward a shorter man who had the same type of costume on but with a reverse color scheme. "what do you think Blue Lightning? Is it a great day for some heroism"

 The short one looks over at Red Lightning and gives out a sigh "I don't know why you think this is cool. Also i cant do much anyways all i can do is hear really well, its not like ill be much help in this. Also George why are we pretending to be hero's."

 Red Lightning loses his composure for a second "Come on blue you cant just use my name like that we need to stay in character, other wise other people will know are secret identities"

 Blue gives of another sigh "We aren't hero's i don't even understand what you think we can do, i mean all you can do is fly its not like you can do anything really special to battle with like super strength or laser vision. Your not Steelman you know."

 Red start to get back into character "Why my little sidekick you are me ears and my flight is all i need to be a hero. We will be remembered for what we do here today."

 Blue gives a glimpse down to the ground and gives off another sigh, "Fine Red Ill Listen closely just give me a moment i Doubt we will find any crime anyways. Since we have done this night after night now with nothing to show for it."

 Red moves back to the edge of the roof top "thank you blue just because we haven't found one yet doesn't mean we wont find one today. Besides no crime means great things means everything has been safe thus far."

 Blue listens carefully to hear for anything that could be of use to Red sweeping the city building by building. Hearing nothing but people in bars having fun and people walking around. He could even hear the moans of some people enjoying some private time in there bedrooms. Through all of it he hears a crash, Not a car crash but like glass shattering.

 "Red the Jewelry store on 5th and 9th has been broken into." 

 With that Red leaped off the building falling to his dooms floor by floor. As he continues to fall you can hear him whisper "Come on... come one... work...." he continues to speed faster and faster to the ground not seeming to take flight. As you could her him Yell louder hitting the second floor of the building "COME ON GOD DAMNH IT!" When finally a gust of wind felt pushing up on read lightning inches from the ground. As he starts to take flight he starts to gain altitude as people on the street level see him fly by.

 As if to show of his heroism he keeps himself in full view of all pedestrians. He starts to pick up more speed on his flight moving from street to street. Passing by each building almost in a blur. He takes a few sharp curves as the speed of his flight almost rams him into a few buildings avoiding cars as if showing off to the public.

 he makes it to the Jewelry store, the Roads are clear of all pedestrians. Silence fills the air as the only thing that can be heard is the distant car horns. He comes to a Jolting stop as dust flies up into the air. He Gently sets himself down onto the sidewalk in front of the bricked jewelry store. A Giant Hole sits right in the display window area as if to of been broken by something massive. 

 Him seemingly confused as to see no one in sight of the place or the broken glass. The Alarm wasn't going off either as if there was no robbery taking place. But the Giant hole in the window stated other wise. So he walks a bit closer to the store broken Window and peaks in as stealthfully as possible to get a good view into the store


 Hearing nothing he decides to lift himself into the air carefully moving himself into the store through the broken window. Narrowly avoiding the glass as he looks around seeing nothing that seemed out of the ordinary besides the glass laying everywhere. he moves to the center of the store to get a better look around the scene. Yet still nothing seemingly wrong. 

 He then Yells out "Red Lightning is here! You better come out and surrender you vile villain!"

 His voice rang in the silences of the building as nothing happened, no movement, no sounds. The Store was peer black only the light from the streets could be seen inside the store. There were some clicks from the window as glass starts to fall onto the ground. The air stale with the scent of blood, an iron taste that wouldn't normally be there.

 With nothing in sight he yell out "Ha! I scared you away I didnt think id be so well known already among you vill...." He gets cut off with a loud Alarm Noise, flashing lights going off all around him. In the flashes of the lights he notices from the corner of his eyes a body half eaten in the corner of the store.

 He hadn't noticed it before because of how dark it was. He lets out a heave as he throws up all over the floor from the sight of such a gruesome display. He then realizes he is in a bad situation as he regains his composure and bolts of out the broken window, Slashing himself on the glass in the frantic escape. 

 Police cars come rushing up to the building as he makes it out of site before they had arrived. Just before that from down below a darken figure watches as he fly's out of site and starts to walk out casually passing the scene as if nothing had happened.